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So I guess our characters are all gone now? Come back after a year or so and that's it ehh?
No, they're not gone. They have been archived. To play them, you'll need to transfer them to one of the surviving servers, in this case one of: Arkenstone, Brandywine, Crickhollow, Gladden, or Landroval.
To transfer them, open the launcher and enter your credentials. Once you've been authenticated, hit the Transfer button. What happens next will depend on certain conditions. If you were a kinship leader, likely you've had that position usurped. Just in case, though, transfer that character with 'shared data' checked. Confirm that the transfer was successful.
If that character was the original purchaser of a player house and/or a kinship house, these bound items will go with that character, so long as that character owned the items. Otherwise, they go to the original owner or go poof, depending. If this character was not a house purchaser, transfer that character next along with shared items. Confirm that the transfer was successful. Purchase a new player and/or kinship house as needed. Housing items will now go to the chests. If there is overflow, you'll only be able to take them out until the number of items in the chest is less than the capacity. House chest capacity will be the maximum of whatever purchased unlocks have been done. You will not get more storage than 165 for the player house and 225 (I might not be remembering this correctly) for the kinship house. Shared vault will likewise contain items transferred that were in shared vault. This now goes to 270, I think.
Now transfer any remaining characters with shared storage. You may transfer characters to more than one server, but most shared items will only go to the first one. Shared wardrobe can be repetitively transferred to all servers, for the items in the wardrobe are copies of the original items. I forget how much shared wardrobe you can get, but I think it is over 200.
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.