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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Cool |Nexus| 2.0 recruitment post

    |Nexus| 2.0 is starting - do you want to help us building it?

    Our motto stays still the same, as it was for 8 years: Casual, friendly and cool - fighting our way to Mordor with friends!
    Casual = We are doing what is fun for us, which means at the moment doing a lot of instance-runs together, gearing people up. And as we are also goal-oriented, we are building up to doing T2...
    Friendly = We seeeach other as friends, not as pixels - we greet each other and we talk on Discord if possible, we help out each other, and we keep friendly relationsalso with all the fellow players we know.
    Cool = That goes without saying - and it means also we behave like grown-up persons, tantrums and insults inside and outside the kin are an absolute no-no .
    Fighting our way toMordor with friends - it means Nexus will stay a lively and friendly home in ME as long as the game keeps open; at least that's what our members and officers want to ensure.

    So if you are a person who still has fun playing Lotro in its many facettes , who likes to play and chat with his Kinmates, who takes pride in his characters and likes to accomplish things together (next goal: T2 raid! ) - short: who is funloving, communicative and mature - try us out and apply to http://nexuskinship.shivtr.com/ - or speak with an Officer in game:

  2. #2
    Good lot, with whom we had a very healthy relation trying out end-game content in passed years' LOTRO PvE's dark times (100lvl cap).

    Sad to see Othlon leave, but pretty happy to see the kinship trying to get back to its feet.

    Best of luck with your efforts to get back into track for T2 stuff.
    Psorokostaina/Ippokratis/Kervertros/Teucros. Officer & Raid Leader for The Aegean Eagles, Evernight {EU}.
    The Aegean Eagles Forums
    The Aegean Eagles Calendar

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Good luck guys! As Psoros said we had good fun and nice moments in Snowburn and update 16.

    If you need something shout in Eagles chat channel and will be happy to come along.

    Leader of Aegean Eagles
    Evernight [En]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I am hoping you are recruiting returning players who are starting fresh new toons. Your kin sounds like my cup of tea. I have a love for questing and aim to complete every quest before I hit endgame content. Could be questing for a while before raiding. I wish to help rebuild your community.
    Last edited by Krillarbran; Nov 16 2016 at 01:08 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    We are mainly focused in the end game PVE and some PVMP but we are open to all players low and high, as our main focus is to have fun and have a nice society in game during our adventures



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