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Thread: Usurping Kin?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Question Usurping Kin?

    Hello!! One of my alts is part of a kin, and most of the players in that kin haven't been on in months, if not years. There is the option to usurp, and I was thinking I might just do that. My issue is, will people be pissed, or if I do this, or since the kin leader hasn't been on for about six months himself, should I just consider it an abandoned kin and claim that land for Spain? Also, my character is like lvl 18. Will a lvl 18 kin leader who's never been the leader of a kin be taken seriously? I am just wondering if people will join, haha. Because if I take over the kin, I don't want to just be a party of one. There is already the option to buy a kin house, and that would mean a lot of storage for this hoarder, but still, it's no fun if you're just one person alone. Anyway, thoughts?

    Hello ladies and gents. New to the forum, so please be kind!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    If nobody in the kin has been on in a very long time, you may as well. If the original leader ends up coming back to play the game actively and wants it back, you can always resign leadership back to them. As for people joining, I'm sure you could probably find some people, but definitely not a huge amount. Also, most people who play this game are more casual, so as long as you're nice and inviting and all that stuff people will join
    If you try to get the kin going again and it doesn't work out, just join an already existing kin for the social aspect I think you are looking for.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Okay. Thanks...Farty. I shall take your advise. Cheers!

    Hello ladies and gents. New to the forum, so please be kind!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mataya View Post
    Okay. Thanks...Farty. I shall take your advise. Cheers!
    No problem, hope it works out for you.



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