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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Happy 10 Year Anniversary!

    Hey guys, Got the 10 year anniversary email so I thought I'd download the game and say hi. There are no good MMOs out there IMO so I may stay awhile.

    How's the pvp? Still much action? Is it worth coming back for? What are the peak days/hours?

    How's the game in general? Is there much fun stuff to do on freep side? Is the game super grindy for good gear? If I could pick one class to play that would do well and is needed for pve and pvp which should I pick?

    I see that the level cap is 105 now. My highest freep is 75, and a few in their 50s and a 60. How long will it take to get to 105 and get decent gear?
    Last edited by Caderly; Apr 23 2017 at 01:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I am a new player but i can try and answer the questions.

    PvP is a bit boring and not many people do it.
    Definitely plenty of action but it does depend on which server you choose.
    Yes, the game is old, but it isn't boring and there is plenty to do and a new expansion should be coming out in the last update of 2017. Not many people play as a monster but plenty to do for freeps . A lot of whether you enjoy it will come down to how much time you spend playing, how much you like messing around at level 105 and what server you choose.
    I would recommend Landroval as it is currently the most popular and one of the friendliest. Lots of events going on, including a yearly concert and band competition called Weatherstock on Weathertop. As a freep, the game is very merry and doesn't get boring.
    Best class would be hunter because of the fact it can almost one shot most monsters when a skill is learned. All servers are awesome but Landy is the server to be for events, help and chat. People there are very generous folk and if you desperately need money they will almost always help. As long as you don't spam and beg, you can definitely rely on them to help.
    To get good equipment it doesn't involve grinding much and the equipment bought from vendors and given for quests will be sufficient enough. Better equipment must be crafted so you may want to ask in trade for equipment.

    If you do decide to play again and want to try out Landy, then mail me your characters name and i can help you out if you need it or want it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    The times with the most people vary by server, but for Landroval 2-8 pm (GMT) are the most active times generally.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by LyronOfRohan View Post
    The times with the most people vary by server, but for Landroval 2-8 pm (GMT) are the most active times generally.
    Thanks for the replies Lyron, but I've only ever played on Gladden, so Gladden is where I'll be playing. Do you play here at all or only Landy?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Pvp on gladden fell off for a bit when a lot of ppl left for ark server during free transfers and I hear a lot of them hate it there now. The pvp action on gladden has been descent lately mostly at night but sometimes during the day. Class, idk bc everyone has preferences. Gear, idk, I got tired of getting good gear to go pvp on freep side to have them put better gear out a few months later so I only creep now and enjoy it. I really don't like to pve much so until they make it easier to gear for pvp then they can have there freep side but some ppl love it and wont mind regearing every few months lol. I bought all the creeps but the warleader so I can creep for free from now on.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Caderly View Post
    Thanks for the replies Lyron, but I've only ever played on Gladden, so Gladden is where I'll be playing. Do you play here at all or only Landy?
    Sorry about that. I haven't? played of gladden, i have only played of crickhollow, laurelin and Landroval. Landroval is the main one for me but the others i don't currently play on very much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Someone beat me to the punch .

    It's been 10 years, wow. As much as I have pooed on this game, I'm thankful for it and its efforts to consolidate a player-base with its welcoming community and general benevolence. I've met some of my best friends in this game, and I don't know what I would have done without knowing some of the people I know. The pvp had its stretch where it was some of the most fun game-play I've been a part of: Massive 3v3 raids, 1v1 tourneys, raid v raid setup fights, hotspots, small-group skirmishes all over the map, you name it. Though it has failed to live up to its potential, I relish and fond over every glorious moment it brought throughout the Moors.

    Looking back on all the names etched into legend: Valistar, Glee, Kalib, Genbu, Aeons, Silentnight, Silverest, Ootyfast, some of these guys were famous, some of them infamous. As much as you loved them, or as much as you hated them, you got to admit, they helped make our game experience great, not to mention the countless others that contributed to our server's identity as well. The camaraderie, or the contention, having those elements interweave in perfect harmony is what made the game great and something unique.

    There was fortunately more good times than bad, and I just like to say, thank you to everyone I came across while playing this game that made it an enjoyable experience to partake in and create an endless stream of great memories. I cherish each and everyone of you, to my best friends, to my biggest rivals. Knowing how good it was because of you gladdens (pun intended) my heart; you made this experience so special and unforgettable to make Lord of the Rings come alive for me the best ways you could. Though it seems unlikely, and many have passed on, I wish those who continue this bright journey of exploring the imaginative creation that was this game to its fullest, and hope you find solace from the same spark I found when I first started, and what I had for it for years to come.

    Though I may be going "into the west", from me to you, once again, thank you to all those that impacted me on this joyous ride of thrills and theatrics.


    Rank 11 Guardian/Rank 10 Hunter/Rank 10 Reaver, proud Gladdenite

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Yes, we complain a lot, but after 10 years I still did not find another mmo that I had more fun than lotro. Thank you all for the great times, happy 10 years guys!
    Mellar@Gladden, DOTH Hunter.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Caderly View Post
    Hey guys, Got the 10 year anniversary email so I thought I'd download the game and say hi. There are no good MMOs out there IMO so I may stay awhile.
    Dunno, FFXIV has some really interesting and fun gameplay, decent story in it as well. Best lightning engine I've seen in an MMO as well. Not on LOTRO's level when it comes to world building, but eh. it works when you're on a break.

    Quote Originally Posted by joshy8910 View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Tchad View Post
    Yes, we complain a lot, but after 10 years I still did not find another mmo that I had more fun than lotro. Thank you all for the great times, happy 10 years guys!
    We've been through a lot haven't we? But it's been a good ride.
    The Best.

    - Mass Effect 3
    "...None of us would join the Grey Company if we felt its errand was not important enough to brave those risks. For my part, I will not give in to fear of the unknown. We all have our role to play, and I hope only that when I have played mine, the world will have been better for my having been in it.



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