Hullo all, 'tis Gath here... I've been out of the game for a bit now (if you are wondering while mail isn't being returned >.> apologies! ), and was just curious as to how things are holding up in the good ol' Crick moors. I imagine action slowed with whatever Mordor update came out, but hopefully things are back and running smoothly! And if action is dead, hopefully some intrepid creep has taken up the mantle of storytelling, spreading the message of Tim, and being sporadicly confusing in OOC for all of the woefully bored creeps.Happy hunting to yeh, good wishes to the old gang, and keep the Freeps off Fort Rocky!
Creeps: Gathfaz/Gathfan/Gathzan/Gathnakh/Macniar/Drauzut
Freeps: Mahenarth/Valion/Iorgorn/Gravorian