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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Captain Tanking Legacies + Imbuement

    Hey all,

    Just recently started playing cappy again but haven't given it much attention as it isn't my main. I would like to make a tank build but am not sure what legacies are absolutely necessary for tanking and how they may have changed with imbuement. I was thinking about using my healing LIs (which are still being finalized) for tanking since cappy threat isn't really an issue. Additionally, it doesn't seem like there are many great legacies for tanking for the weapon which contributed to my thinking.

    While I have yet to make my healing sword I was planning on the following, and am not sure on the seventh legacy (maybe melee skill critical damage?):

    Melee skill power cost
    Cry power cost
    Defensive strike armor buff
    Battle hardened outgoing healing buff
    Muster courage fear resist
    Captain AOE healing
    (maybe melee skill critical damage?)

    For the emblem:

    Vocal skill healing
    Rallying cry healing
    Valiant Strike morale return
    WOC healing
    Melee skill healing
    WOC pulses
    Critical Heal magnitude

    Why I don't want noble mark damage or last stand healing: threat is not an issue so the extra damage from noble mark won't benefit me and I don't feel there are any fights that are dps races to the point that +25% noble mark damage is needed, at least not with new content. I don't want to use the last stand heal legacy because I feel the last stand duration will be sufficient in case a healer dies; there would be enough time to rez them and then they would be able to heal me if I am taking a lot of damage before LS wears off. Additionally, cappies seem to take very little damage in yellow so I don't foresee LS being needed much; especially considering the incoming healing buffs yellow cappies have.

    Are there any other legacies that I should consider for tanking? Bear in mind, I would like to use LIs that are interchangeable between blue and yellow (I have separate LIs for red) and, again, don't see any that are truly useful only for tanking, hence why I would like to just use my healing LIs.

    And, do any of the legacies I mention changed dramatically with imbuement that make them useless for tanking/healing?

    Thanks for any thoughts on this and your help.
    Achaius - R13 Warden; Ilrohil - R8 Champion; Ritthir - R6 Captain; Bradai - R4 Burglar

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I'd go with pressing attack max targets on the sword and maybe change some power cost legacies for stat legacies. On your emblem I suggest you change WOC pulses fot SotD duration since that legacy doesn't exist anymore.

    After imbueing the legacies I suggested basically become horrible so I personally wouldn't recommend doing it, if I recall correctly the battlehardened outgoing healing legacy only exists after imbueing so you're gonna have to choose. Hope this helped a bit.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    At lvl95 I had 3 pairs of LIs: for dps, healing, tanking with relics being the major difference of tanking LIs. Now with all the essences available I decided to limit my LI collection to 1 universal weapon and two emblems: the dps one and the healing one. My healing emblem has 6 out of 7 legacies as you described and the non-existing-after-imbue WoC pulses are replaced with SoD incoming healing. I consider replacing it with a might stat though. While tanking I switch between these emblems depending on the situation and it works great for me, at least for the new 3mans. Note, I also have my old lvl95 tanking emblem which I use for the increased duration of SoD.

    Pressing attack targets was a great legacy in the past and it is a pity that it does not survive the imbue process. From my point of view the noticeably larger damage output with an imbued weapon is more important than extra targets for pressing attack on an old weapon which will not help you to keep agro against the crazy aoe classes anyway.
    Ishtarien - Captain
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Since the loss of the Exemplar Passive Heal I feel threat is a major problem on captain in yellow line. I absolutely agree with you when we go for 1-6 targets... we can do that... but when there are more targets there is just no point of keeping aggro (at least if you don´t want extra long periods in which the captain has to gain more threat). Even on 6 Targets I feel it is very hard to keep aggro at the beginning of a fight. My damage in yellow line is so ridiculous, I thought I was lvl 50 while running the sunken labyrinth with my fellows. I have my Pressing Attack and my Routing Cry for a bit of AoE Damage (Threat), for some add groups I can use my banner too. That´s all...

    I think we need some more Targets on Threatening Shout and the duration of the taunt should be 10 seconds again. At least for TS... please increase the number of targets for Routing Cry as well and I would be fine....
    ______________________________ _____

    back to topic...

    The only thing you need on a legendary item for tanking since the changes of u16 is the duration of your sotd... this is only available on a non imbued item! Last Stand duration as a legacy is totally gone... you cannot have this legacy anymore, neither on an imbued item nor a normal one. But you still have your 17s so all is fine... I also use PA&DB Damage as well as bleed pulses on that non imbued tanking emblem. the rest is not that relevant...

    For the weapon I simply use my imbued dps one... battle-hardened incoming damage reduction could be a useful legacy...
    Second Marshall Maywyn Eorthas of Rohan - Captain - Rank 13

    Tyrant Gate, Son of Krithmog - Stalker - Rank 15

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Thanks for the input! Still working hard at the build but it's coming along. And I noticed now the WOC Pulses legacy being changed :P Better late than never to come back to cappy!
    Achaius - R13 Warden; Ilrohil - R8 Champion; Ritthir - R6 Captain; Bradai - R4 Burglar

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    For tanking/healing this is what I use:

    Battle Hardened Outgoing Healing
    AOE healing
    Battle Hardened Incoming Damage Reduction
    Defensive Strike Armor Buff
    Bleed Damage

    Healing critical magnitude
    Rallying Cry healing
    Vocal skills healing
    Words of Courage healing
    Shield of the Dunedain incoming healing



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