I've noticed these days a problem in the game. When I ride a horse or walk I notice a lag which lasts for five seconds. It is as I suddenly stop to walk. Even if I press the W or arrow up button to go forward they do not work. It is getting really annoying. What should I do?
All you can do is know that you are not alone; sometimes when I log in, the lag is so bad I cant even navigate around Thorins Hall on foot, and trying to ride is a complete mess. Combat under these conditions is a lottery; I have been killed several times because I cannot control my character.
Since the 18.0 update I get regular 'sodes, where everything around me is carrying on, but I have no control over my character or any game control system, and have to alt/cntrl/del the game to escape.
The game engine is 32 bit.
That means the game can only use 4 gigs of memory.
My PC has 50gigs of DDR 4 RAM and 16gigs of Graphics memory on my two cards.
But the game engine cant use it.They are trying to solve it, but without a major recoding its never going to work.
Was in conversation about this with VYV before she went AWOL. And trying to get Cordovan to answer me.
We are looking into the abyss, Will post any upates.
i cant see any lags on EU servers... migration to EU helped a lot, thx for such open hand, turbine! :3
What are you using to check for lag??
I was running the LOTRO connection monitor last night, I was getting variably bad lag (up to 4 seconds a few times), a bit of rubber banding, and an occasional weird uncontrollable drifting on horse-back that I suspect is related to rubber banding; yet the monitor showed no issues (116 ms and 0.1% was about the worst figure shown).
And I got thrown off a cliff and died again, despite not being near the edge, AND moving away from it.
Now some of this was local issues, we were having strong winds last night and the phone line was thrashing about, but the monitor should still be showing the problems.
I'm not one to normally start a conspiracy theory, but.......
I bought the Quest Quad pack last week, and the amount of jitter, lag and rubber banding has dropped through the floor.
Bree is still pretty jerky, but never unplayable, and only 2 rubber bands all week.
On the other hand, porting to the camp fire at Thaguilhad in Mirkwood has locked the game up several times, requiring a forced shut down using alt-cntrl-del.
Moved into Wildemore, which I dont have the quest pack for, and the lag makes it almost unplayable for much of the time - at least on horseback; wander back into East Rohan and LOOK MA!! NO LAG!! (or at least very little).
We've been complaining of lag problems ever since the game started and nothing ever gets done. Every time there is a new area the game is unplayable until people start to disperse.