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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Thumbs up Trying something new ...

    A few weeks ago I was chatting in World Chat and asked 'How playable is the game without doing the book quests?'. The over-whelming response was 'just fine, have to do access quests to Moria etc but go for it' so I did.

    I then created a wandering minstrel called Thellonious but decided to take it a little further. I have disabled quest icones on the map, disabled quest pointers, I disable XP as soon as the fights start getting easy, I don't unlock travel locations unless I actually run/ride there, not googling locations but will ask for general help in WC or KC plus I am trying to complete the 'Deeds of the XXXX' in each area. The upshot is I am having so much more fun!! Yes the combat is still not challenging really but I am finding quests I never knew about (surprise party in Bree springs to mind), doing quests I haven't done for years and generally taking my time and enjoying the world.

    I know this won't be everyones cup of tea, and tbh I always take it slow (after 6 years playing I still have never hit cap), but to rediscover some of the hidden little gems in the game I highly recommend it.

    Only downside is you have to keep a close eye on XP though. Was 14th, got a set of 15th quests for the old forest which is fine but also got a 16th quest to go to Adso's camp. At my pace I would of been 19th by the time I got out of the forest so disabled XP nigh on as soon as I entered the forest!!

    Anyhoo I just thought I would share the experience, and if those who advised me to go for it are reading then a massive thank you. You've helped me reignite my love for the game, and coincidently get behind on my work from home !!

    Fezzik: You just shook your head... doesn't that make you happy?
    Westley: My brains, his steel, and your strength against sixty men, and you think a little head-jiggle is supposed to make me happy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    You seem to be near to following a style of play that some of us over at Landroval call "total immersion".

    My radars are turned off. I walk (unless something in the world gives me a reason to run). I never teleport - teleportation has not been invented. I pack light and only restock my provisions at a vault. I adventure in first person so I see only what my character sees. (As a hobbit, I have discovered a lot of annoyingly tall grass.)

    With these changes, I have - more than once - jumped out of my skin when a warg or goblin came at me from behind. If you see my characters walking across the landscape, you will notice them constantly looking around, turning from side to side, and finding vantage points they can climb on to survey the landscape. I have also learned to listen - sound tells me of things I cannot see.

    It is also relevant to note that we adventure at level - 5. For example, the quests at Adso's Camp are Level 17 quests. So, we went there when our level cap was 12 and spent a couple of weeks helping Adso out. We adventured through Goblin Town at Level 40, and will be doing all of the Shadows of Angmar end-game content (Carn Dum, Urugarth, Helegrod, the Rift, etc.) at Level 45.

    On the Landroval forums, you will find threads for "Club Éclair" (currently level 40), "Second Servings" (currently Level 13). You will also find some Total Immersion stories by Brucha such as Frecwain's Folly. (Brucha solos using full immersion rules and writes up his adventures).

    On your own Laurelin server, Club Slowtro follows the same model - currently at level 30 (I believe), and adventuring in the trollshaws.

    These are but some examples.

    You are correct - it is not everyone's cup of tea. I can well understand how it would drive some people to distraction. But, I think it is an option that some who would enjoy it overlook.
    Last edited by Tiempko; Aug 18 2015 at 02:11 PM.
    Meadowlarke Sweetweed on Landroval. Also nephews and Bounders Ayrhawk, Wrennsong, and Little Meadowlark Sweetweed
    Club Eclair roleplaying group working our way through Volume III. We are currently at Level 63 roleplaying our way through Enedwaith as we escort the Gray Company to the south (Alphred Troute, Hedgerow Shrewburrow). https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...See-the-Wizard

    Club Eclair - The Bearclaws. A newer Club Eclair group that is currently at level 32 in Evendim (Trebble Strawfoot) https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...acter-RP-group.

  3. #3
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
    Drinks Coffee All Day
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    My opinion:

    I usually do SOME of the book quests, certainly not all of them. If this is your first character, it may help you understand the lore and get some decent gear along the way, but for virtually every other character I only do certain things.

    Volume 1: I don't do anything on Volume 1 beyond book 1 or so, I usually just let it go after I did the Strider bits and the quest where it transports me to Combe because I can then easily get the stable there really quick. Exception is book 6: When I get to the mid-40s, I generally pick up book 6 in Rivendell, go through Esteldin towards Angmar, and complete the access quests for Eastern Angmar, as you need this to complete the level 50 class quests, unless you barter/buy the items. After that, I generally let Volume 1 slide.

    Volume 2: I usually almost completely do Volume 2, because of all the skirmishes you get. There are 3 skirmishes in Moria, and 5 in Mirkwood that open up if you follow the quest lines, and those skirmishes are certainly worth every bit of it.

    Volume 3: I end up picking up Volume 3 usually when I get to Dunland. I usually do Mirkwood till well after level 65 because of the above mentioned skirmishes, and I end up skipping most of Enedwaidth because of it..... I generally miss the first 3or 4 books. Also, I often don't finish it anymore, or skip bits. Once I hit level 75 or so, usually before I finish Dunland, I move over to Rohan, and I pick up the quests in Lothlorien to move on. It depends.

    Volume 4: I tend to do most of volume 4, because it is guiding you through most of the newer expansions. Exception is the Fangorn bit, and the flooding of Isengard bit. Did that on 2 or 3 toons, the rest of my toons I was getting to 100 I skipped it. The last few books of volume 4 in Gondor come with decent rewards, so they are worth it.

    I only completed *everything* on 1 character and *near everything* one one other. Both of those are World Renowned as well, although one doesn't have to do with the other. I will continue to do *everything* on at least 1 toon (my main) because I want to have everything done on one. And "everything" is not actually correct, because I do not have Eldgang rep completed.

    With regards to your plan and ideas: I like it, and I have done something similar only without the XP disabler. I just continue getting quests from the same area (for instance, it has been YEARS since I really quested everything north of Bree, north of the festival area, and I recently followed a character all the way through those quests before I went to the barrows. It was fun, new quests, new things, and it really once again showed be the game in a new light. I plan to do this again soon with another character.
    Last edited by maartena; Aug 18 2015 at 02:38 PM.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
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