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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Goodbye Silverlode :( R.I.P.

    As was predicted Slode is closing,just want to say thx to all ppl who I played with and who made pve and pvp fun for me,have many good memories close to my heart tied to Slode,indeed sad day for me,as many of you already knows Im going Gladden with Mohak to prevent to be on Landy which imo will fill out more then 3 other servers and I really dont want to have this remaining toons on server which will be like Brandy most prolly when I already have many toons on most populated server soo searching to put this to less populated then Brandy..... As I know most of Slode will go to Landy soo just want to tell everyone goodbye and ty for all all fun fights for others who may choose Gladden will be happy to see you there

    R.I.P. Silverlode
    Landroval: Tinaiel-1 r10 mini / Tinaiel r7 mini / Tinamartina-1 r9 hunter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TinaSlode View Post
    As was predicted Slode is closing,just want to say thx to all ppl who I played with and who made pve and pvp fun for me,have many good memories close to my heart tied to Slode,indeed sad day for me,as many of you already knows Im going Gladden with Mohak to prevent to be on Landy which imo will fill out more then 3 other servers and I really dont want to have this remaining toons on server which will be like Brandy most prolly when I already have many toons on most populated server soo searching to put this to less populated then Brandy..... As I know most of Slode will go to Landy soo just want to tell everyone goodbye and ty for all all fun fights for others who may choose Gladden will be happy to see you there

    R.I.P. Silverlode
    Who knows, perhaps Landy will fill up and close down before our turn to transfer comes, and we'll all head to Gladden together. Regardless, even though I'm in the Landy camp, I have a 100 or two I'll be taking to Gladden, and I'm sure many others will head that way with ya.
    And we still have a 2-4 months ahead together on Silverlode, plenty of time to have some more fun together!
    Silverlode lvl100 raiding characters: Glaistig Skop | lvl100 solo and small group characters: Bede, Elentir, & Wibba

    Moochinbras - former expert treasure-hunter of Silverlode, now enjoying retirement on Landroval

  3. #3
    I would hope things don't quite get so jammed as to close transfers to Landroval, but as a member of the community on Landroval I would like to suggest individual and Kinships consider our server as they new home.

    The video:
    It is a preview of the sixth annual Symphony of Light, a participatory event open to the community which we have organized going on six years now. The video is drawn from the first six years. You can learn more about the agenda and ways you can participate at
    www.SonsOfNumenor.com/sol (which actually links to the Player Event Page here on LOTRO.com BTW.) We are going to add some intra-event features including awards to participating Kinships and a few real-world items akin to what we do at the LOTRO Conclave. (an annual real-world gathering of LOTRO players at Cedar Point in Ohio, going on year five next August. www.LOTROcon.com)

    Landroval is not a raiding server, nor a heavy PvMP server. Nor would some disgruntled ultra-heavy-RP types be pleased at the prospect of having to come back after stomping out the door when they opened the Euro-zone servers, or added new ones in NA. Rather what you would find among our Kinships, even if you aren't a member of them, is that there are a lot of friendly, welcoming people who love the game, the Lore and just getting lost in Middle year. My own is Sons of Numenor. But whichever you join, or if your entire Kinship moves to Landroval, you will find the grass is green and the community among the most special in MMORPGs.

    At some point we'll have hats and jackets.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Unhappy That's a Pity...

    I was going through the forums for the first time in what seems like forever and stumbled across this....so I figured I'd pay my respects as well. Thanks for all the great moments and what will remain perhaps a significant milestone in my life. Hope everyone finds a new place that they can call home. R.I.P Silverlode.

  5. #5
    I've been meeting a lot of great Silverlode folks on Landroval in the last couple of weeks and I think they are great folks, they are great to have with us. My sympathies on the loss of your home but your friends on Landroval are there for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Sad times, indeed. This server became my home after I transferred away from Landroval, even when my game time dwindled away to nothingness due to family obligations. It's been a great place, with great people. I never really ran into any outright rude people, while on Silverlode. Things will never be the same and I will sorely miss it.

    I won't be transferring to Landroval as many Silverlode kinship players will be doing, since it's just not my cup of tea. Instead, I will be in search of greener, somewhat quieter pastures. I wish everyone the best.
    Last edited by Umbrael; Aug 23 2015 at 03:52 PM.



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