Originally Posted by
Arnenna. I am replying 'with quote' as opposed of 'to thread' specifically to catch your attention:
I have friends in this game. Not 'LOTRO Friends' or 'Online Friends', but real, genuine,
bona fide Life Friends. We know each other's stories, we contact each other by phone
and text, we send each other presents - we are friends.
And I am going to keep trying to fight to retain this thing that brought us together, this shared
community of Tolkien Enthusiast Gamers. I am going to keep TRYING to smash some sense into
the people who have the greatest stake in LOTRO - the developers and maintainers of the game.
God knows, it hasn't worked so far. But, I am not Alone. So long as folk like you, Lord.Funk,
Denhith, Hurin, Silmerin, and others continue to pound, and pound, and pound on their door,
shouting our outrage as loudly as we can, there is a chance they will finally hear, and change
their incredibly dense, thick minds, and thus save both their revenue source and our status
as paying customers.
It worked - after years of Trying - with Amazon. They finally decided to rid themselves of
the Fake Reviews that plagued their customers. And for all those years, they kept billing
themselves as 'The World's Most Customer-Centric Business'. What a joke! But through
the constant onslaught of complaints, largely by Book Customers, the fact of what was
happening finally broke through their corporate walls and top-tier ignorance and now they
are weeding and purging the biased, fake reviews almost as fast as they are created.
If it can work with Jeff Bezos and mighty Amazon then it might work with SSG.
So I ask you NOT to abandon the game entirely. And not to stop posting in these fora.
With as much as we have invested - just in monetary terms - over the years, this is our
LOTRO as much as it is the devs. And the thing is, if they would listen to us, their player
base would expand and they would increase the revenue they are Reaching so badly to
acquire. So keep fighting; snap them out of the death spiral. Never give up. Never give in.