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  1. #101
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kanoraukar View Post
    Hey Cenifh, Intensity/FbF is having a ventrilo meeting probably on Friday. We wont know the servers at that time, but discuss what people wanna do and stuff. Would love to hang out with you again so hit me up ingame or in Gunn's TS if you are interested. Also everyone else is welcome too, especially europeans. I've been playing creep on Landroval lately, not sure yet if i want to bring my freeps there but i heard from a few people that would probably go there.
    Nice to know, I was actually on Imladris 2 days ago playing creep with a friend for about an hour, but since i didnt log freep i didnt see any familiar face :P

    Im waiting for the server announcements to see what I want to do, but I know that i will finally get all my freeps on one server, hopefully it is on the server my friends from Imladris go, after all, thats the only reason Most of us keep playing and coming back to this game.

    Havent logged to the game these 2 days tho, been bussy going to the beach to watch bikini latino babes :3

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Right, so where are we going? (Now that the servers remaining have been announced?) I am emo sad that the best server in the game is being closed *shakes her little hobbit fist at turbine* :P

    13 Freeps, 2 Creeps... haven't really played creepside much since the Others left..... Just started going back over the last couple of days to check things out, lots of new creeps running around! \0/

    BW kinda bites, not just due to lag... I find it more of a cess pool of trolls and *stuff* then Gladden. I would love to get my toons off there and move them to where my Imladris toons are going to go to.


    and /signed for Skadee, Capt Picard, Wanwanii and the rest of Gnomeland Security because they are too busy to hit the forums... lately.... :P
    “I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”--- Bilbo Baggins

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    what is this weird magic?
    argio r11 burglar | trytofarmme r10 reaver | trytoloveme r10 spider | ikissedafreep r10 blackarrow | roargh r9 warleader | trytocatchme r9 warg |

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by arghh View Post
    what is this weird magic?
    it's the call of our Master.. Come Back!!!

    Freep: Beerro, Graben, Delunes, TheBeard, Amatheon, Tunefast, Ataraxia
    Creep: Koproskylo, Bogbleed, Cheeseball ,Klasompanieras

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by arghh View Post
    what is this weird magic?
    hey nobo!

    I agree BW is full of trolls/exploiters... The fun there for most of the players is who exploits the most to get the stuff faster. I have seen some ppl exploiting inspiration bug just to quest O.o

    I'll get all my toons together again on same server but can't decide if Landy, Arken or Gladden. Seems Landy will get Overcrowded soon after transfers are open and I really dont want to join Brandy 2.0 with the lag and such.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Howdy guys.

    I will be taking Black Lotus from Imladris to Gladden whenever transfers open up. My Spider is already there and 4-5 BL members have already moved there earlier in the year.

    So if Any creeps wish to stick together from Imladris and Come to Gladden i will be making Black Lotus over there and will be happy to bring in Anyone from Imladris in.

    Just for those who creep. Not sure where i will be taking my Freeps yet.

    - Hellsweb.
    -=)Hellsweb Rank 12 Weaver(=- Mutilation Rank 7 Champion
    -=)Founder of Black Lotus of Imladris(=-

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Cenifh View Post
    hey nobo!

    I agree BW is full of trolls/exploiters... The fun there for most of the players is who exploits the most to get the stuff faster. I have seen some ppl exploiting inspiration bug just to quest O.o

    I'll get all my toons together again on same server but can't decide if Landy, Arken or Gladden. Seems Landy will get Overcrowded soon after transfers are open and I really dont want to join Brandy 2.0 with the lag and such.

    I know everyone thinks Landy will be Brandy 2.0, and maybe it will be as it seems to be the server most plan to move to. However, I have a hard time believing it will ever reach the zerg level of BW. Will all those Russians transfer there? I doubt it. I will be moving the toons I have left on Imladris to Landy to see what the action and/or lag is like before I move toons that I paid to put on BW. I wouldn't be surprised if others will do the same. Moving off of Brandy is a big gamble since you won't be able to move back.

    I've never played on Ark, but it sounds like of the servers staying open it will be the least popular, so it's potentially going to be the most dead. Gladden may be okay, it sounds like Hells is having a good enough time there; but seeing as the massive influx of Imlad players who transferred there last year have either quit or transferred somewhere else since then, is it really preferable? I mean several even transferred back to Imladris. Maybe I'm judging too harshly, but that seems like a pretty bad sign.

    I'm not trying to discourage or encourage anyone to go to Landy over another server; as long as you're having fun it won't matter. Just some food for thought.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Beero View Post
    it's the call of our Master.. Come Back!!!


    what server u creep on?
    argio r11 burglar | trytofarmme r10 reaver | trytoloveme r10 spider | ikissedafreep r10 blackarrow | roargh r9 warleader | trytocatchme r9 warg |

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by arghh View Post

    what server u creep on?
    hey argnoob!!! we not playing creeps atm... waiting for the transfers to start again.. we transfer one of our freeps on landy and playing there atm..
    this month not so much too because im working and the others noobs is on vacations :PP
    p.s. i hope to see you soon in game and have again our creepy fun xD

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by arghh View Post

    what server u creep on?

    I moved my rk to Landroval,leveled a captain to 100 also there.It's nice for moors actually,just not much going on during the eu timezone but this will change surely with the influx of new players coming in with the transfers.But yeah you can find some good action and even the RP is fun if you attend some of those festivals,meetings.World chat is a lot more mature (not the best) than Brandy too.
    So... we plan on moving all of our freeps there but we haven't decided yet on our creeps. We might avoid bringing them on Landroval to avoid drama but this server doesn't really involve much of it so everything is open..I just personally reject PvMPing on Brandywine as it is now.

    I will agree with what Sabetha said about the servers,pretty much sums up my thoughts so far..Although I tend to believe that Arkenstone will get far more people than most people believe.It won't be that much dead imo,it may rise up on the top 3.
    Freep: Beerro, Graben, Delunes, TheBeard, Amatheon, Tunefast, Ataraxia
    Creep: Koproskylo, Bogbleed, Cheeseball ,Klasompanieras

  11. #111
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    An update since this thread kinda died. I see a lotta Imladris peeps on Landroval now. I lead regularly and could use some geared freeps . Kin is recruiting geared Lore Masters, Minstrels, Captains, and Hunters. Must be geared or close to it. Also need more creeps. Lots more. Huehue.

    Bannerman, r13 War-Leader/ Ryzer, r13 Captain

  12. #112
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    /sign Arendral

  13. #113
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I have my RK and guard on landy atm but Im thinking on moving away because the EU times are dead and it's mostly when i have time to actually play and enjoy the game

  14. #114
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Shush Cenifh, I'll be there on EU times to take care of you soon :*
    Commander Eisenspalter


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