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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Open for friends at my new server

    Greetings! :-)

    I just have arrived 5 weeks ago at Snowbourn server, while I have an eshtablished home at the Imladris server where I started Lotro 3 years ago.
    Not knowing than Imladris was an US server, did I develope 10 toons there, 6 of them lvl 100, 9 crafters tier 9 and am an officer in one of the biggest kins there.
    I also have more gold there than I ever will spend.

    I feel at home at Imladris, but.......the action happens when I go to bed, as I live in Europe.
    Because it isnt possible to move a toon from an US server to an Eu server did I only had one possibility: start from scratch on an EU server.
    And that is what I did. Not knowing anyone and having nothing.

    In the last 5 weeks on Snowbourn did I I create 5 toons and all 5 are now tier 9 master in 5 crafts.
    As I started without anything I have been very busy only with gathering mats for my 5 crafters. In addition I spend much time mining for sale on the auction to earn my first gold :-)
    On the sideway I have my 2 maintoons(one for dps and one for healing) at lvl 70, thanks to the gift of the Valar.

    I notice that there is much action on Snowbourn and I like it. Even like it more that it happends when I am awake :-)

    I tried to join Pelargirs a few times to earn my first marks, but found out that the most people are demanding. In spite of that all toons level up to 100 in the Pelargir instance did I not get any chance to join. They did not want a lvl 70 toon and a few times I was , without saying a word, kicked out of fellowship.
    A little more flexibilty towards low lvl toons should be nice, I think.

    Anyway: here I am on Snowbourn server, I am on my way to lvl 100 but that will take a month or so.
    If people want to have a lvl 70/80 toon joining Pelargir or other instances: IM or mail me :-)

    With kind regards,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Welcome to snowy

    Level scaling works so badly that some ppl really do want l100 ppl for pelargir which needs high dps for the bosses

    But for sure I do know that lot of ppl believe that low level (rank 6 / max promo pts) could not manage any other bb's either where dps is not as much needed
    When that is the case, I atleast do know that they might not really know what they are doing and im actually better of grouping with someone else
    to actually get full plat runs and so

    Your best bet is then to try to form the groups of your own and maybe also then say that if one is afraid of lower lvl, dont join :P

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I suggest enjoy the game at lower levels no matter if you been there or not, you will have plenty of time to grind the lvl 100 content over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... and over again ))



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