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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by spelunker View Post
    Bring a raid's worth of healing, complain when a raid shows up.
    It's actually the other way around.


    1 Make a duo with Balathan, get destroyed because Malarick has formed a 12man JUST for me and Bala.

    2 Make a 6man with 2 minis to fight Malaricks 12man. Destroy him entirely.

    3 [OOC] Malarick: 12/24 need 4 WLs 4 Defilers

    4 Realise that instead of disbanding, I can just get more healers and absolutely destroy him.

    This is no longer possible, if it was, yes I'd still use it to fight the zergs. The whole point is no matter what I do or do NOT do, the zergs come. Will I go out of my way to form a 6man for solers? No. Will I go out of my way to FIND soloers when I've made a 6man to fight a craid? No. Will I, however, kill a solo we come across when searching for the craid? Sure why shouldn't I? They'll do exactly the same to me. Until there's incentive not to, why should any? There's no honour... No mutual respect lol. The game is long past that now.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ethrildar View Post
    It's actually the other way around.


    1 Make a duo with Balathan, get destroyed because Malarick has formed a 12man JUST for me and Bala.

    2 Make a 6man with 2 minis to fight Malaricks 12man. Destroy him entirely.

    3 [OOC] Malarick: 12/24 need 4 WLs 4 Defilers

    4 Realise that instead of disbanding, I can just get more healers and absolutely destroy him.

    This is no longer possible, if it was, yes I'd still use it to fight the zergs. The whole point is no matter what I do or do NOT do, the zergs come. Will I go out of my way to form a 6man for solers? No. Will I go out of my way to FIND soloers when I've made a 6man to fight a craid? No. Will I, however, kill a solo we come across when searching for the craid? Sure why shouldn't I? They'll do exactly the same to me. Until there's incentive not to, why should any? There's no honour... No mutual respect lol. The game is long past that now.
    You say all this stuff, as if anyone other than maybe malarik (and i doubt even him) cares why you make these idiotic groups. You also say you know you can't just stack heals to win, but that's still what you tried tonight (to no success, even against a smaller creep group than yours at PIsen).

    You say you want to get kills and have fun fights with roughly even numbers, but you come out with groups designed not to give up kills rather than ones designed to get them, even when you're going up against even numbers (6-man with Blue cappy, yellow cappy, blue mini, 2 x warden, red mini against a creep 5-man at PIsen). You say you are tired of getting zerged, yet you have no qualms about zerging creeps so long as they're anonymous to you.

    Do you see the disconnect here?

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Ethrildar View Post
    But 2v1 with a mini? No qualms what so ever.
    It's funny because he linked a video to an even fight with a Minstrel that you jumped in on. You're either a hypocrite, or perhaps it's not as big of a deal as you think.

    Oh, and just for what it's worth, I chased Balathan unstealthed on my rank 6 warg all the way from Good Grim to GV because sprint was on CD. Wasn't able to bait him to dismount. I could smell the terror.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Spilo View Post
    It's funny because he linked a video to an even fight with a Minstrel that you jumped in on..
    Mhmm in a time long past. When you dislike someone, as I've seen you do, you'll jump their 1v1s too ^^,

    Quote Originally Posted by spelunker View Post
    6-man with Blue cappy, yellow cappy, blue mini, 2 x warden, red mini against a creep 5-man at PIsen
    Uhh, because clearly every group I've ever been in, I've led, designed and invited specific classes for facerolling right? I was invited into a healstacked 5man that was trolling 20+ creeps on top of a rock when a creep group was called out which we went to fight. There were also not "5" creeps, there were around 9, with more competent healers than the group I was in had. (2 lol).

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    So what's the excuse for tonights group comprised of: 1 captain of every color, 2 blue minstrels, 1 fire RK

    props on some of the dumbest things i've seen, and i thought i had seen some pretty dumb stuff. you actually didn't even have enough dps to kill 2 warleaders healing before one of our dps flipped to defiler so we could be just as dumb and you could finally run away lolol

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    He's gone quiet!
    Regardless of whether you win or lose, you'll achieve nothing unless you're prepared to sacrifice everything
    Evilspinnre-R15 weaver. R11 BA. R10 WL. R10 Reaver. R10 Def. R9 Warg. 2 mil renown. Over 6 million infamy.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    This past Saturday night, after roaming the moors with a froup of six: 4 dps, 2 blue mins, and managing kills before getting zerj'd into oblivion as the map turned red, we all wondered where the fraid was (OOC was a constant call for freeps to join up!). Lo and behold! there they all were (20+) at GV - mounted up, just beyond the stairs. And when it was announced in OOC that the creep horde was incoming to GV from TR bd, as one - in perfect unison - they all wheeled back toward the safety of the stairs.

    It was a cringe worthy sight.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnycrest View Post
    This past Saturday night, after roaming the moors with a froup of six: 4 dps, 2 blue mins, and managing kills before getting zerj'd into oblivion as the map turned red, we all wondered where the fraid was (OOC was a constant call for freeps to join up!). Lo and behold! there they all were (20+) at GV - mounted up, just beyond the stairs. And when it was announced in OOC that the creep horde was incoming to GV from TR bd, as one - in perfect unison - they all wheeled back toward the safety of the stairs.

    It was a cringe worthy sight.
    healstacked fgt


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