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Thread: How's It Going?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    How's It Going?

    Howdy folks!

    A decent amount of time has passed since we were able to transfer off of Imladris and I was wondering how everyone was doing. Do you like your new home or do you think you make a mistake? I have to get used to my houses being in different spots in the neighborhood but so far I am enjoying Landroval. I've already been to a few concerts and I was able to play hobnanigans with actual people and not alts.

    Catch you guys later and I hope you have a happy Yule when the festival starts!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I see you often on Landy WC

    We're pretty much established. Recruiting new folks and doing stuff whenever there's a chance. I'm also trying to keep an active foothold on Crick but that's usually limited to kin activities, though I do like the general atmosphere



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