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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    New map, new faces?

    some good fighting last night. Thanks especially to: Sephiah, castiani (spelling), algore, random LM, magdur and boelleth for the 6 v 2 fights. Myself and Tirk had a blast and made some good infamy

    I'm hoping more people come out to the Osgilliath map, just Pop in and play even if you aren't usually a fan of pvmp. You can now get essences of your choosing super cheap out there I believe. That should be incentive enough for freeps. I'll lead creeps if I have to.
    Last edited by spikethe3rd; Jul 20 2015 at 07:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Why no freeps on this server strive for pvp balance is beyond me. I've tried multiple times to point out that the way they are approaching the subject is not right. I understand that possibly I am not the right person to approach freeps about this subject. I don't mean to call specific people out, and I don't want to start a fight or argument, but until certain groups of people start to change the way they act on this server, pvmp will always suffer. This server is so small that the actions of just a few can effect the gameplay of the entire pvmp population. Its beyond time that we try to improve the pvmp atmosphere here on Windfola. I know I'm probably not part of the solution, however I think aggressive play is the winning ideal. Turbine has finally done what we have been asking for years... this entire update is about pvmp, if we can't make this work its on us. That being said, try to keep the opposite team in mind just a bit when playing, if its 20v6, remember that without those 6, your 20 have no fun..... that being said, maybe switch over to a creep once in a while instead of ezmoding your way to rank 12. Just a thought.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I will try this pvp stuff here soon though i may die a lot :/
    Rannulfr R10 Burglar

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Young22 View Post
    I will try this pvp stuff here soon though i may die a lot :/
    Don't bother it's actually pretty sucky right now. Loads of issues with the map itself. There's at least 4 places I've found you fall through the map into water that damages you you have broken legs from the fall so can't get out and die.
    The flippable camps you flip for buffs are bugged. The flag is not there to capture.
    If your raid or group is in combat and you die. You can't leave the spawn cause you can't use the door in combat.
    Hips on the main bridge and all the 210k npcs can still chase you.
    40% run speed of you own the bridge. ( out of combat) makes it impossible to keep up to anything if you're in stealth chasing it down.
    The essences at barter guy are level 95.

    Hopefully this is all addressed soon.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by AerandirCulnamo View Post
    Why no freeps on this server strive for pvp balance is beyond me. I've tried multiple times to point out that the way they are approaching the subject is not right. I understand that possibly I am not the right person to approach freeps about this subject. I don't mean to call specific people out, and I don't want to start a fight or argument, but until certain groups of people start to change the way they act on this server, pvmp will always suffer. This server is so small that the actions of just a few can effect the gameplay of the entire pvmp population. Its beyond time that we try to improve the pvmp atmosphere here on Windfola. I know I'm probably not part of the solution, however I think aggressive play is the winning ideal. Turbine has finally done what we have been asking for years... this entire update is about pvmp, if we can't make this work its on us. That being said, try to keep the opposite team in mind just a bit when playing, if its 20v6, remember that without those 6, your 20 have no fun..... that being said, maybe switch over to a creep once in a while instead of ezmoding your way to rank 12. Just a thought.


    It's ok. We all know how you're talking about Trucido's "unique approach" to PvP.

    Transfer to Brandywine with me. There are people that can actually stand up on both sides.

    "But why would I pay when they are giving me free transfers in a few months?"

    Well, if you really are too poor to pay 25 dollars to actually have fun in this game over the course of a couple months, then you should be spending more of your time worrying about your income anyway. If you are not too poor, then all arguments against transferring now are invalid. Let Windfola die. It is worthless and most of the players are bad.
    The Majinist of Buus

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by spikethe3rd View Post
    Don't bother it's actually pretty sucky right now. Loads of issues with the map itself. There's at least 4 places I've found you fall through the map into water that damages you you have broken legs from the fall so can't get out and die.
    The flippable camps you flip for buffs are bugged. The flag is not there to capture.
    If your raid or group is in combat and you die. You can't leave the spawn cause you can't use the door in combat.
    Hips on the main bridge and all the 210k npcs can still chase you.
    40% run speed of you own the bridge. ( out of combat) makes it impossible to keep up to anything if you're in stealth chasing it down.
    The essences at barter guy are level 95.

    Hopefully this is all addressed soon.
    Just wanted to note that the flippable camps aren't really bugged (well maybe a little - the respawn timer seems a bit on the quick side). They work like moors keeps in that they flip once the npcs are dead. But you gotta kill ALL the npcs in the area. It can be easy to miss one or two and they start respawning very quickly. But there is no capture point...just gotta kill everything.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanadan View Post
    Just wanted to note that the flippable camps aren't really bugged (well maybe a little - the respawn timer seems a bit on the quick side). They work like moors keeps in that they flip once the npcs are dead. But you gotta kill ALL the npcs in the area. It can be easy to miss one or two and they start respawning very quickly. But there is no capture point...just gotta kill everything.
    Yeah figured that out a little later. Sucks that you need a group to clear it with a heal and something that can take hits. Was duoing shak Marduk on my cappy with a hunter and it wasn't going to plan ha. Respawns need to be a little slower, unless it's intended for you to Zerg into them and just mow it all down. Rather be able to slowly duo them as a fall back when outnumbered which is common on windy.

    Thanks to: Tedemir, ener, nimdalf, heal/sprint beorning, maliam (spelling), prelude and cia something warden for fighting me and Tirky. Got me rank on reaver.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by spikethe3rd View Post
    Yeah figured that out a little later. Sucks that you need a group to clear it with a heal and something that can take hits. Was duoing shak Marduk on my cappy with a hunter and it wasn't going to plan ha. Respawns need to be a little slower, unless it's intended for you to Zerg into them and just mow it all down. Rather be able to slowly duo them as a fall back when outnumbered which is common on windy.
    This is actually a good design. Objectives in PvP shouldn't be solo'd or duo'd. Break out of your mindset that the sad state of the moors has put you in these past years!
    The Majinist of Buus

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by AerandirCulnamo View Post
    Why no freeps on this server strive for pvp balance is beyond me. I've tried multiple times to point out that the way they are approaching the subject is not right. I understand that possibly I am not the right person to approach freeps about this subject. I don't mean to call specific people out, and I don't want to start a fight or argument, but until certain groups of people start to change the way they act on this server, pvmp will always suffer. This server is so small that the actions of just a few can effect the gameplay of the entire pvmp population. Its beyond time that we try to improve the pvmp atmosphere here on Windfola. I know I'm probably not part of the solution, however I think aggressive play is the winning ideal. Turbine has finally done what we have been asking for years... this entire update is about pvmp, if we can't make this work its on us. That being said, try to keep the opposite team in mind just a bit when playing, if its 20v6, remember that without those 6, your 20 have no fun..... that being said, maybe switch over to a creep once in a while instead of ezmoding your way to rank 12. Just a thought.


    If you truly do not wish to start a fight or argument, then coming into a thread where the OP is expressing gratitude for a fun time in the new area and proposing more of the same and you make a post about not calling specific people out and then a quip about "ezmoding" then you are probably attacking the problem the wrong way.

    You bring up some valid points, but as someone who casually plays on both sides, you could exchange "freep" for "creep" and still have a valid argument. 20 vs. 3 or 6 tends to be of little fun for the smaller group, regardless of which side, it used to happen outside Grams, it used to happen outside GV. I agree with you ... it is beyond time to improve the pvmp atmosphere, but coming into the discussion with a mentality of "everyone is wrong but me / my side" won't improve it. Just a thought.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    New map? I might have to pop in and own some people then >.>

    Hello peeps, I kinda miss some of you!
    This thread needs some Bacon.



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