Hello there. With the amount of kinships that doesn't recruit for raiding at the moment, me and some friends have decided to make our own kinship. We will have 1 goal only, and that will be to clear new content world first.
So we have decided to step forward and start this project, and recruit members for our upcoming team.
The requirements we are looking for is high dedication towards your class, good raiding experience(if you have alot of experience from various games such as WoW, this is a really good thing) You don't need to have alot of experience in Lotro raids, but you need to have a high understanding of basic raiding mechanics.
We will raid 3-4 hours a day, depending on how it goes. If we are close to killing a boss we may extend if people have the time. Raid days will be discussed by our members to find out what days would suit the best. 3-4 times a week is our goal at the moment to clear T2C as fast as possible.
You do NOT need to be ready for T2C yet, as we are starting in a week or two. By then you need to have done everything you can to max your character with the exception of buying turbine points. Currently we are recruiting everything if you are good at the game. We will be very serious about our progression when new content drops, and to clear it as fast as possible i believe that's what we have to do
This is definetly not something for everyone, we are aiming for the players that wants to be the best and have the time and dedication to make that come true. I am hoping to get responses, i really want to make this happen! We obviously do not expect when we enter the raid that everyone knows what to do, but we expect that our rooster will be able to learn and adapt fast.
Recruitment are open for all classes.
Send me a tell ingame if you got any questions, sincerely Pettski.
More information about our project will come up soon , you may also reach out to Teemuki if im offline
Our page is now up! Visit http://obsidium.enjin.com/recruitment if you wish to make an application!