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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    URGENT: Major Character Transfer Issue

    Hi everyone.

    I'm trying to transfer my characters (Branin, Drathalion, and Draito) to Landroval from Vilya. But when I try to transfer, several things happen. First, neither Vilya, nor my characters are listed in the "Choose a world to transfer from" screen. They are all someone else characters from Gladden, which is very strange. Second, Landroval isn't listed in servers I can transfer to. I really need help with this, and this is the only place on the forums where I can post for some weird reason.

    Any help you have would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Please open a support ticket with CS at support.turbine.com and they should be able to look into it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I thought transfers were only allowable between the remaining five worlds right now? Or can I start moving?
    ****************************** ****
    Happy homeowner on Landroval and Laurelin!
    ****************************** ****

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    They are open between Gladden and Landroval so what this person is seeing is unusual and should be looked into. Vilya is not an option to transfer off of yet, though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wardenofrivendell View Post
    Hi everyone.

    I'm trying to transfer my characters (Branin, Drathalion, and Draito) to Landroval from Vilya. But when I try to transfer, several things happen. First, neither Vilya, nor my characters are listed in the "Choose a world to transfer from" screen. They are all someone else characters from Gladden, which is very strange. Second, Landroval isn't listed in servers I can transfer to. I really need help with this, and this is the only place on the forums where I can post for some weird reason.

    Any help you have would be appreciated.
    The reason this is the only forum you can post to is because
    you're relatively new to the forums. The moderators can
    give posters access to the other forums once they're convinced
    the posters aren't spammers.

    Now, the reason you can't transfer from Vilya to Landroval at
    present is explained in Vyvyanne's post of today:


    in which she said,

    We are releaseing a patch this morning with the improvements and at that time we will open up the service for 48 hours for the 5 Remaining US worlds: Arkenstone, Crickhollow, Landroval, Gladden and Brandywine (off world only) to shuffle among themselves. The service will then be turned off again Friday morning as we assess the data and wait for some of the new hardware effort to catch up to our transfer progress.
    So you can't transfer from Vilya (one of the closing servers)
    to anywhere at present; all that anyone can do is shuffle
    between the five surviving servers.

    Why you got a list of somebody else's characters on Gladden
    I don't know -- unless you made some characters on Gladden
    long ago and have forgotten them?

    You might send an IM to Vyvyanne and mention this.

    In any case, we who are on the "sunset" servers aren't
    going to be able to transfer anybody anywhere for a couple
    of months.

    Edit: While I was typing this, Vyvyanne got in ahead of me.
    Good to know she's keeping on top of this.
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone



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