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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Bugs that didn't get fixed and new bugs

    Hail and well met!

    Wanted to get a thread going where yall can post any new bugs you see after the recent patch and list any bugs that did not get fixed. Ill start us off

    New Bugs:
    -Slayer and collecting quests are not always showing me where to slay enemies and where to collect the quest items at. I don't know if this is happening at higher levels but it has been happening for me on my 39 rk in Trollshaws and Evendim
    -*EDIT* Just noticed this one, when I leave a fellowship or raid, sometimes I can see when one of the fellowship members dies. I.E. I left a BfE raid group and everytime this champ died, his death message appeared in my chat box as if I were standing right next to him

    Bugs that didn't get fixed:
    -Not in the patch notes but I have not actually checked myself. BB bugs? There are quite a few in HotU and DoMT and I see nothing mentioned about them in the patch notes *EDIT* I got plat on drums of war 6 man, so that got fixed somewhere but anyone know if the Morgul Head Cleaver dude's timer got increased from 20-30 seconds?

    Feel free to comment below if you got any ideas to add to the list!
    Last edited by Olebenny; Nov 22 2015 at 08:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    had to be said lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Well, I have an alt grinding her way through the Entwood and
    I noticed today that while the large map showed where she had
    to go to collect sandy soil, chunky soil, et cetera, it didn't show
    where to go to defeat bog-lurkers, nerbyg, and the like. This is
    new since this morning's hotfix.

    Yes, I put in a /bug report.

    Fortunately, after having done these quests umpteen times, I
    know where the blasted nerbyg are.
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I didn't even know it could do that. I always wondered why deeds had an 'add to tracker' option. Nice (or will be next patch).
    Casual R Us - Garatha

  5. #5

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Garatha View Post
    I didn't even know it could do that. I always wondered why deeds had an 'add to tracker' option. Nice (or will be next patch).
    Actually this thread claims are false data. Slayer Deeds have never told the exact location where to kill mobs neither in the preview nor on the tracker. They only tell you the general quest pack or instance from what they are related in the name or section of the deed.

    The game have some bugs, all games do, but i don't get why to lie about 1 thing to call the attention to other. Be glad that the devs here repair the bugs rutinary. There are other games where their devs never look at the game again after release.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Slayer deeds don't show where to go, but slayer quests do (which is what the OP said has changed somewhere).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Olebenny View Post
    -Slayer and collecting quests are not always showing me where to slay enemies and where to collect the quest items at. I don't know if this is happening at higher levels but it has been happening for me on my 39 rk in Trollshaws and Evendim
    Actually, I might have noticed this as well. The Trollshaws quest "The true thieves", which sends you to 'search for stolen stones among the stone-trolls' doesn't show any coloured area on the map. I remember it showing it earlier - just completed many Trollshaws quests on one of my characters few days ago, and today I took one more character in there to lvl some before continuing Bingo quest line.

    I may be wrong, but I really remember the appropriate area being marked on map before today's patch.

    EDIT: And the same seems to be the case for quests "Very unlike trolls" and "Thunder in the hills". Definitely a new bug. Gonna /bug it now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by middlediscworld View Post
    Slayer deeds don't show where to go, but slayer quests do (which is what the OP said has changed somewhere).
    Quote Originally Posted by TharbadThief View Post
    Actually, I might have noticed this as well. The Trollshaws quest "The true thieves", which sends you to 'search for stolen stones among the stone-trolls' doesn't show any coloured area on the map. I remember it showing it earlier - just completed many Trollshaws quests on one of my characters few days ago, and today I took one more character in there to lvl some before continuing Bingo quest line.

    I may be wrong, but I really remember the appropriate area being marked on map before today's patch.

    EDIT: And the same seems to be the case for quests "Very unlike trolls" and "Thunder in the hills". Definitely a new bug. Gonna /bug it now.

    I have a 39 guard in those areas now. Thanks for the heads up, I'll be leveling there tonight.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    In the most recent Bingo quest, there is no colored area where to find bog lurkers and snow beasts. I've played through that area a lot so I knew common locations, but a new person taking their toon through there for the first time might be confused.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Yeah, same here. Leveling at MM right now and some quests are not showing anything on the map.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    A kin member was having trouble yesterday with NPCs not appearing and doors not opening.

    I had a small problem in the DA Bank daily when I repeatedly targeted an enemy and was told that I had nothing targeted.

    Perhaps just coincidences, though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Exclamation Stonehelm Heavy Shield Skin Have Shrunk

    Quote Originally Posted by Olebenny View Post

    Wanted to get a thread going where yall can post any new bugs you see after the recent patch and list any bugs that did not get fixed. Ill start us off...
    Good initiative. I wasn't sure where to post a bug so I posted in a sticky yesterday but I guess I'll add it here instead then.

    I used the new Bug Report yesterday but not sure if the image I tried to attach acctually got attached as it behaved weird as I tried to submit. For that reason I also make this bug report here and link to the image as it shows the graphical bug I want to report.

    The Stonehelm Shield (heavy shield) skin has somehow shrunk significantly after Update 17 or possibly one of the fixes that followed. At least I did not notice it being this tiny before Update 17 and I recently returned to LoTRO with The Server move but prior to U17. I am 100% it used to be bigger as I have screenshots of it from before.

    I truly hope this is by accident and not intentional, as now it looks way too small to be a heavy shield. In my opinion it looks almost redicolous in this tiny version. Especially on a heavy armour class character that it is intenden for like A Guardian.

    I did notice it after Update 17 and before November 18th. As servers went down yesterday on November 18th I figured another fix/patch but this shrinking of the shield happened before that and is still there after yesterdays Hotfix/Patch.

    While on some older before pictures I might have taken prinstcreen on lower setting, that only accounts for some details being more blurry but definetly not the shield size and
    some pictures was taken with pretty much the same graphic settings.

    On one picture I’m not wearing the same shoulder piece but that shouldn’t affect shield size, so not relevant.

    On the picture of the dressingroom (the old before picture) was taken fairly long ago even before some functionality like zooms were added in wardrobe. I couldn’t find a newer one on my HD. However
    also that should be irrelevant for the size of the shield.

    I have also tried to recreate as close as possible the same angles on the new screenshots to match the before screenshots. That should make it pretty clear how significantly
    this shield skin has shrunk.

    My guess is that it somehow has gotten the prefix to the skin of the non heavy shield skin with same look. Yes there is a skin with same look that
    for example minstrels can wear and that have always been smaller than the heavy shield version.

    Hopefully with this reported it can be fixed back to the same size as before and again look like a truly Heavy Shield.

    I have been using this Shield ever since I could get it back in the days when LvL cap was 50. Especially for screenshots, so it’s preciousss to me.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by djheydt View Post
    Well, I have an alt grinding her way through the Entwood and
    I noticed today that while the large map showed where she had
    to go to collect sandy soil, chunky soil, et cetera, it didn't show
    where to go to defeat bog-lurkers, nerbyg, and the like. This is
    new since this morning's hotfix.

    Yes, I put in a /bug report.

    Fortunately, after having done these quests umpteen times, I
    know where the blasted nerbyg are.
    Same for my alt in Lone Lands, some quests won't show up in the large map and won't have pointers in radar. Not a big problem in that region ofc
    But it's a bit random imho. Not necessary the first or last quest in tracker or type of quest.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I'll put up the graphical glitches if they could just stop it crashing to desktop every 5 minutes, had no issues prior to the last update.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Olebenny View Post
    New Bugs:
    -Slayer and collecting quests are not always showing me where to slay enemies and where to collect the quest items at. I don't know if this is happening at higher levels but it has been happening for me on my 39 rk in Trollshaws and Evendim
    I had a similar experience in Mirkwood, so I expect it's potentially a global issue.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I believe a few patchs ago they changed the shields to scale to be more in line with character size. In other words, the shield size will change if you gave that shield to a human, then rescale if it were passed to an Elf, etc.
    Ujest - 140 Lore-master, Opun Tia – 107 Warden, Tummi - 105 Captain, Veneur - 75 Hunter, Cneasai - 66 Minstrel, plus alts and mules
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Saw the same problem with the quest areas not showing on the map with the Uruk-Hai repeatable bestowed from Old Anorien South Gate area. I didn't bug it, but I will the next time I play.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord.Funk View Post
    The Stonehelm Shield (heavy shield) skin has somehow shrunk significantly after Update 17 or possibly one of the fixes that followed. At least I did not notice it being this tiny before Update 17 and I recently returned to LoTRO with The Server move but prior to U17. I am 100% it used to be bigger as I have screenshots of it from before.
    I truly hope this is by accident and not intentional, as now it looks way too small to be a heavy shield. In my opinion it looks almost redicolous in this tiny version. Especially on a heavy armour class character that it is intenden for like A Guardian.
    Yes, more visible on a custom dressing room : Before/After U17 =>

  19. #19
    Arbor's Avatar
    Arbor is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Quality Assurance
    Turbine, Inc.
    Join Date
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    We're looking into the missing quest guides. Most likely another issue where something was fixed and unintentionally broke something else.
    Your friendly QA tree.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castorix View Post
    Yes, more visible on a custom dressing room : Before/After U17 =>

    Yes please fix this, it has effect on most shields at the moment.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    It is now possible to plat the Beasts of Harad quest in 3man DoMT.


    If you return subjugated soldiers to their senses in very close proximity of where they spawn (too far from the MT gate), they won't count for the quest and you won't be able to get plat.

    There seems to be no time limit for killing Kesung Teng any more.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by siipperi View Post
    Yes please fix this, it has effect on most shields at the moment.
    Smaller shield looks better to me. Big honker looks just ridiculous.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I was glad to see the shields become smaller because it looks so silly with huge shields for my elven minstrel, but then I checked my elf guardian and he had such a tiny shield and I feel that as a guardian he looks better with a big shield.

    So I don't really know what I prefer now Maybe it could be possible to make the size of the shield depend on class?
    ;) “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.” ~ Hindu Proverb

  24. #24
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by matalan View Post

    had to be said lol
    I still can't believe they launched a raid that dies half the time. And it makes me incredibly sad that it hasn't been fixed in the years since then

    Also, the mac client these days crashes constantly. My wife and I like to run things duo, and the mac client has gotten steadily worse; she's basically given up on the game now that she can't play for more than five minutes without crashing.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    Actually this thread claims are false data. Slayer Deeds have never told the exact location where to kill mobs neither in the preview nor on the tracker. They only tell you the general quest pack or instance from what they are related in the name or section of the deed.

    The game have some bugs, all games do, but i don't get why to lie about 1 thing to call the attention to other. Be glad that the devs here repair the bugs rutinary. There are other games where their devs never look at the game again after release.
    Thanks for reading my posting in complete and claiming for me to be a liar! :P

    If you read more carefully you would have seen that I clearly said "slayer and collecting *QUESTS*" and not deeds, I know deeds do not show where to slay enemies at.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    We're looking into the missing quest guides. Most likely another issue where something was fixed and unintentionally broke something else.
    Thankyou for responding and I am glad yall are looking into it!


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