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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Beorning DPS on Training Dummies

    I recently picked up a little DPS gear and tried out a DPS rotation on the training dummies in Galtrev. We're no hunters but this is basically in my opinion around what a bear can expect when reaching level 105 and getting 90k+ mastery for those looking to try to use the bear for DPS. I don't have a legendary that is specific to damage however it was pretty close to a DPS weapon, being that we don't have that many options for boosting DPS much through our legendary legacies. I also parsed my melee only man form DPS, and sustained it sits around 13k DPS in man form only. The setup is 99.5k mastery. I have overcapped mits for T2 content, no hilt/good pocket item so I'm missing 3 essence slots there. I'm also missing 2 more possible essence slots I could convert to DPS. So roughly I could push another 10k mastery out with T8 essences ( 20k possibly with gold ithilien ) but this is what I have at the moment. Let me know if you guys need a screen of anything for this build.

    Burst DPS

    Regular sustained DPS without using any call of the wild DPS boosting skills
    Last edited by NeoPromethious; Jan 03 2017 at 10:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    One thing I will say lol is that you got extremely lucky with Execute procs. 5 of them in such a short time. I've been on a raid boss before now and never had one proc. That is burst dps with full wrath using call of the wild, not sustained dps at all.

    Definitely not a Hunter or a RK or a Warden or a Champion or a dps really, though they are labelled dps/support.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Yup, until bears get some love we DPS okay at best. Using bees/claw helps boost chances of the proc going off in my opinion. I'll post a sustained DPS later today over the course of a few minutes if you want. Yeah Galtrev, lots of people use the dummies there for DPS parses. Think good hunters parse an average of about 30 - 35k DPS there over the course of a few minutes. My bear parses 16k-ish over the course of a few minutes on the same dummy single target without using call to the wild DPS boost, just regular rotations.

    I've uploaded a sustained example to show the average bear DPS without using any call of the wilds to boost DPS.


    I took an 80k mastery champ to the same location and they parsed 15k sustained in red and 16k in yellow without AoEing dummies though the champ ran out of power in just a minute or two without using wind skills to lower fervour and gain it back. I say bear DPS isn't bad but not close to runekeeper DPS.
    Last edited by NeoPromethious; Jan 03 2017 at 10:40 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Yes your dps seemed around 15.5k. still far short of other dpsers as you say. Champs have huge aoe damage, bears don't really, at the moment.

    You do seem lucky with your Executes, sometimes I get none and sometimes I get a few in a row lol. Have you been unlucky with Execute procs? and what did you parse when you were?

    If they are to be primary dps with support they need to have much more dps to be competitive with Rks, hunters, Champ aoe and wardens etc. Otherwise they will just be overshadowed by these other dps classes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    just one problem, those training dummies aren't level 105 there level 75...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Catherine94 View Post
    just one problem, those training dummies aren't level 105 there level 75...
    Dummies in general are mediocre for DPS parses. Their mitigations are generally quite low and the 15 second reset can ruin the parses of DoT classes. Whilst parses are not applicable to T2C instances they do offer a slight insight into how each class compares against one another in terms of DPS but everything done on them should be taken with a pinch of salt.
    ~ Take the player, not the class ~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Best testing dummies are in the moors even they are still level 100. on level 100 medium dummy was like t2 bosses,now maybe heavy as testsubject will do it.



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