DA set is ####. 1400ish tac mit proc that applies only to you is not worth wearing 2 pieces of that stuff over essence armor. *Edit* I haven't seen any "well geared" captains using it, just people who are still using quest gear, sometimes 3rd ages and whatnot. If you want a mitigation proc for tank build, get the 3 piece BB set. That is far and away superior to the DA set because it gives you +10% to both phys and tact (and % buffs can go over cap, while rating buffs do not) plus it applies to your entire fellowship, not just you.
Last edited by Hirandiel; Jun 22 2015 at 10:40 AM.
Nanci - 115 Captain / Hirandiel - 115 Hunter / Hildimar - 115 Minstrel - "Weekend at Bill Ferny's" - Arkenstone (formerly of Windfola)
Nimgarthiel - 75 Captain / Gliriel - 50 Minstrel / Hereniel - 25 Hunter - "Succulent Meats" - Arkenstone