Another tick on Turbines Bucket list: Creep population on Laurelin diminished to almost none.
Another tick on Turbines Bucket list: Creep population on Laurelin diminished to almost none.
~ ... Fluffer, Warg ... Nice to bite you ... ~
Landy is basically the same, for 80% of the day it's just a couple of Wargs and spiders, waiting for 5v1s, then for the remaining 20% of the day it's all Warg/Def/Spider Kateaclysm raids fighting small froups, or 24man Fraids fighting 3 creeps.
Zero balance, majority of the day zero freeps/creeps. Boring.
In my experience, Arkenstone might have full raids scouring the map when the opposite side only has a single group out or stragglers running around, (or) you might find opposing raids equally matched. Either way there is always something going on and its a lot of fun. Also Fluffer, just yesterday there was a 15+ pack going which was great. Totally agree, check out Arkenstone.
Except for evenings until about 12am eastern time its quiet. Lately trolling, spying, and bickering sometimes pollute OOC, whereas on Arkenstone there doesn't seem to be much time for any of that because everyone is doing something. On the other hand, Landy can be very friendly and familial (though at times incestual) and players tend to know one another well. On the field Creeps band together though, whether grouped up or not. A lot of time is spent by both sides securing keeps, ops, and delving buffs (whereas on Arkenstone players don't seem to care much about any pve aspect of the moors). Not sure what a Kateaclysm raid is though. As a member of Mount Doom she has never run a group or raid that I know of. If anything though she's very vocal against the above-mentioned trolls and spys.
Last edited by Breeon; Jul 27 2016 at 12:26 PM. Reason: additional thoughts
Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler
Isn't AS an US server? I'm an euro-Warg.
~ ... Fluffer, Warg ... Nice to bite you ... ~
So, as requested, I rolled a freep to l10 and then a creep on Arkenstone and did my first couple of intro quests.
Thinking, "it is quiet in chat"
Then someone piped up in wd that freeps at ROP. I obviously had to run and knew i was going to get annihilated
but when got there nothing.
Oh well I thought, lets roam a little and do the discovery quest for my Grams map.
All i saw in chat was freeps taking OP' and keeps and the few creeps taking OP' back.
Freeps would then retake the OP.
Yawn..... I'm freenown running around trying to find any semblance of action and all I get is OP wars.
Please tell me I didn't waste a couple of hours of my life for what is basically the same cr@p I can get
on any server at the moment.
Also, didn't get much of a reception on wd chat when saying HI but not to bothered about that since
spygate.... we all wary of new names on chat.
You will have to do much better though to get my attention for any future play but I will try once more..
Agreed, "lead" isn't really a term that fits your role within the overly large croups you create to avoid having to solo or fight with even numbers...
...However, for lack of a better word, we'll have to agree that you are the "lead" in raids (even if you do no actual leading, just target-forward healing through me) on a daily basis. Yesterday I fondly recall killing you and around 8 (grouped) friends with my 3man. I guess numbers really don't compensate that well for lack of playing ability. Maybe even more spiders will do the trick, 4-5 isn't usually enough for you, it seems
Edit: Time for lunch![]()
I dont lead or create groups, how hard is this really for you to understand? Just because I may or may not be in the group doesn't mean its mine. Can you not read?
Have to agree I'm the lead? How do you figure I'm the lead when I and others have said I don't lead?
Don't be mad you died, its just a game. You give me far to much credit and flattery. I really shouldn't matter to you hun. Also i wasnt on yesterday![]()
Last edited by Kate00; Aug 02 2016 at 12:12 PM.
Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler