The House Of Minas Ithil is TF to Gladden
Hello all,
Not sure if anyone remember us, but for those that happened to catch a glint of us (moreso years ago as opposed to recently), Who Ate My Lembas will be heading over to Landroval.
Nightwatch/Salinca/Ilisial et al.
"[...] no really, put the energy drink down... that's it... lay your head on the keyboard and let your face type something entertaining while you snooze a little... there ya go..." - jwbarry, Content Designer, Skirmishes
I'm wondering if Landroval wants us all there .... I mean, its not like we have the best reputation on silverlode .... of course we just like to have fun
Arkenloders! ....Silverstoners? Anyway, glad to see some of you moving to Arken! Farewell slode!
The tiny kin: LuckyCharm - Arkenstone
I'd like to extend a formal Welcome to the new kinships (Especially Clan of Dereth) coming to Landy.
I'm so happy that many people from Silverlode are coming to Landy seeing as I feel so sad about Silverlode closing. I can't wait to see you guys there!
Stay salty my friends.
Aziell-1: R11 Warg of Landroval
Webyou: R8 Spider of Landroval
Nimaril-1: Level 100 R6 Guardian of Landroval
I am Meadowlarke Sweetweed, Chief, Bounders of the Shire, Addernotch Station, Landroval - where I have been Chief for nearly 7 years.
I must express my regret at your tragic loss. I imagine what it would be like if we had to pack up the Bounders and build a new home elsewhere. A place where we would worry if we would even be welcome. Would folks be accepting of a new Bounder station? Almost certainly, we would not be in Addernotch homestead.
And there's the loss of friends and neighbors - those who go elsewhere, and those who stay behind.
I can't imagine that things will be easy - as the forces of darkness chase people from their homes.
We'll be welcoming folks - working to treat folks the way we would hope to be treated if it was Landroval going dark and we were coming to Silverlode.
There's a saying around Addernotch Station. There's no wrong way to have fun - except to have fun hurting others. You can trust that the Bounders will be seeking to ease the transition of folks coming to the Shire - not trying to see how much frustration and difficulty we can create for folks already enduring too much frustration and difficulty.
Of course, Shire folk are weary of strangers. That's just to be expected. It doesn't mean they'll turn their back on a hobbit in need. Well, most of them. You've likely heard of the Sackville Bagginses. We'll not speak more of them.
Anyways . . . Come look us up when you get to town. We're anxious to meet our new neighbors.
Chief Meadowlarke Sweetweed.
Meadowlarke Sweetweed on Landroval. Also nephews and Bounders Ayrhawk, Wrennsong, and Little Meadowlark Sweetweed
Club Eclair roleplaying group working our way through Volume III. We are currently at Level 63 roleplaying our way through Enedwaith as we escort the Gray Company to the south (Alphred Troute, Hedgerow Shrewburrow).
Club Eclair - The Bearclaws. A newer Club Eclair group that is currently at level 32 in Evendim (Trebble Strawfoot)
Hope you don't mind me replying. I was pointed to the thread.
Assuming the new hardware works and Landroval doesn't get so full that Turbine has to close it off, we do tend to welcome other players, with one caveat.
As long as the incoming player doesn't harass or disrupt others, especially the ones doing music, events or roleplaying, then they're well-received. We've already gotten some else-server trolls and harassers, and we'll just say they aren't being as welcomed.
As for the Kin Names, if it's not an RP kin name, nobody cares what it's named, as long as it's not obscene. It basically falls under the Turbine general CoC, at that point. We've enjoyed quite a lot of creative and humorous kin names.
Favorite Dev Quote from 2009: Graal: The lack of an instant threat catch up skill is one of the differences in tanking between Wardens and Guardians, just like Wardens dont have a easily used forced taunt. It is unlikely, but not impossible that this will change. Bottom line...Dont die.
Soo Brandywine is open for transfers for free ) still all going to landy?
and because of this changes now Wardens of Justice not going Gladden, we are going Brandywine
Last edited by TinaSlode; Nov 12 2015 at 01:11 PM.
Since Arkenstone has become far too crowded for our liking, Spam Egg Sausage And Spam will be moving to our second choice, Gladden.
RR moved to Arkenstone few hours ago.
But, we got problem.. prok was here! on Arkenstone...
Meong (rank 10, RK) of Rhunen Rendir | Artemiburz (rank 10, BA)
I transferred earlier as well, both accounts, all toons and I noticed the same problem Meong, maybe prok will move elsewhere now that RR is there!
I am glad to hear that RR has chosen Arkenstone, great players and people. hope to get to do some content with yas again some day.
Melrok (R10 Guard) Morkel (R12 Hunter) Merlok (R8 LM) Shadowheart (R8 Burg)
Grimnaw (R11 Warg) Grimweaver (R11 Spdr) Grimacroncheese (R9 BA)
Rageagainsthelootbox (R8 Defiler) Cheezeypoof (R9 Reaver)
Last edited by Arrabell; Dec 02 2015 at 02:03 PM.
Moved TRIUMPH to Ark last night as well.
Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)
To the last of the Rohirrim:
With hopes that many who no longer play may see this some where down the road, I just wanted to let you know that the kinship will be moved to the Landroval server some time later today. Thank you all for the great memories as to all of the rest on the Silverlode server. I was on the game last night and it was a ghost town and although it made for easy pickings for gathering resources, it was a bit sad to think this part of the journey as come to an end. I hope there will be housing available, but even the houses will not be the same as many bound items will be lost in the transition.
Take care both here and there to all who read this.