Just wondering if I would need to rename my main character if I transfer to Laurelin when Withywindle closes. Name is Arafast, was a random name provided at Character Creation so it should be safe right?
Just wondering if I would need to rename my main character if I transfer to Laurelin when Withywindle closes. Name is Arafast, was a random name provided at Character Creation so it should be safe right?
Name is alright.
Ignore the World trolls though then they decide to pick on you.
Man cenuva métim' andúnë.
ok, thank you very much
Greetings, and welcome to Laurelin!
Do not trouble your heart overmuch with this. Names are not required to have the right meaning or ending, but to merely seem and sound fitting for the Middle-earth setting and its people. Your name is well enough.
Welcome shaggyhaired king!
Roses are red, Polar bears are white, if you meet one at night you'll get quite a fright.
I was going to move to Laurelin but I have a few to many alts to rename them all so think I might need to go to Evernight.
Withywindle Freeps Rildok R8 LM, Meglatron R7 capt, Eldalorm R6 RK, Rildoc R7 Warden, Meglathan R5 Hunter, Rildock R5 Mini, Megolopops R5 Champ, Megaflop R5 Burg, Megasorearse Guard, Meglabear Beorn.
The naming rules have been relaxed to the end of the year so it is unlikely anyone will get a forced rename unless their names are truly vulgar or against Turbine general COC .
Should you wish to move to Laurelin, you are most welcome. Maybe roll an alt here and see if you like it...but of you chose Evernight good luck and safe travels to your new home
Amorey - Bard of the Shire
Yea I have a Lvl 58 warden and a dwarf champ there at level 8 so had a bit of a run around that was why I was going to move here perhaps should give it a chance with my other alts and mains.
ps thanks for the reply .
Withywindle Freeps Rildok R8 LM, Meglatron R7 capt, Eldalorm R6 RK, Rildoc R7 Warden, Meglathan R5 Hunter, Rildock R5 Mini, Megolopops R5 Champ, Megaflop R5 Burg, Megasorearse Guard, Meglabear Beorn.
Hi everyone
After 6 years on Gilrain I have transferred one of my Chars to Laurelin "Harrywulf" and was wondering the same thing. Thought it would be safe as my char is man "Harry" and "Wulf" was one of the recommended name endings in the character creation screen.
To be honest it seems a really good atmosphere here compaired to Evernight .
As im a 40 something who thinks he is still 20 even I don't get some of the kid talk on that server
So do you think Harrywulf would survive the January name selection process ??.....if not I may transfer out if they open up free transfers between worlds again.