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  1. #1

    I have a Question for somebody a Turbine to Answer

    Could we get a ETA for when the new servers , New PvMP Map and PvMP changes are all going to go into effect ? This is something thats badly needed as all the other games are now making money off of the PvP its just something that only makes sense to do asap.
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  2. #2
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    There is no confirmed new PVP map. They have only said that they are looking at it. There is no guarantee it will ever happen, so you will not get an ETA for a feature that has not been confirmed, since we often do not even get ETAs for confirmed features.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    We are working on putting together more information.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Frelorn View Post
    We are working on putting together more information.
    Thank you Sir
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  5. #5
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    Jun 2007
    The problem that Turbine has is the unreliability of their ETAs. They will give us one when they are reasonably confident that:

    1) It will go actual and not be cancelled like the housing update.
    2) The date given has high confidence of being the real date.

    Once such example of a mistake being made was a Turbine employee stating that the PvP changes would go live in 2014 with was it Update 14? Delayed to Update 15? Did not arrive with Update 16.

    My personal opinion as always.

    Turbine is focused on the new character transfer tool, server move and server consolidation at this point. Turbine does not have firm date for this stuff. Until these activities are complete, they are not going out on a limb with a date for new content.

    Unless of course, Turbine hits another big bump in the road for their server move and consolidation. Turbine had to take a weather delay due to all the snow in winter for Boston.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Frelorn View Post
    We are working on putting together more information.
    And when can we expect this information as that is what is being asked, this answer is just not saying anything at all sorry to say!
    | Irithyll R10 Lore-master | Meraithe R10 Rune-keeper | Kyreena Minstrel R8 |
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    The problem that Turbine has is the unreliability of their ETAs. They will give us one when they are reasonably confident that:

    1) It will go actual and not be cancelled like the housing update.
    2) The date given has high confidence of being the real date.

    Once such example of a mistake being made was a Turbine employee stating that the PvP changes would go live in 2014 with was it Update 14? Delayed to Update 15? Did not arrive with Update 16.

    My personal opinion as always.

    Turbine is focused on the new character transfer tool, server move and server consolidation at this point. Turbine does not have firm date for this stuff. Until these activities are complete, they are not going out on a limb with a date for new content.

    Unless of course, Turbine hits another big bump in the road for their server move and consolidation. Turbine had to take a weather delay due to all the snow in winter for Boston.
    Just to be clear a ETA or 2015 is plenty for me. I am a software developer for my living and so i completely understand the ETA thing. But i mean zero info about anything just makes people not believe that its even going to happen ( i believe turbine and i am trying to tell others who always complain that is going to happen also) so i think a eta or some sort of info is needed so people can stop saying that "The game is dead" blah blah blah. This game is awesome and i am excited for everything that they are working on and i just want something as proof so i can prove to people that it really is going to happen .
    LotroComplete - Get it in the App Store Today.
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  8. #8
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    I have to agree somewhat with what Yula said a few comments ago and add Turbine does have a history of over promising and under delivering. However, having said that I continue to support their game financially and root for it's overall success.

    I am a huge Tolkien fan! There isn't a fantasy IP out there that has been able to keep my attention and spark my imagination like world of Middle-earth has done! If I were living my own fantasy and could have some say over at Warner Bros. I would personally see to it that Turbine had all the resources necessary to properly flesh out this MMO based on arguably one of the greatest fantasy stories the world has ever been told!

    I am reasonably confident that our current Turbine team has the desire and commitment to make LOTRO equal to that of the grandeur of the LOTR trilogy however..., there just doesn't appear to be sufficient resources available for this. Nevertheless, Turbine probably does the best they can do with what they have to work with and isn't that the most we can expect from them or anyone else for that matter... including ourselves?

    For that Turbine you have my appreciation and my continued support (and allocated gaming moneys) until the very end!

    Welden of Elendilmir

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    The answer to all your questions about the Server Move to NJ, Transfer System, PvMP, and probably other issues are as follows:
    Turbine does not, at this moment in time, have an engraved in stone, definitive, conclusive and all-inclusive plan on what exact steps will take place and exactly when in time they will occur. Please stand by... indefinitely.

    Give Turbine a break. They cannot provide you with info when they do not have definitive answers themselves. Turbine is working on gaining those answers, but programming is a strange thing and a minuscule change (let alone an error), can have bizarre results in unrelated areas.

    Monday, May 18ths maintenance was probably a major effort to not only back-up the files and generally get things ready for the server move, it was also a period when Turbine could run a number of new and unique reports and perform several test runs, getting real world (as opposed to theoretical) results. They've still got to look at those results, correlate data, and form an opinion on how to move forward from there. And then test that resulting answer to make sure that it does what was expected.

    Turbine is doing the best that they can to resolve these issues - and probably others that we're completely ignorant of. While I don't like waiting any more than any of the rest of you, demanding an answer when there is no definitive answer yet, is not going to help. That is tantamount to a child having a tantrum because they are not getting their way. Yes, I realize some may find that comment offensive, but it is accurate. Play the game, or not, as you find most appropriate for yourself and your circumstances.

    Please re-read the topmost red paragraph again. That is the only absolute answer we have at this instant in time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Katee-Eick View Post
    And when can we expect this information as that is what is being asked, this answer is just not saying anything at all sorry to say!
    I'm approximating from memory, since IMDB doesn't
    seem to provide the quotation:

    Pope: When will it be ready?
    Michaelangelo: When it is finished.
    Pope: When will it be finished?
    Michaelangelo: When it is done.
    Pope: When will it be done?
    Michelangelo: When it is ready.

    As the mother of a daughter who went a week overdue
    and a son who went three weeks overdue, I am
    familiar with the feeling of impatience; but sometimes
    we just have to wait until there's an answer to give.
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by AccessDenied View Post
    The answer to all your questions about the Server Move to NJ, Transfer System, PvMP, and probably other issues are as follows:
    Turbine does not, at this moment in time, have an engraved in stone, definitive, conclusive and all-inclusive plan on what exact steps will take place and exactly when in time they will occur. Please stand by... indefinitely.

    Give Turbine a break. They cannot provide you with info when they do not have definitive answers themselves. Turbine is working on gaining those answers, but programming is a strange thing and a minuscule change (let alone an error), can have bizarre results in unrelated areas.

    Turbine is doing the best that they can to resolve these issues - and probably others that we're completely ignorant of. While I don't like waiting any more than any of the rest of you, demanding an answer when there is no definitive answer yet, is not going to help. That is tantamount to a child having a tantrum because they are not getting their way. Yes, I realize some may find that comment offensive, but it is accurate. Play the game, or not, as you find most appropriate for yourself and your circumstances.

    Please re-read the topmost red paragraph again. That is the only absolute answer we have at this instant in time.
    This is probably the most ignorant post I've read in a while (especially that red quote). Sure, I do see some from time to time, but I don't reply to most of them. This one I will reply to, because you are being nothing but self-centered.

    Do you realize most of us still pay for this game? Some pay in forms of TPs, and some still pay subscriptions. Nobody is demanding anything that requires superpowers. All that people want is a timeline (and hopefully soon an action) on lag-free and populated servers, so they can play this multiplayer game and you respond by saying "Please stand by... indefinitely." That is worse than a politician, even they are not that ambiguous.

    Have you tried playing on any server which isn't large like Brandywine/Landroval? Do you know what the situation is like? There's hardly any group activity on our server, no one to run the new instances with, and the pool of people who are willing to run lvl 100 group content on the entire /world channel is around ~10 people on our server. There hasn't been any PvP activity on Elendilmir since U16. I'm pretty confident that most other servers are in the same situation.

    I thought this was a community page. It's not about what I and you want. It's not about what I and you expect. It's about what 'we' want and expect. Though, there is more of a 'need' now from the community, rather than want. If you don't believe it, go check out the 21 pages of New Transfer Features thread on the official discussions, and countless other threads asking for newer servers and mergers, just like this one. I don't remember which staff member, but somebody from Turbine promised the player base that these new features will roll out in early Spring. Early Spring has come and gone, and we are still in the same boat. What do you expect the people to ask, if not about server mergers and improvements? When is the Spring festival coming? Please.

    Calling people childish just because they ask for a timeline on server improvements and mergers, so they can play this game (that they pay for) more smoothly and with more people, tells me nothing about you, but the fact that you are yourself, a selfish and a self-centered child.

    P.S. Please don't use red color next time, it's very hard to read. If you really want to emphasize something, put it in quotes, or perhaps increase the font size. Thank you.
    Last edited by Araphorn; May 19 2015 at 07:25 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    Turbine is focused on the new character transfer tool, server move and server consolidation at this point.
    Turbine has two things that need to be established before we even get to a new Pvmp map.

    1} Fix the absolute horrible lag/rubberbanding and horrific low fps in newer areas on their server providers. I play many....many different games on my computer and never have I experienced such terrible server experience and service such as this game. Every other game that I play on my computer runs as smooth as silk so please don't tell me "it's my system"....which brings me to my next point.

    2} New servers and transfers. Lets get this going Turbine....quickly please. And I do hope that the new server providers in Amsterdam and New Jersey are way better than what you have given us in Boston. This needs to happen asap...or before.

    It's pretty sad when I can't even run watcher and turtle without freezing and the game becomes completely unplayable. What an unfortunate experience that is and it shouldn't be.

    I haven't even got to Rohan yet. Did I waste my money for nothing Turbine? I hope not....and I do hope you fix the servers and the horrific lag/rubberbanding/fps debacle.

    If you're more concerned with a new Pvmp map than what I have commented on...how unfortunate for your customers.
    “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

    ~ Bilbo Baggins * J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Araphorn View Post
    Do you realize most of us still pay for this game? Some pay in forms of TPs, and some still pay subscriptions.
    Yes I do. I spent several hundred dollars in 2015, directly on LotRO. This year, I don't have the leeway to invest as much. And yes, I've farmed TP on throw-away characters as well. So I know exactly how much effort and/or expense players can put into the game.

    you respond by saying "Please stand by... indefinitely." That is worse than a politician, even they are not that unambiguous.
    I'll get back to this one in a bit, see below.

    Have you tried playing on any server which isn't large like Brandywine/Landroval? Do you know what the situation is like?
    I know exactly what it's like because 98% of my /played time is on a Server that it's inhabitants are positive is going to be shut down. We knew that pretty much from the moment Vyvyanne posted her Letter. It has not adversely affected my enjoyment of LotRO. BTW, I have never played on Brandywine or Landroval, ever, in more than 4 years of LotRO. And just to account for the rest of my play time, the remaining 2% is my investigation of other Server populations; when my server is closed I hope that this investigation will allow me to find a suitable community.

    It's about what 'we' want and expect. Though, there is more of a 'need' now from the community, rather than want. If you don't believe it, go check out the 21 pages of New Transfer Features thread on the official discussions
    Yes, I read the vast majority (but not all) of that thread, I even posted into it. And while I agree that there is a wide assortment of suggestions, it is all player speculation. There is little or no definitive info from Turbine posted there (or elsewhere) - because Turbine doesn't have the answers. This is the point that everyone asking for answers, repeatedly, seems to be missing.

    This is also the exact point where tantrums are occurring. People are demanding answers from Turbine who is working on these issues and attempting to finalize them. But, as noted in my previous post, at this moment in time there are no such answers anywhere among WB/Turbine's staff. If Turbine doesn't know, how do you expect them to answer the player's constantly posting and re-posting the same request, "When? I have to know. When?" If such players won't wait for Turbine to post their official info, once it's known no matter howlong it takes, then yes players do need to be told to "Please stand by... indefinitely". Because, the constant barrage of Forum messages and World Chat discussions on the subject devolve down to this same iteration: Q: "When? How? I have to know." A: "Please stand by... indefinitely". I'm not being rude, I'm being accurate. I would say "Please stand by... until 03:17:49 EST on Thursday, May 21st" if I knew that Turbine was going to have an answer then. I don't know that. So I provided the only time period I could - indefinitely. All these players are going to have to wait until Turbine provides answers. That is the reality of the situation.

    I don't remember which staff member, but somebody from Turbine promised the player base that these new features will roll out in early Spring. Early Spring has come and gone, and we are still in the same boat.
    Yes, we were told that things should occur by Spring. We were also told that there were substantial delays due to weather (ie, Snowpocalypse), Event scheduling issues, unforeseen programming difficulties and other interruptions which set the timing back, although they hoped to have some more definitive answers in the summer. While not specifying an exact date, that message did provide more info and has not yet been invalidated (summer hasn't started yet in Boston). I don't know if you personally read that info, but I remember it being posted although I cannot provide a link at the moment. Should be find-able in the Dev Tracker though.

    Calling people childish just because they ask for a timeline on server improvements and mergers
    Just watched a mystery and there is a great courtroom response that applies here: Asked and Answered. The longer version is, players are demanding answers that do not exist. Turbine has stated that they do not have these answers. And still players demand them time and again, frequently by creating a separate topic, rather then reading the existing topics, with whatever answers are already available there.

    you are yourself, a selfish and a self-centered child.
    Thanks! You've actually made my day by calling me a child. The rest I'll ignore as it's immaterial. But I do appreciate the compliment. At this age in my life I'll take them even if left-handed, as it were.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatlord365 View Post
    Could we get a ETA for when the new servers , New PvMP Map and PvMP changes are all going to go into effect ? This is something thats badly needed as all the other games are now making money off of the PvP its just something that only makes sense to do asap.
    yea ETA plz Creeps on E need a new map to quest to rank on.../Rollseyes /bannergondor

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frelorn View Post
    We are working on putting together more information.
    You have your answer. Give them time. From you experience I assume you all had this or that story about how Turbine mismanaged the game, in your opinion.

    I do not see the meaning in second guessing the developers at every step they take and every sentence they post here. You are all pretty good at that. In a bad way.
    Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
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  16. #16
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    The bad news

    The bad news is, based on my experience, real life is exactly like this. I am a Director/Sr. Project Manager in IT, so I don't code but I direct projects where new code is often part of the equation. Managing Partners and Directors pull this exact same stuff. When??? Give me a date!!! They promised!!!! Human nature one supposes. It doesn't get the work completed sooner, it just sucks time away from the PM (me) who spends an inordinate amount of time trying to calm the masses instead of actually managing the project. Maybe I need a forum moderator where I work...

  17. #17
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    I have loads of school friends who play various MMO's. For most of them, pvp is a big part of why they play and the evenings pvp events are usually discussed during break times at school the next day. There is a huge pvp market out there, and I just don't know why Turbine have never realised or tapped into it. Sadly, its hard to convince and sell LOTRO to my school buds when the pvp cannot match the games they do play, and pvp is a big part of why they play online games. Sad but true.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Araphorn View Post
    I don't remember which staff member, but somebody from Turbine promised the player base that these new features will roll out in early Spring. Early Spring has come and gone, and we are still in the same boat.
    And that's why they rarely give a timeline when they don't know for certain when things are going to happen. The minute they give any kind of timeline, the player base treats it like it was carved in stone and if not kept, then "promises" were broken.
    Last edited by Feraxks; May 19 2015 at 11:12 AM. Reason: darn typos
    I like ice cream.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by xdjxzxde View Post
    I have loads of school friends who play various MMO's. For most of them, pvp is a big part of why they play and the evenings pvp events are usually discussed during break times at school the next day. There is a huge pvp market out there, and I just don't know why Turbine have never realised or tapped into it. Sadly, its hard to convince and sell LOTRO to my school buds when the pvp cannot match the games they do play, and pvp is a big part of why they play online games. Sad but true.
    If you're pvp focussed, this is the wrong game. Lotro was originally planned to have no pvp; it was introduced at a very late stage of development and provoked several massive flame wars on these forums at the time. I believe that one of the license condition is, in fact, that the game will never have open-world pvp. It also explains why freep/creep balance is unlikely ever to happen, because to do that would distort pve balance too much. If massive pvp is what your friends want/need, I fear they will be doomed to disappointment.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by AccessDenied View Post

    There is little or no definitive info from Turbine posted there (or elsewhere) - because Turbine doesn't have the answers. This is the point that everyone asking for answers, repeatedly, seems to be missing.
    Stopped reading right there, (in all honesty). If you're really going to give me an argument with logic like that, I won't respond to you again. (Sorry, not trying to be rude, but there is a limit to irrelevancy.)

    If Turbine doesn't have the answers, to put in other words, 'they don't know', the company that charges, develops and operates this game, doesn't know, then who does? You? How do you know that Turbine doesn't knows? (Am not trying to troll, but your points confound me.)

    Let me try this from a different (yet similar) perspective, since you didn't really grasp my previous post to you.

    - Your internet shuts down, you do every troubleshooting step you know, and yet it still doesn't work. You call your ISP and they tell you it's down. You ask them why, and they tell you 'they don't know'. What do you thinks happens then?

    - You are watching a movie in the cinema, half-way through the sound goes away, then shortly after the video goes away. You call the management to the screen and they tell you 'they don't know'. What happens?

    - You recently bought music from an online store, after your transaction is completed, their servers goes dead. You write a ticket and they respond with 'we don't know'. Curious what happens next?

    So, were those enough examples? Did you notice any similarity between those issues and what's happening here with the lag and the almost-dead (population-wise) servers?

    Not only do you disapprove of these threads, you also call people names for voicing out their concerns.

    Anyone who has worked for a company, any company, heck, even flipped burgers, knows that 'I don't know' is a dangerous thing to say to paying customers. There are no more harmful words in the English language than 'I don't know' and 'Good job'.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beorthnoth View Post
    If you're pvp focussed, this is the wrong game... If massive pvp is what your friends want/need, I fear they will be doomed to disappointment.
    Yes I know, and my point was to just say that in neglecting this area of the game, Turbine have lost a huge financial market of players who do want pvp as well as pve in an MMO.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Araphorn View Post
    P.S. Please don't use red color next time, it's very hard to read. If you really want to emphasize something, put it in quotes, or perhaps increase the font size. Thank you.
    When this version of the forum went online, people quickly went overboard with font styling and coloring.
    This, along with a few other reasons, caused a few other people (yours truly included) to come up with user-defined styles.

    See the link in my sig to get rid of eye-hurting nonsense.

    LotRO on Linux! http://SNy.name/LOTRO/
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    The problem that Turbine has is the unreliability of their ETAs. They will give us one when they are reasonably confident that:

    1) It will go actual and not be cancelled like the housing update.
    2) The date given has high confidence of being the real date.

    Once such example of a mistake being made was a Turbine employee stating that the PvP changes would go live in 2014 with was it Update 14? Delayed to Update 15? Did not arrive with Update 16.

    My personal opinion as always.

    Turbine is focused on the new character transfer tool, server move and server consolidation at this point. Turbine does not have firm date for this stuff. Until these activities are complete, they are not going out on a limb with a date for new content.

    Unless of course, Turbine hits another big bump in the road for their server move and consolidation. Turbine had to take a weather delay due to all the snow in winter for Boston.
    I seriously doubt guys who build landscape are working on server stuff on turbine... Most likely only real reason have been the time that osgiliath update took, after that you have a lot of devs that can focus on other things. Not to speak they had internal meeting concerning Osgiliath pvp map about a month ago. So winterstorm didnt really affect to state of pvp map, it was always meant to launch after the pve versio.

    Thanks for the update of update Frelorn.

  24. #24
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    Well, let me try this another way as well.

    If in any of those examples you were told, "we don't know, wait for more info" (which is what we've been told by Turbine, multiple times now - including Frelorn's post in this topic just the other day). Then where do you see a definitive answer to your questions/concerns/issues in that response? Or in any of the other messages posted by Turbine staff? I've seen Turbine post messages where they say they hope/expect to have answers by a certain time. But I also see messages which state that they were going to miss those dates. Net effect, Turbine does not have an answer at this time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Araphorn View Post
    I won't respond to you again.
    Yeah, it's probably better off that way. You don't seem to want to understand that Turbine cannot give you what they don't have (an answer) and I won't accept that attempts to demand answers somehow provides more impetus to Turbine's efforts than they have already committed.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frelorn View Post
    We are working on putting together more information.
    Dear Frelorn,
    How much longer will you keep us waiting?


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