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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Exiles of Gilrain

    Not played for about a year now. Fancied cranking the game up for a quick go. Found out half the worlds have now closed. Just wondering anyone that was in the Exiles of Gilrain what world did ya go to? If I got to pick a new world to play on rather have a few players I knew there. Cheers


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MrSandman70 View Post
    Not played for about a year now. Fancied cranking the game up for a quick go. Found out half the worlds have now closed. Just wondering anyone that was in the Exiles of Gilrain what world did ya go to? If I got to pick a new world to play on rather have a few players I knew there. Cheers
    im also trying to find the old Exiles Of Gilrain guys, mainly ISO and GIGA if anyone can show them to this thread!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Giga is a member of Riddles in the Dark together with Taralyn, Nond and Airial. You are welcome to contact us ingame or through our website. Welcome back to the game
    Banion, Minstrel. Evernight server

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Hey Sandy,

    Some are still around. A lot of us are moving to the new server 'Laurelin RP' server or have moved. My Rk is already in that server.
    Giga, Me and Taralyn are still playing. The rest probably have moved to different kins, new server or stopped playing.

    Also on the Bright side of the news the new servers are currently lag fest, Turbine did say they gonna be upgrading their server hardware, not actully sure when that is.

    Its Nice to see you again

    You guys planning to come back?
    ~ Ary

    - [Aryola rank 13 Rune Keeper ] [Luitenant Rank 11 War Leader]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Ariiiii hey mate Good to see some still playing. Doubt I'll come back and play like before but might just drop in now and again. Mainly playing Elite Dangerous now, awesome game
    Not sure about the RP servers Evernight seemed the only English normal server will have to see.




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