This play-style has been happening for a long time (on beta) and the main player I have seen doing it is also one of the most vocal players (about his 1v1 wins, or lack of) online at any given time. I laughed at this play-style the first time I seen it and I laugh at it today, the only players who need to do this are the players who simply can't play w/o it currently, the players who do this are the same players who when they win will claim that they won because they are better but when they lose will claim some sort of uncontrollable reason (lag, OP class, cds) instead of looking at their own mistakes and working on them. Failures will be failures I guess....
I'm saying you should roll with 1 corruption and trait setup for all your 1v1s. If you want to change builds to try something different, do it for a series of 1v1s. Do you run around on the map with 3 tact mit and no phys and combat log if a champ attacks you then? Do you run in a group with an imbalanced build and have everyone run to the 1-shots if the freep opposition is coming with tact dps instead of physical?
Any ####### can get a 10%+ advantage on their opposition in either dmg taken or given by swapping traits based on opponent. The only thing that prevents this from evening out or even going in the freeps favor is they are playing like less of a ###### than you.
Elvich is right, I am using the exact same build for spars on spider, it's so pointless to trait masteries these days since you get a good amount of damage from capped audacity.Before the update which added the damage bonus on audacity(16.2 if i remember well) I was using instead of mits, masteries, but these days you should count your damage on audacity/OPs and bfp.
Also, on open field if I roam solo or with small group I trait 3 tact mits 3 phys mits 3 morales 3 crit D but when I am in a raid I prefer to trait glass.
2 days ago. All the 'rules' of BW 1v1s have been quite effective in making a class that's essentially trash for solo/real 1v1 play close to decently balanced at GG (sort of like how wargs go from one of the weakest in a true 1v1 scenario is among the best).
I suppose this is the part where you tell me how huge a difference there is in properly playing a class with a basic melee/kite alternating movement style and cooldown timers that essentially match the time it takes to use all the skills allowable in a 1v1.
Originally Posted by JOHNARA
Elvich is right, I am using the exact same build for spars on spider, it's so pointless to trait masteries these days since you get a good amount of damage from capped audacity.Before the update which added the damage bonus on audacity(16.2 if i remember well) I was using instead of mits, masteries, but these days you should count your damage on audacity/OPs and bfp.
Also, on open field if I roam solo or with small group I trait 3 tact mits 3 phys mits 3 morales 3 crit D but when I am in a raid I prefer to trait glass.
What is he 'right' about? That traiting 1 mit, crit d, crit, and morale is stronger against a specific class type than both mits, crit, and morale, or crit, morale, mastery, and crit d? Of course its stronger, the point is its only stronger when you face a specific set of classes, while being trash against the alternate type. The only advantage it provides is based on the opponent choosing not to take the same steps (again, how well would your weaver do against someone who dropped all their phys mit essences for resistance ones, and then how would they do if they then tried to fight a warg using FW in the weaver specific build?). Its like popping a tome of defense while your opponent declines to and then claiming that makes you a better player.
2 days ago. All the 'rules' of BW 1v1s have been quite effective in making a class that's essentially trash for solo/real 1v1 play close to decently balanced at GG (sort of like how wargs go from one of the weakest in a true 1v1 scenario is among the best).
I suppose this is the part where you tell me how huge a difference there is in properly playing a class with a basic melee/kite alternating movement style and cooldown timers that essentially match the time it takes to use all the skills allowable in a 1v1.
What is he 'right' about? That traiting 1 mit, crit d, crit, and morale is stronger against a specific class type than both mits, crit, and morale, or crit, morale, mastery, and crit d? Of course its stronger, the point is its only stronger when you face a specific set of classes, while being trash against the alternate type. The only advantage it provides is based on the opponent choosing not to take the same steps (again, how well would your weaver do against someone who dropped all their phys mit essences for resistance ones, and then how would they do if they then tried to fight a warg using FW in the weaver specific build?). Its like popping a tome of defense while your opponent declines to and then claiming that makes you a better player.
TLDR send me a tell ingame if you wish to continue this discussion.
What is he 'right' about? That traiting 1 mit, crit d, crit, and morale is stronger against a specific class type than both mits, crit, and morale, or crit, morale, mastery, and crit d? Of course its stronger, the point is its only stronger when you face a specific set of classes, while being trash against the alternate type. The only advantage it provides is based on the opponent choosing not to take the same steps (again, how well would your weaver do against someone who dropped all their phys mit essences for resistance ones, and then how would they do if they then tried to fight a warg using FW in the weaver specific build?). Its like popping a tome of defense while your opponent declines to and then claiming that makes you a better player.
He is right about the whole setup. Does it worth the shot to trait glass vs a morale stacked freep? Glass is a wrong setup for spars, when I tried glass freeps were doing 3 to 4k dps on me.
His setup though isn't "ezmode", "ezmode" setup is when you use 5-6 mits and crit D/morales.
He is right about the whole setup. Does it worth the shot to trait glass vs a morale stacked freep? Glass is a wrong setup for spars, when I tried glass freeps were doing 3 to 4k dps on me.
His setup though isn't "ezmode", "ezmode" setup is when you use 5-6 mits and crit D/morales.
where did i say you have to trait glass cannon? If you want to trait 3 mits, fine, but trait both sets of mits, rather than swapping based on who you're fighting and creating an artificial stat bump that would get you wrecked in open pvp. The loss would most likely be in crit d or mastery.
PS: WLs cap mits with only 3 corruptions (or less depending on dof pots/aura/banner), so going 6 mits is up there on dumbass moves you could possibly do, not "ezmode".
where did i say you have to trait glass cannon? If you want to trait 3 mits, fine, but trait both sets of mits, rather than swapping based on who you're fighting and creating an artificial stat bump that would get you wrecked in open pvp. The loss would most likely be in crit d or mastery.
When you're in open field then yea I trait both of the sets of mits, I was talking about the spars.
If you want to trait 3 mits, fine, but trait both sets of mits, rather than swapping based on who you're fighting and creating an artificial stat bump that would get you wrecked in open pvp. The loss would most likely be in crit d or mastery.
So, wasting 3 corruption slots on something useless makes you a better player now?
I kind of have to back Elvich on this one. Granted, I don't trait 6 physical mitigation, Pack Eldar, and 3 critical defence when 1v1ing champs, because I consider that cheap. However, 90% of freeps do some form of gear swapping depending on who they are fighting. Why can't creeps be given the same option?
So, wasting 3 corruption slots on something useless makes you a better player now?
Originally Posted by JOHNARA
When you're in open field then yea I trait both of the sets of mits, I was talking about the spars.
That's exactly the point, you're in a place where everyone, to one degree or another, has agreed to a loose set of rules to self-nerf themselves so that both sides have a closer to even chance to get kills (and not make the fights last 10 minutes in the case of WL). Players that go to these, and abide by these given rules outwardly, but then make imbalanced builds they would never realistically use in a 'real' fight are just taking advantage of something that isn't as easily outwardly monitored. I'd be you'd be one of the first people to make fun of a WL using 3-4 (maybe 2-3 with your bfp) quit whining brawler's heals over the course of a fight (or a weaver using 1-2 CCs), since it violates those standard 1v1 circle rules, but an imbalanced build that you wouldn't use on landscape gives you a pretty similar bonus, without even having to time in the actual skills.
Originally Posted by Spilo
I kind of have to back Elvich on this one. Granted, I don't trait 6 physical mitigation, Pack Eldar, and 3 critical defence when 1v1ing champs, because I consider that cheap. However, 90% of freeps do some form of gear swapping depending on who they are fighting. Why can't creeps be given the same option?
Granted you've spent much, much, much more time at 1v1s than me, but this is something I pay quite a bit of attention to when I am there, and I'd put the number at more like 20-25%.
Granted you've spent much, much, much more time at 1v1s than me, but this is something I pay quite a bit of attention to when I am there, and I'd put the number at more like 20-25%.
Just differences from what you and I have seen. I do, however, agree that it is possibly abuseable. I proved that point on the first day of U16 by traiting max mitigations/flayer/improved flayer depending on who was I fighting and totally destroyed every freep I fought- beating most with more than 2/3 of a morale bar.