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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Lightbulb Moria and Lothlorien 12 and 6 mans - every Friday night (not evening)

    Hi all,

    As the tittle suggest I am organizing almost every Friday night so far a Moria and Lothlorien 6 and 12 mans all in one and so far all of our raids and groups have been amazing, fast and fun, being able to provide help for lower levels that need it with deeds and loot even and fun for the higher level players. Past few months we have missed just 1 Friday evening (last one) but never have we been lacking players. Now I am not posting this in other to gather new people or something but more informative than anything else, for those who might want to join but miss it. So far we usually gather our groups at night even sometimes very late at night and we do not have fixed time, sometimes we go around 21:00 / 22:00 UK time but sometimes we go around 23:00/ even later (I am saying this is during the night because half of us that attend are located in eastern Europe and we are +2h ahead of UK making it pretty late when we start and pretty late when we finish all even with the 100's joining). Usually all groups are announced in world chat and we wait quite a long time to gather more people so more people can have fun and take what they need out of the full raids/groups.

    AAAnyways this gone to long, if you are interested in joining the groups at Friday nights, don't hesitate to drop me an IM in game Friday evening's so i can consider you for the group and save a slot, my in game name is Storby (if im not on im probably on my alts so wait for it )

    PS: planing to add to this Isengard, Rift and some others as well eventually maybe for another day during the week/weekend, so stay tuned.

    See you in Middle Earth

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    dump, its Friday again

    ps: as I said in the previous post I am soon planing to hit more low level instances as Isengard, Rift, and other epic ones, not ready to start those yet but i was thinking something like Saturday or Sunday evening/night maybe when decided and i get more people that are going to come 100% for those in an extended period of time i will start doing them as well on regular basis.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Bump, its Friday again



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