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  1. #1

    [EVENT] Harvest Tales (Songs and Stories of the Harvest)

    Now the time tis turning ter Harvest, and the month of Winterfilth tis half done. What better time ter gather an celebrate the fine apple trees that give us such grand bounty!

    Here's ter the pies, the jams and the cider!

    Bring yer baskets, gather yer fill and raise a glass ter the mighty apple, and while we're there, why no tell some tales and raises the spirits!

    So, if ye've a mind, ah welcome ye one and all ter join me in the mighty Appledore's orchard fer a time of tales and a few songs - if'n some would have a mind ter sing.

    If ye wants ter sing, please lets me know and I'll put ye down fer the night.

    Now ye needs ter know the times and such.

    Date:3rd October

    Time: 8pm (BST)

    Location: Appledores orchard, near the top o' the hill

    Ah look forward ter seeing ye all


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Red face

    Here is one charming Autumn hobbit event in the Shire.

    Looking forward to the tales and songs of the harvest and of course meeting all the nice hobbites

    *hugs Nannie*
    Amorey - Bard of the Shire

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    This is tomorrow!

    I shall be there with a tale! It will be a grand event!
    Simbo Rumblebelly
    Gardener, Adventurer and Pie-Lover

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Red face

    Today is the day we sing and dance for the Shire harvest !

    Do you want to witness a charming hobbit event where hobbits get together to welcome the last of the harvest and get ready for winter?

    Do you want to hear tales, poems and songs about this magical time of the year in the Shire ?

    Do come tonight to the Appledores orchard on The Hill and join us

    Amorey - Bard of the Shire

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    And if you did not you really should have, it was very nice. Armory knows how to carry a tune :-)
    Roses are red, Polar bears are white, if you meet one at night you'll get quite a fright.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Barrynor View Post
    And if you did not you really should have, it was very nice. Armory knows how to carry a tune :-)
    Thank you kindly, it was really lovely to meet you , welcome to Laurelin and to the hobbit community

    What a lovely evening we had, so many tales, poems, and songs in true hobbit style.

    A HUGE 'Thank You' to Nannie of the Shire for an other lovely event.

    A few more images of the evening HERE

    Amorey - Bard of the Shire

  7. #7

    Red face

    Thank ye all fer making this such a grand event. The night passed quickly inter day and sadly another tale telling were over.

    Ter those who bravely shared their tales and poems, thank ye so much. It does me heart glad that so many bring so much fer us all.

    My thanks ter the most talented Miss Amorey, for the wonderful new tunes she played.

    And ter all the folk who loaded their baskets with the ripe apples, this wouldn't have been anything without ye all!




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