I certainly do! My own personal favourite is "Breakfast Connoisseur" (which is rather fitting for a hobbit) that I got back in SOA when I was levelling cook and eating the produce. This game has some absolutely glorious titles and you guys at SSG would do well to look back at the old ones and see about replace the more generic sort that we've had in the last few updates
Part of the fun with any MMO is looking at a character's title and wondering how they got it. Same with cosmetics.
There are suggestions in almost every page of this thread, from a house decorations to special titles, and much more.
At this point it may be too late for any implementation anyway so I will be graciously accept the 10 years old frame and dragon fireworks, enjoy the new content and move on.
Amorey - Bard of the Shire
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.
Titles, specifically hard to obtain or unique sounding titles, have a massive draw for me. I don't remember the exact time frame (somewhere around Ost Dunhoth release) Turbine granted specific titles to any player that was Rank 10 or higher in the Ettenmoors. At the time I was one of the few Wardens in the game to ever obtain Rank 10 - as such I still wear and highly covet my "Shield of the Free People" title. People ask me how to get it all the time.
I will also murder as many mobs or do any meta deed associated with a catchy title. Destiny of the Accursed, tied to killing wights in Angmar is one of my favorites from a bygone era.
To the Devs:
Is there still time to add one more new item to the game before the Anniversary goes live? It doesn't need any QA testing - it would probably be more enjoyable if it doesn't function exactly correctly. It's a simple thing really...
Whiner's Whistle
Bind on Acquire
Auto Equipped
Volume On 100%
Floaty Text On
Item Level: 1
Icon Appearance: Rather like a "grape cluster", except each "grape" is the shrunken head of some humanoid within the game.
Item Description: This strange item is of unknown, but highly questionable, origin. Were it less nefarious it might be attributed to Sauron but it has been known to afflict Free People as well as Creepside.
It appears at random times and places in the inventories of inhabitants of Middle-earth who seem to be malcontents of a particularly vituperative sort (ie, Dev bestowed but voting from other players possible via the new /WHINER <target> command which counts a character's "popularity"). Once in the malcontent's possession, it automatically becomes active, spouting the least intelligible (or relevant) gibberish imaginable. At volume. Very, very loud volume. Along with a matching floaty text diatribe for each head participating in the auditory assault. Sound Volume controls within the game have no effect on this item what-so-ever, even if muted or turned off. In case sound is somehow negated, the floaty text makes sure to keep the player apprised of the Whistle's continuous effect.
Another shrunken head becomes active for each offense reported, to a max of 30 active heads at any given moment.
On use:
Auditory Assault
Floaty Obfuscation
Aggro +500%
Aggro diameter doubled
Works against any creature, regardless of normal aggro status (anything and everything in range will attack - even Frodo)
One minute sampling of in-game affect of the Whiner's Whistle:
"Do berry do."
"WWHHhhheee YYYYYYooooouuuuu. WWHHhhheee YYYYYYooooouuuuu. WWHHhhheee YYYYYYooooouuuuu. WWHHhhheee YYYYYYooooouuuuu. WWHHhhheee YYYYYYooooouuuuu. WWHHhhheee YYYYYYooooouuuuu."
"Sturdy Steel Key, 80g per. Reasonably priced!"
"Really? Are you color blind? Or just have no fashion sense at all? Cause there is no way you could be foolish enough to wear those bracers with that chest armor."
"You hit like a slug."
"I'm the prettiest!"
"I rolled a natural -1000! That rare drop should be mine! Ninja Looter! You're a Ninja Looter! Don't play with Ninja Looters!"
"I opened up a 10 Year Anniversary Giftbox and all I got was a Whiner's Whistle!"
"Can I get a port?"
"LFM, Man/Hobbit starting tutorial, 1/24. Pst for invite."
"What Trait tree should I use?"
"I'm a 34th level Man Champion. What level should I be to play in the Shire?"
"Do these vambraces make my shoulders look fat?
True, When it comes to titles we have lots of choices but in the end we will end up wearing the same one or two favorites, or, like in my case, none at all. My favorites are always been 'The Beloved', 'Little Wonder' and back in the days 'World Renowned' that took me forever to get. As I said the gesture speaks launder than a hundreds titles and would make lots of people happy
Amorey - Bard of the Shire
My title changes depending on my mood. Currently I'm the Fruit Hucker. :-)
“The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.”
? J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
After 10 years, finally, can you add a TORCH cosmetic item? That is a.basic element in rpg, and not in the game. Only at some.quest. So please add it![]()
So, let's turn this on a positive angle-what might a creative 10 year title be?
- Marathoner of Middle Earth
- Honorary Longbeard
- Unbowed and Unbroken
Show me whatcha got, Lotro-ers
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.
I don't change them out often, but I cycle through a number of favorites as the mood (or kin activity) takes me.
Some favorites from memory:
Pie Maven
Troll Kicker
Lady/Lord of Streams
Lady/Lord of Fangs
Well Traveled
the Unwise -my only regret with this one is that it can't aggregate to Doubly Unwise, Triply Unwise, etc with repeated snacking (who can RESIST the Barrow Brie!).
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.
The titles still say a lot. When I see "Challenger of Gortheron" or "Original Challenger of Saruman" I know the big deeds this character has done. Personally I use "Survivor of the Barrow-downs" as the most rare title of those available at the moment.
Hundreds of standard titles are nothing, but the rare one is always a cool addition to your character.
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.
Defender of... protector of... squasher of... blah, blah. BUT. A cool and interesting new title (I'm personally fond of 'Treasure Hunter' from the current titles available) that is relevant to the story, like other people have mentioned 'There and Back Again' or something. That would be a title I would welcome and use. Something clever that I could wear to show my pride at being a lifer. I'm sure that's the same reason that people want a nice cosmetic, or steed. They want something they can show off without being gaudy (like a firework) and be proud of.
C'mon. Add a title to the box. You're creative and we believe in you!
All of my alts start with the "Seven Stars" title that I got from the 7-year box. After that, I may switch them to their originating area, ie Gondor, Lindon, etc... But I periodically run through the titles looking for something that might strike my fancy or send a message. A particular favorite is "The Red", but currently wearing "Warg-Hunter" on my main hunter just as a little jab at a particular group of creeps in the Moors.
ETA: Forgot to make a suggestion. A new title for those who are hitting 10 years? How about "One of the Ten"? Kind of a play on the Fellowship of the Ring.
Last edited by CDingler; Apr 19 2017 at 04:57 PM.
CAANWICK - Wardenist - Make Wardens Great Again!!! / CAANJOB - The Ettenmoors' worst Burglar / CAANJAAL - Hunter
"If you find yourself in a fair fight, you've already lost!"
Forged in Flames-Crickhollow
Well thanks! But I've been so busy with the rest of my work that I get to experience this anniversary event as a first-time player, just like you guys. I've only seen a tiny bit behind the curtain for this one, so most of it (and the rewards) are going to be fresh for me too. So I can't sneak anything into those boxes! :P
I do.
It depends on the title, how hard people will work for them of course, and rarity is another factor that plays for some.
I'm still working for one title, that I've been working on since I began playing. The 5 encounters that I need in skirmishes - do not want to play ball however, and it's not through lack of trying lol.
I really loved Bingo Boffin, but the titles - as choices - has come back to bite me, as I expected it to. I now wish i'd made a few different choices along those questlines.
People still suggest titles in the suggestion forum occasionally.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
There and back again is such an iconic line it deserves to be reserved for the last moments of the game, and it should be on the Epic, and available to all.
It suggests a long journey yes, but within Middle Earth - not through RL time. We need to get there first, before we can then return from getting there, and we haven't got there yet.
I'd be mighty peeved to see that title restricted to certain players only - at any time.
For people that were here on day one, the title should reflect that or something to do with ten, for ten years.
Out of the Box, or the Decennial.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
Oh I'd love a good title!
One of my mains is still proudly wearing "of the Seven Stars" (from the 7th anniversary), some of my chars proudly wear the almost extint now "the Fool", I adore "Easily Lost".
Yes, absolutely, a nice title in the honour of 10 years anniversary would be great!
Spiders in V1 Pre-B13: 8-legged menace. B13: 8-legged bait. B14: 8-legged trap... no more! B15/MoM: 8-legged *splat!*
Spiders in V2 B7: We cope. B8: FotM? B9: 8-legged menace.
Spiders in V3 B3: Mourning for my hatchlings.