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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    New Gladden pvpers

    Starting to look like we need to put some rules we can all agree on that the freeps and creeps of gladden of old use to understand...
    1. Keep the ops even in which is not happening, I have skipped out on flippin ops bc of it being even, even when I needed it for quest bc its how it is.
    2. 5 to 10 vs 2 or 3...? Really I dont need to say much about this, if there is a small group out u do not form a raid, this should not even have to be said.
    3. Dont kill low rank scrubs over and over, let them feel welcome instead of being ran off..
    4. To all you freeps and creeps that left ole burgin/burginsbaby on gladden pretty much alone...u need to return, these new guys need some standards, I may have hated you for killing me all the time (DAN) but hey u guys made me better and Burgin misses you guys..
    5. That is all...for now!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I can tell you right now these "rules" will not be respected in any way, shape, or form, simply due to the nature of PvMP.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Thats too bad, back in the day if ppl always ignored the rules you would be left out of groups and ignored when being killed..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    That was the nature of pvp

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by spiritualstrength View Post
    Starting to look like we need to put some rules we can all agree on that the freeps and creeps of gladden of old use to understand...
    1. Keep the ops even in which is not happening, I have skipped out on flippin ops bc of it being even, even when I needed it for quest bc its how it is.
    2. 5 to 10 vs 2 or 3...? Really I dont need to say much about this, if there is a small group out u do not form a raid, this should not even have to be said.
    3. Dont kill low rank scrubs over and over, let them feel welcome instead of being ran off..
    4. To all you freeps and creeps that left ole burgin/burginsbaby on gladden pretty much alone...u need to return, these new guys need some standards, I may have hated you for killing me all the time (DAN) but hey u guys made me better and Burgin misses you guys..
    5. That is all...for now!
    Thanks for your suggested rules, I appreciate your civic commitment...

    1. Keeping the OPs even goes without saying, but it won't happen. If for no other reason, people do the daily quest. OMG, look there are 4 blue OPs right now!
    2. Stuff happens... you form a raid when you feel like and others will do so when they feel like. Sometimes large groups of players run into small groups. If you want to avoid that, go play some other game where match play dictates the number of players.
    3. Again, if you run into one sometimes "low rank scrubs" will die. Life in a PVP zone... Now, I don't condone a burg and hunter camping Grams to blast unranked noobs as they run out to kill slugs, however it appears some do... I think that really makes them feel welcome, good job team.
    4. If jumping around in circles on a beorning while pretty much being ignored is the standard the "new guys" lack, maybe you can transfer to join em?
    5. Please save us the lecture, not everyone on Gladden is new but you...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by spiritualstrength View Post
    Starting to look like we need to put some rules we can all agree on that the freeps and creeps of gladden of old use to understand...
    1. Keep the ops even in which is not happening, I have skipped out on flippin ops bc of it being even, even when I needed it for quest bc its how it is.
    2. 5 to 10 vs 2 or 3...? Really I dont need to say much about this, if there is a small group out u do not form a raid, this should not even have to be said.
    3. Dont kill low rank scrubs over and over, let them feel welcome instead of being ran off..
    4. To all you freeps and creeps that left ole burgin/burginsbaby on gladden pretty much alone...u need to return, these new guys need some standards, I may have hated you for killing me all the time (DAN) but hey u guys made me better and Burgin misses you guys..
    5. That is all...for now!
    1. I creep 99% of the time, and 99% of the time when I log in the entire map is blue, everything. So ya, freeps...###. As ideal as it would be to have them even its never going to happen.
    2. So a long time ago Gladden was a full PVP house, and then nearly everyone left. All we heard for months was 'pvp is dead, theres no one here.' Despite organizing raid nights and doing our best to recruit new players on both sides...nothing came of it. So now when creeps are finally re-emerging and grouping(SHOCK!) you complain about it?? Never heard the saying 'Where there are creeps there are freeps?" The amount of people that play freep side far outnumbers creep side, you just need to get them to come back out.
    -That being said a few days ago I went on my on my freep for the first time in nearly a year. We were 4. The creep group was 10. Do you know who won? WE DID. Freeps are so OP right now with LI levels, essences etc etc...creeps need higher numbers, its always been designed that way.
    3. This I agree with 100%. Sad to say there are bad apples on both sides. The hunter that sits stealth outside grams and 1 shots any creep that dares try to come out. Visa versa wargs hunting rank 0s. I try my best to help out the low levels on both sides, hopefully they dont all get scared off, lol.
    4. You are free to leave if you feel 'alone.' As far as 'new guys' most of the people I see out there are far from new. I myself am not new, but neither am I a veteran 9 year player in PVP but I will say this: When I first started PVP there were NO 'standards' whatsoever. Rank 0s were feasted upon, creep/freep raids didnt care about numbers they just slaughtered regardless if it was 18 vs 2. Elitists ran amok, harassing, griefing, OP flippers, no one under rank 8 was ever invited to do anything, etc etc I could go on for ages. Personally I see the moors improved in gladden (other than the poplation) as far as respect, manners, inclusion and these so-called 'standards.'

    Im out there *almost* every day just trying to make things better. If I see a lowbie running around, I don't kill him, I alt and partner with him so that he's not someones next meal. But thats just me, thats my standard...and I dont expect or demand that anyone else do the same.
    Last edited by Oddessia; Dec 01 2016 at 09:45 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    People still play this game?

    "And the saddest thing as the wind blows your hair are the seeds of our nothing."



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