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  1. #251
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SpicyMacHaggis View Post
    As stated before if you fully optimize your armour by going for the 5-slot armour, you won't be at the soft caps for BP (without BP essences at least) in which case these legacies really shine.
    Possibly so. I'm currently at the stage in progression where I'm tanking Osgiliath instances in mostly DA 4-slot gear and crafted jewellery in order to obtain the Faramir 5-slot armor. I feel like this is a stage where guardian players may need the most guidance.

    Quote Originally Posted by SpicyMacHaggis View Post
    Invigorating parry in a blue build seems pointless as you shouldn't have power problems at all when you trait the ward power cost and relentless assault.
    Combine this with smart usage of CaB/Thrill/power pot and you should never have problems. Thrill of danger can always be picked up when going for war-chant targets which is epic for tanking as it also decreases the cd of your parry/block response skills with 5 secs.
    In theory warchant should also decrease the cd of CaB so you can restore power even more often. I think this is bugged though, as you will see the icon of CaB off CD sometimes, but when you hover over it the tooltip states it's still on CD. This only happens if you trait the warchant targets.
    I don't think you understood what I said (emphasis added):

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthil View Post
    Most of my success in tanking difficult content has been in Ruined City T2C, and much of my thoughts with regards to gear and traits are angled towards that type of boss fight: a somewhat hard-hitting single target with adds I don't want to kill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthil View Post
    I have 2 blue trait setups: one with shallow blue (Pledge and Shield-smash) and deep yellow (Bring On the Pain and Warrior's Fortitude), and the other with deep blue (all the way to Juggernaut). This deep blue build forgoes Thrill of Danger for the more reliable Invigorating Parry to manage power. Because this depends on a) getting sufficient parry responses and b) getting critical hits with parry chain skills, I use the gold Hammerhand DPS bracelet/ring/pocket and keep my crit chance around 20%. I felt much more comfortable managing my power in my most recent RC run than I did when I used Thrill of Danger instead. I make no pretense that this method is best for multi-target tanking as well.
    In the fight with Lumithil, I'm somewhat reluctant to use War-chant so as to reduce damage done to the Harrowing Fell-spirit. The only response skills with significant cooldowns (i.e. more than 5s) in blue are Shield-taunt (10s) and Redirect if you trait for it on your way to BOTP (30s). Since my deep blue trait setup only includes Shield-taunt, I don't see much benefit in resetting my response skills. Additionally, since there aren't always 3 targets from which Thrill of Danger can draw power, it doesn't always restore 1500 power. Since I haven't used Fate tomes yet (I'm waiting for the store sale), Tireless Defender, Relentless Assault, CaB, and power pots aren't enough to sustain my power usage. I'm sure I've seen Invigorating Parry in one of Zonflux's blue builds, but he may have since changed it. What I do know is this: I wasn't worried about my power much in RC with Invigorating Parry; I was when I used Thrill of Danger instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by mattspencer View Post
    Lifthil - I personally wouldn't slot Warrior's Heart Healing on my Main belt and swap belt. Light Damage would be a good legacy on your Main belt instead. If you imbue your tank weapon you can get a higher percentage on Bash Damage, Whirling and Sweeping Cut Damage, AOE Damage, Stamp Cooldown/Damage, and slightly higher stat legacies. To me, bleed damage legacy only makes sense on a dps weapon, 1h or 2h.
    Agreed on the Warrior's Heart healing. At some point (likely after Zon and/or Arathaert weighs in on LI's), I'll probably switch it for Light Damage or Ward Parry. As for imbuing my tank weapon, I also plan to do that sometime in the future. You may not have noticed as much in my proposed plan:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthil View Post
    Here's what I think my end goal will be:
    Main 1H weapon:
    • AoE Skill Damage
    • Guardian Bleed Damage
    • Bash Damage
    • Stamp Cooldown
    • Might
    • Vitality
    • Fate or maybe something else
    • (Partial avoidance mitigation relics)

    Swap weapon:
    • Guardian's Pledge Cooldown
    • Guardian AoE Melee Targets
    • Charge Duration
    • Turn the Tables Cooldown
    • Guardian Bleed Damage
    • Vitality
    • Might
    • (Crit/Incoming healing relics)
    I include Bleed Damage because I sometimes use Thrust and Broad Strokes in my tank traits to increase damage/threat, and, more importantly, I use the same weapon for 1h/shield in red line.

  2. #252
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthil View Post

    I don't think you understood what I said (emphasis added):

    In the fight with Lumithil, I'm somewhat reluctant to use War-chant so as to reduce damage done to the Harrowing Fell-spirit. The only response skills with significant cooldowns (i.e. more than 5s) in blue are Shield-taunt (10s) and Redirect if you trait for it on your way to BOTP (30s). Since my deep blue trait setup only includes Shield-taunt, I don't see much benefit in resetting my response skills. Additionally, since there aren't always 3 targets from which Thrill of Danger can draw power, it doesn't always restore 1500 power. Since I haven't used Fate tomes yet (I'm waiting for the store sale), Tireless Defender, Relentless Assault, CaB, and power pots aren't enough to sustain my power usage. I'm sure I've seen Invigorating Parry in one of Zonflux's blue builds, but he may have since changed it. What I do know is this: I wasn't worried about my power much in RC with Invigorating Parry; I was when I used Thrill of Danger instead.
    So if we're considdering just RC:
    If you're worried war-chant is going to kill the harrowing spirits, then your dps is slacking. Lumi should be long dead by the time you kill those with just war-chant.
    Same could be said about your power issues there: when you're running out of power with Tireless Defender and Relentless Assault traited + smart use of CaB, and power pots than again your dps is probably slacking, because Lumi should be long dead before you run out of power.
    And yes i've also tanked this without fate stat tomes and still didnt have power issues.

    Besides that traited war-chant is also epic to pick up the fell spirits, as you can just stand in the same spot, pop war-chant and you'll have agro on all of them (even more usefull when not resetting lumi, which makes the fight more fun imo).
    While challenge will do the trick as well, i still prefer war-chant for it (i'm reluctant to use force taunts when tanking).

  3. #253
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Endgame Tank:
    screenshot of build, 5-slot essence armour and 3-slot crafted jewellery

    53,509 Morale
    7,788 Power
    16.7 / 5.9 / 21.9% Critical Rating
    25.7% Finesse
    24,953 (%) Physical Mastery
    26.1% Resistance
    75.7% Critical Defence
    12.5% Incoming Healing
    24.0 / 11.4 / 37.5 % Block <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    24.0 / 7.7 / 55.0 % Parry
    18.2 / 8.0 / 35.0 % Evade
    24,048 (60.0 / 35.5%) Physical Mitigation
    16,144 (59.1%) Tactical Mitigation

    First of all superb guide and loving tanking due to this.

    BUT on the screen shot for the above I cant make your numbers match up. (sorry if its stupid question)

    on your screenshot block is 12k parry and evade is 11k

    but the numbers above are :

    24.0 / 11.4 / 37.5 % Block <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    24.0 / 7.7 / 55.0 % Parry
    18.2 / 8.0 / 35.0 % Evade

    whats the first set of numbers then the second set. what is the 24.0 / 11.4 for block mean


  4. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nefarioux View Post
    but the numbers above are :

    24.0 / 11.4 / 37.5 % Block <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    24.0 / 7.7 / 55.0 % Parry
    18.2 / 8.0 / 35.0 % Evade

    whats the first set of numbers then the second set. what is the 24.0 / 11.4 for block mean

    That's 'full avoid chance/partial avoid chance/partial avoid damage reduction' I suppose
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  5. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nefarioux View Post
    First of all superb guide and loving tanking due to this.

    BUT on the screen shot for the above I cant make your numbers match up. (sorry if its stupid question)

    on your screenshot block is 12k parry and evade is 11k

    but the numbers above are :

    24.0 / 11.4 / 37.5 % Block <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    24.0 / 7.7 / 55.0 % Parry
    18.2 / 8.0 / 35.0 % Evade

    whats the first set of numbers then the second set. what is the 24.0 / 11.4 for block mean

    Thank-you kindly @Nefarioux!

    No question is ever stupid `mate.

    Block chance (%) / Partial block chance (%) / Partial block change mitigation (%)

    The partial block, parry and evade chance and mitigation bonuses are from legendary item relics. They do help but they are not game changing and are in my opinion optional; I think quite a few people choose to slot in Morale relics.

    And as some people have pointed out you can lower the Critical Defence for more Morale as well.


    I recently upgraded my home audio studio and in the next week or two, waiting for parts to be delivered, I will be doing a live stream unboxing. I'll post on here and Twitter a date and time once all of the parts come in.

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  6. #256
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    Update 18 Beta 1

    With the release of Update 18 Beta 1 on Bullroarer there is a big shift towards morale stacking for tanks. There has already been a move towards tanks building for larger morale pools but if things remain the same in Update 18 then I'm completely dumping avoidances. Okay, well not completely but basically just enough to hit the new nerfed hard cap. The new hard cap is 13%, any rating over contributes towards your partial mitigations; and the first thing that you will notice if you were to log into Bullroarer is that you are now WAAAAYYYYYY over-cap. With the 5% bonus you can get up to 18% Block and Parry, or 19% Parry with a +1% Parry one-hander sword.

    It's a confusing shift for Turbine, one that leaves me a bit confused. A move like this does not encourage partial mitigation builds (this was nerfed too by the way) but rather just encourages people to try and trait another 5-10k morale into their builds. I don't know if I can hit 60k morale, but that is what I am aiming for next time I log into Bullroarer.

    For your interest there is also new Tier 8 essences and some level 105 gear and a pocket item that has a temporary morale bauble, check the Bullroarer forums for details or log into Bullroarer to see for yourself.

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  7. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatabguy View Post
    With the release of Update 18 Beta 1 on Bullroarer there is a big shift towards morale stacking for tanks. There has already been a move towards tanks building for larger morale pools but if things remain the same in Update 18 then I'm completely dumping avoidances. Okay, well not completely but basically just enough to hit the new nerfed hard cap. The new hard cap is 13%, any rating over contributes towards your partial mitigations; and the first thing that you will notice if you were to log into Bullroarer is that you are now WAAAAYYYYYY over-cap. With the 5% bonus you can get up to 18% Block and Parry, or 19% Parry with a +1% Parry one-hander sword.

    It's a confusing shift for Turbine, one that leaves me a bit confused. A move like this does not encourage partial mitigation builds (this was nerfed too by the way) but rather just encourages people to try and trait another 5-10k morale into their builds. I don't know if I can hit 60k morale, but that is what I am aiming for next time I log into Bullroarer.

    For your interest there is also new Tier 8 essences and some level 105 gear and a pocket item that has a temporary morale bauble, check the Bullroarer forums for details or log into Bullroarer to see for yourself.
    From what I've been told from other testers thus far, the changes to avoidances actually mean you want go heavy on the avoidance essences, to whack up your partial bpe, which increases survivability significantly more than a morale stacking build. As I'm not one for number crunching, and haven't personally yet been able to jump on to Bullroarer, I can't confirm this, but if you have the time and the inclination, may I suggest that you try out a build which focuses on pushing towards the new partial bpe caps (iirc this is a lot higher than the reduced basic bpe chance), and see what th survivability results are like?

  8. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatabguy View Post
    i don't know if I can hit 60k morale, but that is what I am aiming for next time I log into Bullroarer.

    That´s easy achievable, not sure why you want to do that though . With 50k before i was doing just perfeclty fine ...

    After doing the new 6mn T2, im too somewhat confused, because i was under the impression that by using the new gear or LOTS of partial b/p/e essences (60% and more) it kinda did help during those moments when your b/p/e drops to zero?, but im not 100% sure yet .. maybe the old set is still good enough. Keep the 5 socket one for boss encounters and one like the Dol Amorth one with high partial mit bpe. Need to do addtional testing, but so far a set/build with <50k morale and 40% partial bpe and 1400 fate (which is bonkers!)> seems to be the new FOTM build, maybe even drop some HP and increase it beyond to 70% dmg reduced.

    Im happy but at the same time uncertain, as im not really a fan of having 2 sets or more for an instance run.

  9. #259
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    May 2008
    I've read most of the BR forums about the changes, and as far as avoidances the picture looks like this. You'll be able to get 13% Block/Parry max (18% max with Block/Parry trait at max), and possibly another 1% from wielding a sword (not sure how that works exactly). After that, your partial avoidances can go up to 35% each max. If you are worried about mob's (or creeps) finesse, you will want your BPE partials at 33.33% so that you will always at least get a partial bpe. This means that you will have less spike damage, and less time of no damage (from full bpe) and just a more continuous stream of moderate damage. For a raid build I would get my partial bpe to 100% total, and stack morale after that. (plus mitigation/etc) I do wonder if this now makes Crit D useless. For all I know you can't be hit with a crit/devastate when you partially bpe an attack. You still have some attacks (Lumithul?) that can't be bpe'd, so that may still require crit D.

    I believe the attack table looks like...
    Partial Block
    Partial Parry
    Partial Evade

    in that specific order. For tier 1 (or anywhere without finesse) assuming 18% B/P and putting just an 18/18/13% in the partials that makes it...

    Miss 5% Guessing on 5%
    Block 18% (23%)
    Parry 18% (41%)
    Evade 13% (54%)
    Partial Block 18% (72%)
    Partial Parry 18% (90%)
    Partial Evade 13% (103%)
    Hit *won't happen*
    Crit *won't happen*
    Devastate *won't happen*

    A complete guess on the 5% miss chance, but some runs with Combat Analysis should clarify that. With maxed full avoidance, and fairly minimal partial avoidances, you will at worst get hit with partial avoidance damage. Any percentage higher than the above will lower the amount of damage taken on partial avoidances.

    Tier 2 (or places with very high finesse) you will want something like the below...

    Miss 0% Guessing on 0%
    Block 0% (0%)
    Parry 0% (0%)
    Evade 0% (0%)
    Partial Block 33.34% (33.34%)
    Partial Parry 33.33% (66.67%)
    Partial Evade 33.33% (100%)
    Hit *won't happen*
    Crit *won't happen*
    Devastate *won't happen*

    So for this, you will need to have very high partial mitigations to avoid any regular hits/crits/devastates. Again, some Combat Analysis runs will clarify the numbers better, but I would say that when we figure out what exactly is needed to get to 33.33% B/P/E (rating wise) we will know what numbers we will need to pursue. The avoidance relics got nerfed also, so partial avoidances will be a little harder to obtain had they not lowered them.

    I've also read that 3 more trait points may be available. We will be even more OP with that.
    Last edited by mattspencer; Mar 21 2016 at 05:01 PM.

  10. #260
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I did some testing in Stoneheight Tier 1 and it looks like the miss chance is somewhere around 1% for Normals/Signatures and 0.5% for the first Elite Master/Elite bosses. My numbers seem to be getting skewed from disarms, wounds, and caltrops. Anyone have a better instance to use for better results?


    Looks like the first pull in SG with the 7 Uruks (one being an elite master) is a good pull on Tier 1 for sure, maybe tier 2 also. If you take down their corruptions your block heals are more than their damage, and if you get low in morale just use Bring on the Pain to heal back up.

    Here are the Tier 1 and Tier 2 numbers I came up with...

    SG T1 First pull 6 Elites, 1 EM (2,408 Attacks)
    15,917 Block 25.2/12.5/17.5
    14,412 Parry 20.6/9.8/35
    7,620 Evade 15.6/5.4/35
    27 Misses 1.1%
    368 Blocks 15.3% (25.2) 9.9% less
    357 Parries 14.8% (20.6) 5.8% less
    283 Evades 11.8% (15.6) 3.8% less
    186 Partial Blocks 7.8% (12.5) 4.7% less
    106 Partial Parries 4.4% (9.8) 5.4% less
    63 Partial Evades 2.6% (5.4) 2.8% less
    1,018 Hits 42.3%
    118 Crits 4.9%
    38 Devastates 1.6%

    SG T2 Guldur Guards x 4 – Elite (1,001 Attacks)
    21,911 Block 26.7/15/17.5
    20,468 Parry 22.3/12.5/35
    8,052 Evade 16/5.7/35
    12 Misses 1.2%
    116 Blocks 11.6% (26.7) 15.1% less
    120 Parries 12.0% (22.3) 10.3% less
    65 Evades 6.5% (16) 9.5% less
    97 Partial Blocks 9.7% (15) 5.3% less
    63 Partial Parries 6.3% (12.5) 6.2% less
    13 Partial Evades 1.3% (5.7) 4.4% less
    515 Hits 51.4%
    79 Crits 7.9%
    40 Devastates 4.0%

    So Miss chance is about 1%, Tier 2 lowers your BPE chance a bit more than Tier 1, but not too drastically.

    I would guess for Tier 1 you will only need the 3 partials to make up 60% total.

    *Edit new numbers*

    SG T1 First pull 6 Elites, 1 EM (5,001 Attacks)
    15,917 Block 25.2/12.5/17.5
    14,412 Parry 20.6/9.8/35
    7,620 Evade 15.6/5.4/35
    46 Misses 0.9%
    843 Blocks 16.9% (25.2) 8.3% less
    675 Parries 13.5% (20.6) 7.1% less
    601 Evades 12.0% (15.6) 3.6% less
    354 Partial Blocks 7.8% (12.5) 4.7% less
    219 Partial Parries 4.4% (9.8) 5.4% less
    123 Partial Evades 2.5% (5.4) 2.9% less
    2,140 Hits 42.8%
    246 Crits 4.9%
    105 Devastates 2.1%

    No Guard's Ward used. I only removed corruptions to lower their DPS, then used Bring on the Pain as needed to stay alive. Adaptability was up the whole time as soon as it was built up, I never used War Cry which resets block.
    Last edited by mattspencer; Mar 23 2016 at 12:28 AM.

  11. #261
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    Sep 2011
    I'm pretty sure that miss, BPE and partial BPE are multiplicative with each other. In other words - they are checked separately. A formula that gives you the chance to receive a full hit would look like this: (1 - miss) * (1 - (B + P + E)) * (1 - (pB + pP + pE)). This is why the % of partial avoidances we see in CA are always much lower than what the character sheet says. They are checked after full avoidances.

    Using your made up numbers, this would give:

    (1 - 0.05) * (1 - (0.18 + 0.18 + 0.13)) * (1 - (0.18 + 0.18 + 0.13)) ~= 0.25 | 25% chance to not avoid the damage in any way in the first scenario
    (1 - 0.0) * (1 - (0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0)) * (1 - (0.3334 + 0.3333 + 0.3333)) = 0 | 0% chance to not avoid the damage in any way in the second scenario

    Looking at the formula we can say that if neither the sum of full avoidances nor the sum of partial avoidances are greater than or equal to 100%, there's always a chance you'll receive a full hit, i.e. you can't push crit off the roll table unless either your total avoidances or partial avoidances sum up to at least 100%. The former is impossible now and will be impossible after U18. The latter I can't check right now.

  12. #262
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Updatre 18 Beta 2

    I ran some tests for you guys. I tried not to pop Pledge and Juggernaut, but all my tests were in Blue on Tier 2 so I apologize but I did have to pop them a few/several times to keep myself alive.

    * Avoidance type: full chance / partial chance / partial mitigation

    Block: 18.0% / 30.2% / 56.5%
    Parry: 16.0% / 26.7% / 52.5%
    Evade: 13.0% / 25.3% / 50.4%

    I can get my Parry up to 19%, but I'll have to play around with my class trait tree.

    I opted to get my Morale to 48k versus getting my Partial Avoidance chances higher. It feels as though to get near the 33-35% mark would require a huge tradeoff of Morale.

    My Critical Defence with the Blue bonus of +10% just hit 49.7%, Finesse was 26.7%

    Mitigations were 30k or 31 for Physical and around 20k for Tactical I believe. I had no essences of Physical Mitigation but I did have a single essence for Tactical.

    I also swapped in the 10% Power restore class essence since our Power pool is now lower because Morale essences have Fate instead of Power. Not sure I needed it, but now I can be oblivious to my Power.

    Sammoth Gul - Tier 2 - Blue solo - 1st pull
    Ruined City - Tier 2 - Blue solo - 1st pull
    Ruined City - Tier 2 - Blue solo - 2nd pull

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  13. #263
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    So it looks like if you even had 35 on each of the partials, you still would not get them to an actual 100% total. Your partial block dropped 10%, parry about 7%, and evade about 12.5%. So if you get it to 105% total, at best you will see 75%, unless there is some other buff or debuff going on. If it does go partial, full, hit in that order, that means 25% of the attacks will go against full, in which you saw about 45% full avoids, which you could maybe get maxed to 50% I suspect. So 75% partial avoids, 12.5% full avoids, and 12.5% hit of some kind looks like the realistic max outcomes.

    BTW they are "nerfing" our bleed/effect spreads and self heals, so we will probably need more than one to do T2C's. In my opinion a good change, but I will miss some of the fun ridiculous stuff. The somewhat nerfed Wardens, but not enough, so they will still be OP solo beasts.

  14. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattspencer View Post
    BTW they are "nerfing" our bleed/effect spreads and self heals, so we will probably need more than one to do T2C's. In my opinion a good change, but I will miss some of the fun ridiculous stuff. The somewhat nerfed Wardens, but not enough, so they will still be OP solo beasts.
    Are you talking about the nerf to Insult to Injury? For U18b2 in AoE battles I only noticed a very slight difference in both bleed heals and DPS, it was only when the battle came down to single-target that I really noticed the difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by mattspencer View Post
    So it looks like if you even had 35 on each of the partials, you still would not get them to an actual 100% total. Your partial block dropped 10%, parry about 7%, and evade about 12.5%. So if you get it to 105% total, at best you will see 75%, unless there is some other buff or debuff going on. If it does go partial, full, hit in that order, that means 25% of the attacks will go against full, in which you saw about 45% full avoids, which you could maybe get maxed to 50% I suspect. So 75% partial avoids, 12.5% full avoids, and 12.5% hit of some kind looks like the realistic max outcomes.
    Well, I'm not so sure... remember that I was popping the occasional Pledge and Juggernaut, these will give me very high full avoidances during the time the skill is active.

    Here is the way that I understand the Partial Avoidance mechanic...
    * This is my understanding, I could be completely wrong.

    var activeFullAvoidPercent :: FLOAT;
    var activePartialAvoidPercent :: FLOAT;
    var enemyAttack :: OBJECT;
    var doFullAvoid :: FUNCTION;
    var doPartialAvoid :: FUNCTION;
    var applyEnemyAttack :: FUNCTION;

    IF roll(100) >= activeFullAvoidPercent THEN doFullAvoid(enemyAttack);
    ELSE IF roll(100) >= activePartialAvoidPercent THEN doPartialAvoid(enemyAttack);
    ELSE applyEnemyAttack(enemyAttack);

    My understanding is that a Partial Avoidance check is only done when you fail a Full Avoidance check. If that is the case then we have to completely factor out Full Avoids out of our equation to see what we truly got for our Partial Avoids.

    Hits = Normal Hits - Critical Hits - Devastate Hits = 908
    * Notice that I am making my own formula for Hits.
    Full Avoids (FA) = 421
    Full Avoid % = Full Avoids / Hits = 46.4%
    Partial Avoids (PA) = 474
    Partial Avoid % = PA / (Hits - FA) = 97.3%

    97.3% seems rather high considering that my Partials unbuffed were only 30/27/25 or 82% combined but remember that I was trying to keep Guardian's Ward up.

    Below are my buffed partials with Ward (with legacies) and Adaptability (no legacy) up;
    32,762 38.6%
    31,308 35.3%
    19,988 25.3%
    Total % = 99.2%

    In a perfect world I would keep Ward up all of the time, but I am very lazy and far from perfect. Also, there are some attacks such as tactical damage that cannot be avoided.

    But let's say I'm perfect and far from lazy =P then when I fail a Full Avoidance check then in order to take a non-avoided attack I would have to roll lower than 99.2%.

    Considering that my partial avoidance % was 97.3% in my logs I would say that I did a fairly decent job at keeping Ward up.

    @mattspencer and to all the Guardian's reading this, in the upcoming Update make sure to keep Guardian's Ward up while tanking and make sure to slot the Ward Block and Ward Parry legacies as they are HUGE in this Update.

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    Last edited by thatabguy; Mar 26 2016 at 01:22 PM.

  15. #265
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    Knowing that the new 3/6man instances are not in their final state and after doing the 3man at T2, the dps-sacrifice is a lot to stay at 40k unbuffed morale (with an increase of my bpe (partials) to silly values). I dont see why a PUG should pick a guardian for the newest 3man over a warden. Right now the best "change" coming with u18 is that shield wall remains active even once the tank is stunned. The main issue im having is that, while the new 6man is easy at T2, the 3man (quays in particular) are a PITA to say the least. Not in terms of challenge, but due the "mechanics" of the instance, # enemies ...

    Older content with such high bpe (partials) are a joke now, even in Tier 2. Not sure yet what the minim. morale of the tank should be at, but even at 40k with 2 waves (3 archers, few veterans and lots of trash) and getting constantly knockbacks, disarmed, stunned, a 10k fire dot every 3s for 15s or a 6k poison dot/s + 100% inc dmg (archers) can be tricky. Right now, it seems to me that you´re better off taking a warden (dps/tank) for these new 3mans. The 3man due the amount of trash takes like twice as much if not not more as the new 6man at T2 which is silly tbh. For 2000TP , this just aint worth it (not knowing if the RAID will have any MC!).

    Durability Test | AFK Aggro (Zero Button Aggro) | 15min of fun

  16. #266
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Amykouqab View Post
    Knowing that the new 3/6man instances are not in their final state and after doing the 3man at T2, the dps-sacrifice is a lot to stay at 40k unbuffed morale (with an increase of my bpe (partials) to silly values). I dont see why a PUG should pick a guardian for the newest 3man over a warden. Right now the best "change" coming with u18 is that shield wall remains active even once the tank is stunned. The main issue im having is that, while the new 6man is easy at T2, the 3man (quays in particular) are a PITA to say the least. Not in terms of challenge, but due the "mechanics" of the instance, # enemies ...

    Older content with such high bpe (partials) are a joke now, even in Tier 2. Not sure yet what the minim. morale of the tank should be at, but even at 40k with 2 waves (3 archers, few veterans and lots of trash) and getting constantly knockbacks, disarmed, stunned, a 10k fire dot every 3s for 15s or a 6k poison dot/s + 100% inc dmg (archers) can be tricky. Right now, it seems to me that you´re better off taking a warden (dps/tank) for these new 3mans. The 3man due the amount of trash takes like twice as much if not not more as the new 6man at T2 which is silly tbh. For 2000TP , this just aint worth it (not knowing if the RAID will have any MC!).

    Durability Test | AFK Aggro (Zero Button Aggro) | 15min of fun

    Your B/P/E is way too high. I'm sitting at 26k/26k/33k (with Ward up) and that already adds up to 100% partial avoidance. Since partial avoidance doesn't seem to be affected by Finesse, that's enough to not get a full hit once.
    Pulling the whole Library and standing there only refreshing Ward was the first thing I did, too - hilarious. More than 4k HPS through block heals alone. This also works on live though. Even HPS was compareable - my live build has more morale though, so procced less but healed for more. The significant difference is that on live after 5+ minutes standing there incoming damage was around 1200 TPS, while on Bullroarer it was roughly 700... quite a buff.

    I don't think my final build will feature full partial avoidance. The diminishing returns seem huge after a certain point - getting them to a total of like 80-90% (made up number, but I think it was around that^^) seems reasonable. My current Bullroar build which I threw togehter rather fast and without much effort features 46k morale, capped full avoids, 100% partials, overcapped mits - On my live build I will probably get rid of some avoidance essences to get another 10k morale.
    Last edited by dwarfThar; Mar 26 2016 at 03:30 PM.
    Dobb - Hobbit Burglar
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    R.I.P [DE]Anduin
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  17. #267
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    Sep 2009
    I know things will be changing soon but I was wondering if someone could post what stats a solo guard should be shooting for. Which stats are most important and which could be mostly ignored. I use the hammerhand jewelry and the Minas Tirith armor set for a base.


  18. #268
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    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidewinder_99 View Post
    I know things will be changing soon but I was wondering if someone could post what stats a solo guard should be shooting for. Which stats are most important and which could be mostly ignored. I use the hammerhand jewelry and the Minas Tirith armor set for a base.

    TANK 70k buffed in my case https://imgur.com/VZnSb3o
    Morale unbuffed 40´000 / 50K buffed and higher dps
    Crit. Rating not important
    Finesse 10´000+ (20%)
    Resistance ~16´000 (~25%) + 4k (food) = 20´000 (~30%)
    Crit. Def. ~15´000 (60% + 10%)
    inc. healing ~8´000+ (20%)
    Block ~18´000 (25%+) + leg
    Parry ~16´000+ (23%+) + leg
    Evade ~8´000+ (10 - 14%)
    PhyMits 24´500
    Tact.Mits 24´500 (with GRDWard up)


    Morale unbuffed 30´000  ~40´000 buffed
    Crit. Rating ~15%
    Finesse 10´000+ (20%)
    Phy.Mastery up to 40 - 50K
    Resistance ~16´000 (~25%) + 4k (food) = 20´000 (~30%)
    Crit. Def. ~15´000 (60% + 10%)
    inc. healing ~8´000+ (20%)
    Block ~18´000 (25%+) (with GRDWard up) + leg
    Parry ~16´000+ (23%+) (with GRDWard up) + leg
    Evade ~8´000+ (10 - 14%)
    PhyMits 24´500
    Tact.Mits 24´500 (with GRDWard up)
    Copy over your grd to bullroarer and play around with different builds before they shut the server down again. Also read the Zonflux guide, it always depends on your playstyle, how you play or what you expect/role will be. But in general those are that stats to aim for (more or less)

  19. #269
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thanks for the info - I have read Zon's guides, and have learned quite a bit from them. I was waiting on his solo section to be completed. My main question revolves around having both tac and phy mits maxed at all times. I'm sure that there are times when you won't need tac mit maxed. Is there a resource anywhere that shows which instances and skirm's require tac mit or do most solo players simply max it all the time and forget about it?


  20. #270
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dwarfThar View Post
    Your B/P/E is way too high. I'm sitting at 26k/26k/33k (with Ward up) and that already adds up to 100% partial avoidance. Since partial avoidance doesn't seem to be affected by Finesse, that's enough to not get a full hit once.
    Pulling the whole Library and standing there only refreshing Ward was the first thing I did, too - hilarious. More than 4k HPS through block heals alone. This also works on live though. Even HPS was compareable - my live build has more morale though, so procced less but healed for more. The significant difference is that on live after 5+ minutes standing there incoming damage was around 1200 TPS, while on Bullroarer it was roughly 700... quite a buff.
    Yes, it is worse on BR.
    I did the same tests but in T2 (Fornost Earth with all the Goblins at beginning which must not be killed)
    With enough morale (I tested with 70K+), +30% IH, you can go AFK most of the time (easier once 1 or 2 of the 3 big mobs are killed and once all mobs are in melee (their ranged attacks do more damage))
    I tried on Live before, impossible (not enough morale => HPS too low on T2)
    The B/P/E changes does not seem to do anything, you still have to stack plenty of morale essences for better survivability
    Last edited by Castorix; Mar 27 2016 at 12:00 PM.

  21. #271
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Castorix View Post
    The B/P/E changes does not seem to do anything, you still have to stack plenty of morale essences for better survivability
    They actually do I think. Block heals also proc on partial blocks - on live you have around 25% block, 8% partial, while on BR we now have 18% block, but 25-30% partial block chance.

    The math isn't as significant as I first thought though (regarding more block heals):
    On live (25%b/25%p/15%e and 8% partial block) we block 27,8% of all attacks,
    on BR (18%b/18%p/13%e and 30% partial block) it's 33,3% overall.

    The task will be to balance partial avoidances (to negate all or most of incoming crits + reduce their damage by more than 50%) and morale for bigger heals. I think (well, actually I hope) that we will see a shift towards avoidance tanks and will not just mindlessly be stacking morale again, as most spike damage can be avoided through partial b/p/e (apart from tactical attacks of course) now.
    Dobb - Hobbit Burglar
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  22. #272
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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidewinder_99 View Post
    Thanks for the info - I have read Zon's guides, and have learned quite a bit from them. I was waiting on his solo section to be completed. My main question revolves around having both tac and phy mits maxed at all times. I'm sure that there are times when you won't need tac mit maxed. Is there a resource anywhere that shows which instances and skirm's require tac mit or do most solo players simply max it all the time and forget about it?

    I just got back from Easter dinner at the farm. I will work on my solo section today.

  23. #273
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copied & Pasted from the Bullroarer forums my reply...

    Very good discussion everyone!

    I would like to give a shout out to @Joedangod as he is correct about whether Partial Avoidance is a Hit.

    To clarify; a Partial Avoidance hit will take the partially mitigated damage and damage type associated with the hit but will not be affected by Critical Hits, Devastate Hits and surprisingly does not classify as a Hit but rather an Avoidance as per my testing I too could not get a Partial Avoidance to trigger Adaptability. This was over 1532 hits and 908 partial avoids, not a single Adaptability.


    Explaining each stat in detail from my previous SG T2 parse...

    Sammoth Gul - Tier 2 - Blue solo - 1st pull
    Name Value
    Taken: Attacks 918
    Critical Hits 5
    Devastate Hits 0
    Avoidance Hits 488
    Misses 9
    Full Avoids 421 (46.3%)
    Partial Avoids 474 (52.1%)

    Full Avoid % = Full Avoids / (Taken Hits - Misses) = 421 / (918 - 9) = 421 / 909 = 46.3% (verified)
    CA Partial Avoid % = Partial Avoids / (Taken Hits - Misses) = 474 / (918 - 9) = 474 / 909 = 52.1% (verified)

    Now let's factor into the equation that a Partial Avoidance ONLY happens when you FAIL a Full Avoidance check...

    Avoidance Hits = Taken Hits - Misses - Full Avoids
    = 918 - 9 - 421 = 488 (verified)

    Partial Avoid % = Partial Avoids / (Partial Avoids + Critical Hits + Devastate Hits)
    = 474 / (474 + 5 + 0) = 474 / 479 = 98.96%

    CritDevHit % = (Critcal Hits + Devastate Hits) / (Partial Avoids + Critical Hits + Devastate Hits)
    = (5 + 0) / (474 + 5 + 0) = 5 / 479 = 1.04%

    Partial Avoid % + CritDevHit % = 98.96% + 1.04% = 100% (verified)

    I would like to give a shout out to @Unglorvien for the light bulb in my head for these revisions.

    My initial formulas were a tiny bit wrong, though they did not affect the end numbers by much.


    Now let's look at @Joedangod's stats and do an analysis...

    @Joedangod - Sammoth Gul - Tier 2 - Blue solo - 1st pull
    Name Value
    Taken: Attacks 776
    Critical Hits 1
    Avoidance Hits 466
    Misses 7
    Full Avoids 303 (39.4%)
    Partial Avoids 465 (60.5%)

    Full Avoid % = Full Avoids / (Taken Hits - Misses) = 303 / (776 - 7) = 303 / 769 = 39.4% (verified)
    CA Partial Avoid % = Partial Avoids / (Taken Hits - Misses) = 465 / (776 - 7) = 465 / 769 = 60.5% (verified)

    Partial Avoid % = Partial Avoids / (Partial Avoids + Critical Hits + Devastate Hits)
    = 465 / (465 + 1) = 465 / 466 = 99.79%

    CritDevHit % = (Critcal Hits + Devastate Hits) / (Partial Avoids + Critical Hits + Devastate Hits)
    = 1 / (465 + 1) = 1 / 466 = 0.21%

    Partial Avoid % + CritDevHit % = 99.79% + 0.21% = 100% (verified)


    In summary;

    Full Avoid % = Full Avoids / (Taken Hits - Misses)
    CA Partial Avoid % = Partial Avoids / (Taken Hits - Misses)
    Avoidance Hits = Taken Hits - Misses - Full Avoids
    Partial Avoid % = Partial Avoids / (Partial Avoids + Critical Hits + Devastate Hits)
    CritDevHit % = (Critcal Hits + Devastate Hits) / (Partial Avoids + Critical Hits + Devastate Hits)
    Partial Avoid % + CritDevHit % = 100%


    I am actually an official CombatAnalysis contributing author. I'll pass on this information to the team.

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  24. #274
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    May 2008
    I guess I am either a little mistaken on how people are looking at numbers, how CA reports number, or I just think about them differently. IMO you should be comparing 'x result' to the attack number to get a feel for how the outcome of the fight really is. As in you got attacked 100 times, blocked 30 of those attacks, parried 20, evaded 15, partial blocked 15, etc.... I want to know how often I get these avoids per time I am attacked. I was under the impression that you could get to 100% of either full or partial avoids in beta, which would mean you are never hit/crit/devastated. But I am curious if you get your partials to over 100% total, does the mob finesse no longer bring it to below 100% total and you never get hit/crit/devastated. I think I am just looking at this all from a different perspective.

  25. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattspencer View Post
    I guess I am either a little mistaken on how people are looking at numbers, how CA reports number, or I just think about them differently. IMO you should be comparing 'x result' to the attack number to get a feel for how the outcome of the fight really is. As in you got attacked 100 times, blocked 30 of those attacks, parried 20, evaded 15, partial blocked 15, etc.... I want to know how often I get these avoids per time I am attacked. I was under the impression that you could get to 100% of either full or partial avoids in beta, which would mean you are never hit/crit/devastated. But I am curious if you get your partials to over 100% total, does the mob finesse no longer bring it to below 100% total and you never get hit/crit/devastated. I think I am just looking at this all from a different perspective.
    To my understanding mob Finesse only affects Full Avoidances, thus if you have 100% or higher unbuffed or buffed total Partial Avoidances then you will never receive a Critical or Devastate Hit. The only time you may take a crit is if your positional is poor where you are only evading, am stunned or taking tactical damage.


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