8 PM U.S Eastern time. 31 July 2015 , 3/7/15 or 7/3/15 depending on where you live.
Tiggerr proposed the idea of kin leads meeting to discuss a coalition and to get as many kins together if a server transfer is needed for those of us here on Silverlode. It will be at 8PM U. S. eastern time. A notice can be put out in world chat at that time and a separate chat channel formed or we can go to old glff if needed. Kins without a kin lead if an officer from that kin wishes to join that is welcome and appreciated. If no officer someone to get word back to others from kins without lead or officer present is welcome. For those of us who know people in other kins, this could help any transfer seem less a loss if Silverlode does close.
If Silverlode does remain open, then meeting will help for within communication and bridge building within our server. As things appear SL may not make a cut so is better to be talking about it rather than many making quick moves in a way we all end up scattered.
See you around
Thank you for your participation.
Beagle , aka Zadhiel , Finglith, and crew.