Or it is just me how good i am. Still, one of best pvp videos u can watch in 2015.
Or it is just me how good i am. Still, one of best pvp videos u can watch in 2015.
I' am KingZ, Killerhealer, Crowarg and Ganakus.
ADD ME ON PS5 - Kingcrowarg -
Hello to my friends in ex Public Enemies, Champions of Middle Earth, War Wargs and B'astards Inglorius.
No. You're not good at all :/
Your a freaking bad player. first by bragging, then by not using your skills at their best time, instead you just smash some buttons. and last of all, you show a small vid where you kill one freep. i dont dare to guess how much you died in all your other fights..
PS: your interface sucks, and your using store potions. lame.
Last edited by fighterkill; Jan 15 2016 at 02:11 PM.
That's pretty bad frankly. If you want recognition, try a class that isn't so OP.
Rank 13 Champ Landroval
Case and point, its an over powered class if that idiot can do well on it.
As far as i agree with the opinion that weaver's are a little bit op in this moment,You're not good at all,i mean come on ,reflect against this minstrel ,really? And you didn't stun her,not even once
You may go ask Yarara how to play weaver(i think He/she is at Landy right now and really badass)
This game doesn't really require skill for any class anymore tbh.
I would comment, but I don't know you, those who have answered, nor did I watch the vid.
Instead, I am posing questions. Is the weaver OP right now? what happened to make it so? and how overpowered is it.
I don't particularly like playing my weaver when it is OP because I cannot improve, nor have a challenging and fun fight.
Whitestar Rangers : Meneldor : 7
Four Horse men of the aPUGalypse : Landroval : 6
And First of All, Badfinn : Meneldor : One of the Few Remaining Male Weavers.
IMO all creep classes are easy to play given you roll the class and are max lvl right away. I typically dont have too many problems with classes being OP since every update/patch there seems to be something that makes a certain class better than the other. Weavers, WLs, and Defilers gained momentum the last update specifically with shield bash and weaver dps. I know weavers have always been that easy to play and hard to kill class in the moors and i have stayed away from them given the class I play (burg) has never really been able to kill a weaver without popping every CD known to man and hoping you notice when their reflect is up so you dont one shot yourself. To me complaining about weavers being OP is a never ending fight when on the other side theres so much to complain about for freeps. I mean spiders have a no fall dmg skill, a burrow, a 20k heal, a reflect, and a bleed that bypasses mits. There are plenty of other things to complain about on freepside but ill save my breath.
Weavers to me are always going to be a class that everyone is annoyed by but look at where wardens are. I mean even when you point towards mini/rk/beorn healing the good players can withstand a craids dps. For high rank defilers it is now the same and WL's have what seems to be approaching 200k morale soon and for some reason a 10second stun.
Now me playing a burg for the past 6 years with almost no attention or changes from the devs has made me give up on the whos OP whos not OP debate and just avoid high rank spiders/WLs/defilers altogether. But I have the option given my class can stealth. What I really think the moors needs is a -30% inc healing debuff so maybe fights wont last 15 minutes before someone gets a kill. I know there are so many problems this game has that we cant even count them anymore so lets just save the OP debate since when all i see on the big 3 servers is RvR, spider dps really wont make that much of a difference.
In the end does it really matter that someone can out dps someone else when theres 10 defilers/WLs on one side and 10 minis/rks/beornings on the other during the all day shuffle?
what am I hearing? warleaders actually do damage now?
i have a reason to reinstall?
That video is dumb and dumber 3. Poor playing on both ends except the class itself carried you. I thought about calling 911 cause I was certain you had a seizure and was flopping on the keyboard hitting buttons.
Captain-General Ughidontknow...Tripso rnk 6 burg...Izeatzfreepz rnk 8 warg....Yells rnk 10 warleader
Leader of The Hobbit Syndicate
"Everyone wants to be the hero and no one wants to be support"
Honestly, this is a good comparison you've made, Moth. Not that you outrightly said it, but I'll say it: Weavers are basically the Wardens of creepside. Both op classes in their own right and easy af to play lol I usually have a pretty tough time killing even half-brained Weavers on my Burg fully concentrated, hahaha
Not complaining at all, just reiterating what you've said. Which makes a lot of sense. Some classes are just at a slight disadvantage vs. specific classes, especially as of late. For example, Black Arrows, no matter how good the other player is, should ALWAYS lose to a Burg especially when playing the cool down game. It's just how it is.
Ultimately, I think Wardens and Weavers are just at less of a disadvantage than other classes
-Aenise the Burg
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will try to kill you. But first...they must catch you. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and you will never be destroyed...