Had to clean up the drive of all these videos, so I could get Windows 10 going fresh. Footage is sadly only from 2015 though, as the older videos I had got lost last year, as I accidently formatted the drive that was keeping them, without knowing they were in it. :/
Also a sort of farewell to Elendilmir community and the creeps especially, who've given me tons and tons of fights over my course of almost 6 years here. There's going to be an infinite list if I name to thank everyone, so I'm not going to do that. Not that most of them play now, if any. You know who you are, big thanks for giving such great fights, be it solo, small group or large group. Going to miss the good old days on this server for sure.
I'll be transferring wherever most of the pvp/end game crowd ends up being. Take care everyone, and hope to see some familiar faces on the remaining servers.
who was the leader of apex again? keep forgetting if it was you or someone else? was a chick no?
Not sure if it was a chick or not, but was definitely a hobbit called Arfiel, more commonly known as Fifi. I co-led with her, to maintain a democracy.
P.S. Apparently the wrong/lower size version of the video got uploaded, I'm trying to get that sorted. Will have the new one hopefully up by tomorrow. Will edit out the OP.