Not having the final list yet, it still seems likely Firefoot is going down.
Where do you plan to go and why?
Some commemorative image i came up with
Input welcome
Not having the final list yet, it still seems likely Firefoot is going down.
Where do you plan to go and why?
Some commemorative image i came up with
Input welcome
Last edited by Marancil; Jul 30 2015 at 03:35 AM.
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
There will be alot of discussion after the list comes out on the 3rd on where people/kins are planning to go, but since BW and Landy are the only shoe-in saves theres no way to discuss it till then
Bace is right, not much to talk about until Monday. I'm sure it will constantly be in world chat as well. If the last few days have been any indication of that, expect it. Though I am hopeful that after Monday it won't be so rage filled. They should have just released the list at the same time as telling us so this wouldn't have happened to our peaceful server.
Well what seems to have happened, a bit, in world chat is people trying to get us to their servers and kins. I do not know the full extent of this since I do not always have #world on, but I have been told this and seen some of it.
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
well, with BW being locked until the new hardware a lot of people will wait for that. Landroval going offical RP status, doubt anyone goes there unless they are planning on Role Playing, heavily.
Gladden will make the cut, and I see a lot of servers merging into that one, just from the PVmP aspect they have.
I have been asking around in the relevant threads about the RP part and to me it is, and was, blatantly clear that no one can force you to adopt RP. As long as you do not actively disturb the RP people we should be ok. Not saying I am moving to Landroval, but if so many are put off by RP, I just might, if the resulting number of players are less.
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
They already have about 20k daily logins, so it's already very crowded and if it gets to be like laurelin going to be a lot of bans. I honestly see more people going to Gladden, and the other two remaining servers, w/e they may be. I just hope this server is one of the first to close so I can move my remaining toons off.![]()
Yeah, you can play on a RP server without being involved in the RP but if you disturb any events or concerts the GM's will crack down on you. That really goes for any server having events. They will crack down on people disturbing events.
As far as going to Landy, I personally won't go there no matter what. There are some nice people there but their world chat was much worse than what FF is and the people that have been over to FF lately and said they were from Landy were down right mean and rude. So no... that server is a no go imo. Not sure I would go to Gladden either... so we'll see what else is left.
Gwinny - Level 115 RK, Gwindorra - Level 105 Hunter, Gwinwrath - Level 110 Beorning
So I sent a Message to all the Kinfolk... may it serve as a reminder if you haven't received or sent any... might be a good idea to do so. (My Kin is Fist of Fate)
Also copied server pop stats from a thread in the transfer Discussion.
1 - Brandywine: 71799
2 - Gladden: 37777
3 - Landroval: 32437
4 - Crickhollow: 19359
5 - Arkenstone: 14999
6 - Meneldor: 14107
7 - Silverlode: 12368
8 - Vilya: 12276
9 - Elendilmir: 12049 (swapped with #10)
10 - Imladris: 11987 (swapped with #9)
11 - Dwarrowdelf: 11507
12 - Nimrodel: 10399
13 - Firefoot: 10145
14 - Windfola: 10116
15 - Riddermark: 9997
Last edited by Marancil; Aug 01 2015 at 07:31 AM.
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
Wow, did not think FF would be that low. Well, thank you for the information! Looks like Crickhollow/Arkenstone will be the remaining two? Is anyone else going to wait on BW to unlock? I know I already have characters there, and would like to just play on one server. If not, I might move some to Crick or Arkenstone if enough FF go there. I as well will not go to Landroval nor Gladden, the community on those two are really bad.
Anyway, thanks for the information!
Well, with the merge, those numbers will change, but if I can choose it will probably be Arkenstone or Meneldor. Then again, I do not really have anything to say any is better than the other, so advice is appreciated.
I just fear Crickhollow will be swamped with hobbit minstrels.![]()
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
That german site, tracing the servers via scripts...I think it was.
Never mind, we have:
I am thinking Arkenstone...or Gladden
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
Just in case, some clarifications:
In short, Firefoot is the number THREE in the World Closure List. We will get notifications about when we are able to transfer to other worlds, in short, we are not able to transfer anywhere yet. Not even by paying cash for it.Frelorn: As of today the following worlds are no longer allowing character creation and will be closed to play at the beginning of 2016. Characters on all of these worlds will be saved and will be available to transfer to a remaining world for free, indefinitely.
We will begin the transfer process by opening the test world, Bullroarer, for character copy. We will then open transfers between the 10 remaining worlds. Then the worlds that are closing will be opened for transfer, a few at a time, in the order they are listed below. Please watch the website, forums, and launcher for announcements regarding timing. *Note: Brandywine will be unavailable for incoming transfers for a time until population and load can be re-evaluated on new hardware.*
For more information regarding the transfer system and world closures, please see the article posted here:
Other items:
I have been pondering a bit how to proceed to choose world. Sure I guess I could create a character on it and go from there, but for the Transfer, well that is tougher. Looking at the Server Forums, the activity, amount of posts, and character of posts might be one way to go. From that I am inclined to choose Arkenstone...for now.
Last edited by Marancil; Aug 03 2015 at 10:48 AM.
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
We may also want to consider Crickhollow. They have events, which may fit well with the events that Gwin has been organizing and running on Firefoot.
I didn't see any negatives in the forum section but will have to do more looking later, perhaps at lunchtime
Introducing Angredeth of Bree-land, Arkenstone. Hunter and future Tinker. (I need a Jeweler...)
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
I'm leaning towards Crickhollow right now....I really don't like the idea of playing on BW (way way too much traffic) and Landy has been pissing me off lately in our World chat. Final decision will be wherever my kin goes, but that's my current preference.
It's been a lovely lovely adventure with you, FF'ers!
Gretal - Lore-Master on CrickHollow
Anoryan - Hunter on CrickHollow
Balawing - Captain on CrickHollow
*FireFooter Forever!*
Even if I am already on Arkestone with one Character, our Kinship is having a vote, and the outcome so far is 54% Arkenstone (76 votes total)
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
When some of you come into landy acting like trolls and @$$holes, i can see why nobody wants you around.
The community i saw when i visited Firefoot were rude, condescending jerks.
Firefoot was my home for several years before Crickhollow opened up. Firefoot had its issues back then, but on my recent visits back I've seen a vastly improved community. It's one that I would be proud to welcome to Crickhollow, because I believe that the world channel has its bad moments anywhere and the poster above may have unfortunately found one of those times. There's a lot to love about Firefoot and I hope you can keep some part of that alive even as you set sail to a new world (sorry, couldn't resist the corniness).
We welcome you to make a character for Shirefest this weekend (details at and see what we're like. Firefoot's own Harlequins will be playing, and we invite them, our other performers, and those who attend to share memories about their server. We'll also be having a 5th Anniversary/welcome party on the weekend of September 11th-13th, but we don't have details for that event yet. I don't know if transfers will be open by then, but you're welcome to join in the festivities whether you've decided to come to Crickhollow or not.
For anyone who does decide to come to Crickhollow--or just to take a look around--feel free to contact me on Rosalie or get in touch with anyone at Second Breakfast. We're always glad to help a new player or kin get set up here. No matter where you end up, I wish you the best of luck as you figure out where to make your new home.
Rosalie from Crickhollow's Second Breakfast
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Visit m & crickhollowmusic.guildlaunch.c om
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Our weekly events--Fridays 9pm: Bread & Jam at the Prancing Pony
Saturdays 1pm: Breakfast Club plays at Bree-town's South Gate
Sundays at 11am and Mondays at 11pm: Elevenses at the Bird & Baby
Sundays at 6pm: Roving Threats Tour
Wednesdays at 8pm: Tunes & Ales around Eriador
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Find out about the kinships of Crickhollow at
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Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots