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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Call for Roleplayers that want to start a longlasting RP story.

    This thread is meant for people that want to join me in a (Hopefully) long lasting Roleplay story that is being started from scratch. This means new characters or characters that are hardly played and don't have a proper story in which they already play. Any idea that you want to bring to the table is open for discussion, like:

    - Being a group of rangers in the wild.

    - Being a family of Hobbits, nice and cosy.

    - Being a group of Wildmen in the, well, wild!

    - Being the servant elves in Elrond's Household.

    The one thing that I have been missing for some time (Days...weeks...months) in this game is a kinship that is committed to a task and keeps mostly vigilant in that task and the roleplay. That is why I want to start a relatively small kinship with people that love Roleplaying and wish to start a new story, with brand new characters! (Still got that good smell on them.) Do you have a fun idea that you wish to share and maybe even start? Please post below!
    We live with valour, we fight with honour and we will die glorious

  2. #2

    Answer to the call

    Hi friend

    Let me introduce myself. I have been running (A)D&D as a gamemaster for the past 25 years. Still playing the 17year campaign.
    I love RP and RP-events and the main reason I started to game online with lotto-Laurelin. I found a small kinship named Knights of Eriador who are Heavy RP minded. Only thing we seem to be lacking post summer 2015 is more dedicated RPplayers and creators of events.

    Personally I like your idea. Especially with fresh characters. But I see a flaw in your idea, which is too few people will hamper your vision. That is why it would be better to join a heavy RP kin with the same views. It would be a lot more effective i think.

    Now I am NOT yelling out "come join us", although you are most welcome. Any Kin that has your idea ,but lacking people, will do. Unite to create our server into something great. There are some people i know who are starting a new thing in Rhovanion.

    In any case i am most interested.If you wanna chat about it send me a mail through LA.

    Last edited by Orodo; Sep 15 2015 at 04:49 PM.



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