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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    That's it Imladris - World Closure Topic

    It was a pleasure to play with you, all players.

    I remember, 2~3 years ago, when we had a Kin dispute, trying to get as many archievements as we could. Trying to do all the Raids, Pug'in with best players to complete Isengard/Rohan Challenges. Epic PvMP Fights.
    Those good times.

    But, the time has come. The gates were closed to us. I call you to unite for the one last time and try to decide a new server to us.
    Some of the kins will not join, but it's ok. We had a good time. It's time to move on!


    Ficks (Minstrel)
    Icks (Burglar)

    Kinship: Sociedade do Anel

    (*Sorry for my bad English)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I remember those times, I could log to lotro for 12 hours straight and enjoy every single minute! meeting a lot of nice and good players even in pugs! Wiping week after week at Orthanc and not regreting the 6 hours without any chest in the end...

    Most of the friends I played with left the game when Lotro became farmville and questville, but the memories stay with me all the time!

    Bye bye, Imladris!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    While I've not been around much of late, I have some really good memories of my time on Imladris. From the early days of aussie raiding groups to kin runs on OD and ToO with babble, earval, spogg, PTP and all the rest of the gang.

    Along with hitting some of the later T2 raid runs with Lupim and filling in on various instances.

    While the glory days are mostly behind us for now, at this stage, when I move, I"ll end up taking Strength in Numbers kin along with me to very likely Arkenstone.

    Anthony (champ, leader of SiN)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Sadly most of my screenshots don't have names or are quest related, but here I have some I want to share with you http://imgur.com/a/ZdBDD

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Imladris has been my home server since I started playing in 2010. Though I have not been as active on the game in recent times I will miss this place and some of it's members. Hopefully some of us will pick the same server to relocate to or at least see each other lurking in the forums.



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