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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Exclamation [Housing] We absolutely need more hooks

    Simply what it is in the title, we need more hooks for the Housing in Belfalas. It is really sad having to move all the objects in one room to make a luxury house feel less empty. The regular housings have less hooks but also a smaller space to fill, so they feel really "complete" once u have placed everything u want. For the premium houses, I have to leave an entire room empty to make the house a bit more peculiar. I would like to point the fact that the rear rooms, left and right of the internal garden, have no small wall hooks, and that overall there could be some (or many :P) more small furniture hooks.
    I remember the devs having said (during the anniversary streams) that there would be no problem in expanding the hooks number at least for the premium housing (for obvious space-managment), and now that we're getting some almost mandatory Mordor items we would love some more space.

    And at last I would like to request a change in the appearence of the books we got with the lost lore pages in Mordor (not so cool to have a casual book thrown down on the floor, or on some piece of furniture) or at least it would be nice to have them changed in thin furniture instead of small f. (with the augmented hooks request pointed above u.u)

    --Duferiol of Arkenstone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    we need more hooks in general, also for regular housing. Small houses may be stuffed, but mediums and kinship houses are so empty. Especially kinhouses, the entrance room has what... 4-5 hooks? way too few. With the movable axis we can place books on top of tables, but this leaves more empty spots as optical result. And there is also a disparity between wall hooks and furniture hooks. I enjoy covering my house walls with maps, but I'd also like to put more than two tables and a few chairs in the rooms

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I third this. Yes, all housing needs it. Premium housing stands-out though because of the high ceilings / wide walls- where, when you place stuff, everything's all scattered and apart, and when you do combine objects to make the arrangement of your dreams- its surrounded by cold rooms that are as empty and gloomy as tombs.

    So please do consider adding more hooks / house.
    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Bravo and cheers to the bold choice to open up our house/kinhouse decorating options to new heights! I absolutely love the changes made a year or so ago.

    However, I also agree with the need for more hooks in traditional housing. I also really love the new freedom to move items around and would also like to see the maximum distance of allowed movement extended even more. I often have sad moments of not being able to move an item far enough to place it where desired. I would suggest this freedom of movement be extended on x, y and z axis.

    I really love the freedom of placement that now exists compared to the one slot placement of the past. However, if we had more hooks in each room, I would no longer have to sacrifice a decoration slot from one room to be able to flesh out the desired design within another room, such as, using a bedroom slot & projecting it out into the main room just to make up for limited slot options or size needs in that room.

    Both the Bree & Elf Kinship housing really need more freedom of movement on the x and z axis in the main large room. Too many items stop far short of desired placement options due to the current movement boundary limits. I sometimes need a additional specific sized furniture slot that I must try and move all the way across a large Kinship room. I currently fail at making this work.

    Please more hooks and extended movement options, then even more joy will fill Middle Earth!!! Thanks for reading.

  5. #5
    Tybur's Avatar
    Tybur is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Turin347 View Post
    Simply what it is in the title, we need more hooks for the Housing in Belfalas. It is really sad having to move all the objects in one room to make a luxury house feel less empty. The regular housings have less hooks but also a smaller space to fill, so they feel really "complete" once u have placed everything u want. For the premium houses, I have to leave an entire room empty to make the house a bit more peculiar. I would like to point the fact that the rear rooms, left and right of the internal garden, have no small wall hooks, and that overall there could be some (or many :P) more small furniture hooks.
    I remember the devs having said (during the anniversary streams) that there would be no problem in expanding the hooks number at least for the premium housing (for obvious space-managment), and now that we're getting some almost mandatory Mordor items we would love some more space.

    And at last I would like to request a change in the appearence of the books we got with the lost lore pages in Mordor (not so cool to have a casual book thrown down on the floor, or on some piece of furniture) or at least it would be nice to have them changed in thin furniture instead of small f. (with the augmented hooks request pointed above u.u)

    --Duferiol of Arkenstone
    Your plea for more housing hooks has been passed along to the developers... I could use more myself :-)

    Regarding the lost lore items - it seems eminently reasonable that they should fit in a thin furniture hook... that change should be reflected in this weekend's Bullroarer.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Your plea for more housing hooks has been passed along to the developers... I could use more myself :-)

    Regarding the lost lore items - it seems eminently reasonable that they should fit in a thin furniture hook... that change should be reflected in this weekend's Bullroarer.
    If there could be tech to have 2 items possible to be hooked in same hook (and 2 individual moving panels in same UI) it would be great. Would increase item capacity by 2x without compromising good clickable UI of hooks by filling house with loads of individual hooks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    It is depressing to see a kinship house with about three corners of furniture arrangements and the rest of the house is literally empty.

    More housing hooks (interior and exterior) would be great. And more items that can be put in different hooks like in house or yard hooks (e.g. benches) or wall/furniture hooks. More items that can be placed in the thin furniture hooks would be good, too.
    Even with the moving possibilities you sometimes do not get to the right starting point for an item to move.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Derquin View Post
    It is depressing to see a kinship house with about three corners of furniture arrangements and the rest of the house is literally empty.

    More housing hooks (interior and exterior) would be great. And more items that can be put in different hooks like in house or yard hooks (e.g. benches) or wall/furniture hooks. More items that can be placed in the thin furniture hooks would be good, too.
    Even with the moving possibilities you sometimes do not get to the right starting point for an item to move.
    This is so right. Its the "empty tomb syndrome" I mentioned- its like... ok. We can properly fill a -few rooms- in the premium houses- but once the arrangements are made, we then find that it came at a cost- empty, bare rooms around the full one's. This is particular to premium housing even more so than classic housing, kin-halls exempted, for 1 key reason: many of the Gondorian-style rooms in the premium houses tend to have... very tall walls and high ceilings. This isn't a bad thing, except that the number of hooks we got per house mirrored the classic model housing far more than the new stuff. Why? Because these hooks were -designed- for classic housing, which, kin-halls aside, mostly have lower ceilings and shorter walls- particularly in hobbit, men, and dwarf housing. Elves have had higher ceilings- that is true as well- but the majority of the rooms across classic housing had heights that made the current heights of, say, large wall slots, etc., make perfect sense. Now, with the Gondorian rooms, one could conceivably fit 2-3 large wall slots on top of each other, and it would work, depending on the room. Many of the high-ceiling rooms could double-up on their large-wall slots, their ceiling slots, and their small-wall slots as well. They could also triple-or-quadruple on the furniture slots, both large and small, even special- fairly easily. This is especially true for premium kin-houses as much as it is for the luxurious and stately houses.

    I've found, for example, with a kinhouse, if I want to fill-up the upstairs dome-chamber, I usually have to do it at the expense of most of the rooms below it- and vice-versa. If I want to place stuff in the atrium dome's, it'll require emptying-out the side-chambers nearby. So yes, absolutely- please add more hooks!

    I'd also suggest that, if having move-able yard slots is impossible due to the inability to prevent player-placement of yard items on other folks' lawns, then there's another solution: More yard hooks please! The more, the merrier. I'd rather have -more- yard hooks to play-with than less.

    I have another idea too, for yard object movement. Why not... have -select- yard items be moveable rather than a blanket, across-the-board thing? Think about it. While there are some premium houses where neighbors' yards are directly adjacent, same in classic housing, there are other yard's that are kind of out on their own. So why not... test the range of motion, and have, say, the yard items that are furthest from the bounds be moveable- left or right, up or down? It seems to be that the troubled yard slots are the one's that are right on the borders.

    Here's another thought: Why not... -cluster- yard slots so close together, that they are literally right next to each other, in the center of each players' property, with the slots tested for each house, so that their central-placement-point -prohibits- their movement outside of the bounds of a given player's yard? That way, no matter whether you moved it north, south, east, or west, the yard item could -not- reach -beyond- the player's yard-boundaries. There's no real reason to -have- those yard slots literally on the walls or at the borders of a given player's house- it could all be clustered inward and arranged by the player herself/himself.

    Surely there's more than one way to skin a... ehhh. Cliche's outdated. More than one way to place a yard slot so that it works!

    I do have -1- more suggestion. SSG, could you please... consider... making a "ceiling texture" slot in addition to a "floor texture" and a "wall texture"- maybe even "ceiling paint"? I love my Gondorian houses, but there are times, I must admit, when I wish I could swap-out the "Starry Ceiling" pattern for something else. I'd imagine this is true in classic housing as well- it would just be cool to have options to determine what our ceilings look like (Maybe repurpose some of the floor textures to work for the ceilings? )
    Last edited by Phantion; Nov 06 2017 at 04:14 PM.
    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Totally agree about more hooks needed, but not only for my Belfalas home. They all need more, and the larger the house the emptier it is, the larger rooms in the big personal houses and kinhomes, are almost impossible to fill. Also te fact we get alot more throphies and furniture items as time has passed, I loathe to replace old memories to display new ones.

    Personally I have always had an issue with the sized slots, the thin furniture have always been in abundance compared to the actual number of options to put in it. The large ones are too few.
    Now that the items in a slot can be moved out of the box, I don't really see the need for the size restraints at all. I would rather they did away with it and combined small, thin, large and special slots into one standard that fits all, likewise large and small wall slots.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Agreed that the different sized housing slots no longer make sense. Just have "furniture" and maybe "wall", that's it. If we could rotate items in every direction, you wouldn't even need "wall". You could display rugs on the wall or whatever.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Vilan View Post
    Agreed that the different sized housing slots no longer make sense. Just have "furniture" and maybe "wall", that's it. If we could rotate items in every direction, you wouldn't even need "wall". You could display rugs on the wall or whatever.
    Totally this ^^^. But barring that...definitely yes to more slots! Harass those devs, Tybur!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Just want to bump this, it would be great to see some more housing hooks in U22! Especially more outdoor hooks but really everywhere we could use more.

  13. #13

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Your plea for more housing hooks has been passed along to the developers... I could use more myself :-)

    Regarding the lost lore items - it seems eminently reasonable that they should fit in a thin furniture hook... that change should be reflected in this weekend's Bullroarer.
    Thanks, for passing along the note! I agree with all the above requesters. The premium houses are lovely but will not hurt to have more hooks, as they are so big that they tend to feel empty when doing custom combos of furniture.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I would like to add that I wish all item in a large or smaller hook would not be bound either inside or outside hooks. Some items are already for inside/outside; why can't we make them all like this? Then if I want a nice fountain in my Elvish Kin hall, I can have it. or some of those gorgeous Elven statues in the Main Kin room. But right now, they are bound to outside, so I can't. Please make this change, SSG.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by SharlaSedai View Post
    I would like to add that I wish all item in a large or smaller hook would not be bound either inside or outside hooks. Some items are already for inside/outside; why can't we make them all like this? Then if I want a nice fountain in my Elvish Kin hall, I can have it. or some of those gorgeous Elven statues in the Main Kin room. But right now, they are bound to outside, so I can't. Please make this change, SSG.
    Yes, all benches & chairs for example, i see no reason why they can't be used the same item equally as small yard or small/large furniture.
    Last edited by YamydeAragon; Feb 22 2018 at 02:49 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Not only are we severely lacking hooks in premium houses; the distribution of the ones we do have is very strange. Some of the smallest rooms in my luxurious house have like three or four large furniture hooks plus a special furniture hook and whatever all else, while the much larger upstairs rooms have... what, one of each? /signed

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I don't know if this has been requested before, as I've been out of game for a spell and not had time to catch up on all the housing threads.

    Especially if more hooks are to be added, can the size of the floor "cubes" that appear when in decoration mode be lowered to make it easier to see? Even better would be a toggle option to hide all other decor slots' cubes except the one currently selected. Especially in hobbit smials, the sea of glowing boxes is difficult to camera angle around at times because of ceiling height, and is hard on the eyes.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaming_Gal View Post
    I don't know if this has been requested before, as I've been out of game for a spell and not had time to catch up on all the housing threads.

    Especially if more hooks are to be added, can the size of the floor "cubes" that appear when in decoration mode be lowered to make it easier to see? Even better would be a toggle option to hide all other decor slots' cubes except the one currently selected. Especially in hobbit smials, the sea of glowing boxes is difficult to camera angle around at times because of ceiling height, and is hard on the eyes.
    Yes, the big boxes worked best when we had few hooks and couldn't move them, but now smaller boxes would be easier to see
    ;) “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.” ~ Hindu Proverb

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    i think what could be a big enhancement in housing besides more hooks would be to add more room dividers or even better structure items like walls, doorways, etc (which ideally would adapt the wall decoration/color). then with changing the general structure of house types to simple boxes with the possibility to place walls, doorways, steps, etc as we like (via structure hooks), we would get close to a perfect system

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jannas View Post
    i think what could be a big enhancement in housing besides more hooks would be to add more room dividers or even better structure items like walls, doorways, etc (which ideally would adapt the wall decoration/color). then with changing the general structure of house types to simple boxes with the possibility to place walls, doorways, steps, etc as we like (via structure hooks), we would get close to a perfect system
    That'd be great, yeah.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by jannas View Post
    i think what could be a big enhancement in housing besides more hooks would be to add more room dividers or even better structure items like walls, doorways, etc (which ideally would adapt the wall decoration/color). then with changing the general structure of house types to simple boxes with the possibility to place walls, doorways, steps, etc as we like (via structure hooks), we would get close to a perfect system
    About that, i will be happy enough if they make the Gondorian Ladders funtional to climb.
    Last edited by YamydeAragon; Feb 26 2018 at 11:04 AM.

  22. #22
    Nathrien_Estelenlaer's Avatar
    Nathrien_Estelenlaer is offline Rohirrim Scout
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    Like Avedram, I'm going to bump this thread as well. I purchased a deluxe Belfalas house for the first time last night, as mithril coins were on sale. I felt absolutely disappointed after seeing the number and placement of interior housing hooks. Without being repetitive, my feelings and observations basically echo that of Miriadel and Phantion's most recent responses in this thread. We really do need more interior hooks, especially for large, small, and thin furniture to make the money spent feel worthwhile.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2014
    More housing hooks were confirmed in official Lotro stream back in autumn 2017. Is this still coming?

    Regular housing, not just premium, really needs more hooks: especially kinhouses.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    I agree, I was rather excited about premium housing at first. However, the Belfalas houses don't have enough slots. I've got one Rohan-style kitchen that looks rather cosy, but to make it that way, I had to place furniture in other rooms, then shift it around so it would end up in the kitchen. The result is that I have one rather nice room, and that the other rooms have an empty look about them. There are plenty of basic things that you can't do with the current amount of slots. Despite the Dol Amroth housing items, you can't make a decent library, for example. That is, you can stack bookcases, but there are only four or so wall-slots in any one room, so you have to use the slots in the upstairs room as well, which isn't ideal. It also just saddens me that we don't even have enough slots to put four or six chairs around a dining table.

    Personally I wouldn't mind if you could purchase the extra slots in store or whatever.
    But we just need extra slots!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    We need more hooks, both big and small! (both in regular and premium housing)

    The first time I visited, I was surprised and saddened by how big and empty the Belfalas houses feel If they offered more hooks, I might be convinced to expand from my hobbit holes and dwarf caves, but as of now my money goes unspent.

    On the same note, if you are going to keep putting new deco in the store etc., WE NEED MORE HOOKS to place these items of awesomeness. I can't buy your stuff if I don't have any hooks left! *shakes fist at the one large yard hook outside her home*


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