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  1. #1
    Tybur's Avatar
    Tybur is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Jun 2011

    Bullroarer Update 21.3 - Beta #8 - Raid fixes

    Welcome to our eighth open preview of The Abyss of Mordath Raid. These notes are for Bullroarer, released on Tuesday December 12th. Both the notes and the raid changes are a work in progress, so you should expect things will change over time. We look forward to hearing your feedback and receiving your bug reports. The server is expected to remain available through noon-ish (server time) Friday 12/15.

    Please feel free to copy your current live character to Bullroarer using the LIVE transfer wizard. Any characters created or copied over the last month remain intact. Please remember that deleting a character will not allow you to re-copy from live worlds.

    Focus for this Beta:
    Please join us this week and provide feedback on The Abyss of Mordath Raid. The changes represented here are slated for an upcoming patch/hotfix of 21.3.

    Changes since last beta:
    • Abyss of Mordath:
      • The Server First deed for completing all 3 Challenge quests in a single session of the raid is now active.
      • Boss1:
        • Blood-spirit healing in the first boss fight has been removed.
        • Completion of the first boss fight requires both bosses and all three spoiled creatures to be defeated.
        • Health values for the spoiled were slightly decreased.

      • Boss2:
        • Sagrog the Bitter Warden has fewer corruptions.
        • The Shadow-wall timer has been increased somewhat.
        • You will now be able to avoid (B/P/E) some of the Bitter Warden's skills.
        • Embittered Shadow-guards and Bitter Remnants have lower morale.
        • Additional fight mechanics were removed from the tier 1 version of this fight.

      • Boss3:
        • Fingar reset issues have been addressed.
        • Challenge failure notifications have been added.
        • Certain monsters now have more appropriate appearances.

    • Monster Players can speak to Rulum in Gramsfoot to trade in Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootboxes for Anórien Iron-bound Lootboxes. This temporary option was put in place while Monster Players are unable to open Gorgoroth lootboxes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    If all goes well and this build doesn't have any major bugs, are you expecting to release the update Friday, maybe? Or Monday?

    I mostly ask because it's close to Christmas and my mother in law drops into town on Friday night. I wanna be prepared. xD

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    @ Devs

    Please fix stats on the following items, I think evade was not supposed to celebrate its comeback on will necklace and pocket...

    Valanduin [Champ] & Valanduir [Warden] & Valanur [RK]
    Gwaihir [EU-DE] | Die Reiter von Rohan

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Here's me hoping the raid would have been released as it was. Bosses were done which proved they were possible. I was looking forward to boss one and two being a wall at least but now it's been incredibly nerfed I feel.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Looking like decent changes on 1/2 (can't comment on 3rd). Hopefully it's not too big of a nerf on 2nd boss. I don't like removal of fight mechanics on T1, it will most likely make fight too shallow, depending on what was removed.

    Just leaving snarky comment of testing of build 7 going well! Can you give us some carrot to Mordor 3/6 mans, because raid itemization making those instances totally irrelevant. Having 1-3 useful items per class in 3/6 man would make them worth running. Now I don't know why we would run those. Especially big drop rate for Naerband 6 man for such items would be welcome.

    Also please.... Nerf Chain of Malice damage reflect on heal at least 50%. It will still be punishing enough but at least won't one shot people, which makes current instance still close to "impossible" on T2. Other things we can counter but such mechanic is too much RNG considering it doesn't even work on 100% reliable.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Funari View Post
    Here's me hoping the raid would have been released as it was. Bosses were done which proved they were possible. I was looking forward to boss one and two being a wall at least but now it's been incredibly nerfed I feel.
    It's not about them not being able to be done or not, there was a few bits that needed tweeking... along with the massive T2 exploit for boss 2 and 3.. :|
    Ex Gilrain, - World First Watcher V1, - Server First Draigoch, - Server only ToO T2C None Burg stack on level.
    Currently Evernight, Prime, - Shelob Wider, - World/Server First or Second for: Abyss, Anvil, Remmo, AD, FoKD, HoA.
    Worlds Only Abyss T2 6 Manned - Minstrel.
    +Celestrata - 'Surprise, it's not a glitch! :D'
    +Celestrata tells you 'You are by far the best mini I've seen out of any server, Congrats on world first!'

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Funari View Post
    Here's me hoping the raid would have been released as it was. Bosses were done which proved they were possible. I was looking forward to boss one and two being a wall at least but now it's been incredibly nerfed I feel.
    Did you try first boss on t2cm on previous build? Healing 3% every few seconds was insane no matter what you did. basically every time bloodspirit came to contact with the boss it healed 1.2 mil per tick, meaning even with incoming healing debuff one would have needed over 200k dps just to compensate one spirits healing, considering blood spirits continue spawning it was simply too much imo.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Finesse is still too low for Monster Players

    Incoming Healing is still missing for Monster Players.
    ~Rank 11 Loremaster, Arkenstone~

    ~Rank 14 Warg, Arkenstone~

  9. Dec 13 2017, 08:54 AM

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by siipperi View Post
    Did you try first boss on t2cm on previous build? Healing 3% every few seconds was insane no matter what you did. basically every time bloodspirit came to contact with the boss it healed 1.2 mil per tick, meaning even with incoming healing debuff one would have needed over 200k dps just to compensate one spirits healing, considering blood spirits continue spawning it was simply too much imo.
    Yes I have indeed done it. You have to kite boss away from spirits to minimise healing. I still think it should remain how it was but oh well.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Thorebane View Post
    It's not about them not being able to be done or not, there was a few bits that needed tweeking... along with the massive T2 exploit for boss 2 and 3.. :|
    I hope that you reported this bug and told a GM personally. Stuff did need tweeking but not nerfing. We need to make the distinction. For example, resist on bosses 1 and 2 was crazy. Had to stack upwards of 150k finesse on my LM.

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Keep the boss 1 as it is right now. There is no need for any buffs/nerfs over and over, the fight now is decent and challenging enough.

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Funari View Post
    Yes I have indeed done it. You have to kite boss away from spirits to minimise healing. I still think it should remain how it was but oh well.
    Kiting tactics are indication of terrible boss fight. There should always be mechanic to prevent it to cause bosses to get run speed buff with one shot buff if being kited. Even back and forth few places isn't ideal what one wants to the fight, unless it's to avoid some kind of ground mechanic.

  14. #13
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by siipperi View Post
    Kiting tactics are indication of terrible boss fight. There should always be mechanic to prevent it to cause bosses to get run speed buff with one shot buff if being kited. Even back and forth few places isn't ideal what one wants to the fight, unless it's to avoid some kind of ground mechanic.
    Not even kiting, just moving away from them I suppose.

  15. #14
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by siipperi View Post
    Kiting tactics are indication of terrible boss fight. There should always be mechanic to prevent it to cause bosses to get run speed buff with one shot buff if being kited. Even back and forth few places isn't ideal what one wants to the fight, unless it's to avoid some kind of ground mechanic.
    Agreed totally. If any mechanics can be avoided with kiting the fight is a fail in my book. One-shot buff would be probably a bit tricky to implement and could lead to unwanted triggerings but even simple permanent +100% run speed buff on boss (and maybe even on key-adds) with slow-immunity would suffice.

  16. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marxlne View Post
    Agreed totally. If any mechanics can be avoided with kiting the fight is a fail in my book. One-shot buff would be probably a bit tricky to implement and could lead to unwanted triggerings but even simple permanent +100% run speed buff on boss (and maybe even on key-adds) with slow-immunity would suffice.
    I wouldn't mind healing effect if it would be in lines of mob inducts and drops pool or some HOT to nearby targets after induction. That can be avoided by moving slightly or interrupting and fight is not constant run around from location to location (which is extreme melee unfriendly and we don't need more of that) when ever ghost is near melee range. Previous build fight also meant one can have very high variation on the fight where you get many mobs on tank or none at all for long periods, such thing should be avoided and I don't mind more harsh mechanic if it's reasonably working and actually has real counter mechanic that you can assign people to counter it (that's what's good mechanic). I would rather see blood spirits hit way more to prevent full glass cannon builds in there.

    Or keep blood spirits and allow mezzing, burg and LM combo can easily keep 4 of them mezzed without breaking a sweat. This would make fight more interesting for CC classes.

  17. #16
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by siipperi View Post
    Or keep blood spirits and allow mezzing, burg and LM combo can easily keep 4 of them mezzed without breaking a sweat. This would make fight more interesting for CC classes.
    Great idea, makes the fight more interesting for other classes rather than just having to sit there and tank the blood-spirits.

  18. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by canyouaddcolour View Post
    If all goes well and this build doesn't have any major bugs, are you expecting to release the update Friday, maybe? Or Monday?

    I mostly ask because it's close to Christmas and my mother in law drops into town on Friday night. I wanna be prepared. xD
    Does your Mother In Law do many bleeds? Or is it mostly AoE attacks?

  19. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by luckygirl1 View Post
    Great idea, makes the fight more interesting for other classes rather than just having to sit there and tank the blood-spirits.
    You can't tank them, they have random aggro.

  20. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Just adding this so devs see it.

    Fix the CoS/DoN locks. It's posted in other forums - instances and general discussion. I got DoN locks from running seregost (never stepped foot in DoN on Hunter)

  21. #20
    Dadislotroguides's Avatar
    Dadislotroguides is offline The Well Met
    Former Players Council Member
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Welcome to our eighth open preview of The Abyss of Mordath Raid. These notes are for Bullroarer, released on Tuesday December 12th. Both the notes and the raid changes are a work in progress, so you should expect things will change over time. We look forward to hearing your feedback and receiving your bug reports. The server is expected to remain available through noon-ish (server time) Friday 12/15.

    Please feel free to copy your current live character to Bullroarer using the LIVE transfer wizard. Any characters created or copied over the last month remain intact. Please remember that deleting a character will not allow you to re-copy from live worlds.

    Focus for this Beta:
    Please join us this week and provide feedback on The Abyss of Mordath Raid. The changes represented here are slated for an upcoming patch/hotfix of 21.3.

    Changes since last beta:
    • Abyss of Mordath:
      • The Server First deed for completing all 3 Challenge quests in a single session of the raid is now active.
      • Boss1:
        • Blood-spirit healing in the first boss fight has been removed.
        • Completion of the first boss fight requires both bosses and all three spoiled creatures to be defeated.
        • Health values for the spoiled were slightly decreased.

      • Boss2:
        • Sagrog the Bitter Warden has fewer corruptions.
        • The Shadow-wall timer has been increased somewhat.
        • You will now be able to avoid (B/P/E) some of the Bitter Warden's skills.
        • Embittered Shadow-guards and Bitter Remnants have lower morale.
        • Additional fight mechanics were removed from the tier 1 version of this fight.

      • Boss3:
        • Fingar reset issues have been addressed.
        • Challenge failure notifications have been added.
        • Certain monsters now have more appropriate appearances.

    • Monster Players can speak to Rulum in Gramsfoot to trade in Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootboxes for Anórien Iron-bound Lootboxes. This temporary option was put in place while Monster Players are unable to open Gorgoroth lootboxes.
    Beta announcement at 11pm on Tuesday night. Today it is announced that the raid goes live Thurs morning. So essentially there was today to "test" the newest build and QA it before launch tomorrow?
    Dadi / Tyrlas - Arkenstone (Leader - Rare Breed Kin)

  22. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Question Possible Issue Bartering Empowered Shadow Essences For Malleable Shadow Essence ???

    Possible Issue Bartering Empowered Shadow Essences For Malleable Shadow Essence ???

    Not sure which forum to post this in so Devs might see it in time ???

    First of all this is NOT something I have tested myself. However I heard more than one person complaing and/or asking in Worldchat today why they could not barter their Empowered Shadow Essence for Mallebale Shadow Essence as one should be able to. Seems there is some issue. Maybe it's Empowered Shadow Essences they got from Gorgoroth Lootboxes (that are bound to account) that can't be bartered ??? Maybe Essences they unslotted from their gear that have an issue ??? Maybe there is even some prerequisite or mechanic they don't know about. But I thought I'd post this before the HotFix tomorrow (later today my time), so that Devs might look into it before the HotFix and possibly fix this issue as well, if there is an issue that is.

    Also look into the issue why chests in DoN gets lock from doing CoS.
    "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." /Edward Snowden
    Never The Spy-Tool Windows 10 Who needs DirectX 12 anyway ??? Vulkan is better. :)

  23. #22
    Join Date
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    PvMP ????? ????? ???

  24. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Addition to my thread above.

    The possible issue wih bartering essence could be an issue with a specific essence type, namly morale, accoring to this thread.

    Empowered Shadow Essence of Morale

    Quote Originally Posted by longfin View Post
    While these can be crafted they CANNOT be bartered for Malleable Shadow essences. I made 12 with the intention of bartering them for Malleable Shadow essences. I submitted a ticket and no help. PLEASE do something about this! make the available to barter.
    As I said before hard for me to say 100% sure as I haven't been able to test it myself. Just saw complaints in the world chat. I can't recall what Essence type they linked in chat. I do remember they were purple Empowered Shadowed Essences and bound to account. Could have been Morale one but not 100% sure on that.
    "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." /Edward Snowden
    Never The Spy-Tool Windows 10 Who needs DirectX 12 anyway ??? Vulkan is better. :)

  25. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Boss 1: Still buggy as heck. Also easily exploitable in multiple ways. Nothing changed there since last build. =/

    Pretty simple now, really. It's fine, it'll be cleared by most Kins early on and is a much better first boss than Rakothas, at least.

    Boss 2: Will likely be cleared pretty quickly. All the changes have made it pretty straight forward, arguably undertuned now.

    Boss 3: Hard to say anything, haven't been able to spend much time on it. Siddharta says it's a good fight so hopefully got some good progression to look forward to.

    A lot of Kins might take a while to down stuff but it will be mostly due to the fact that raid is being released right before Christmas/during Holiday season. The first 2 bosses won't take much actual progression for the majority of top 10-20 raiding Kins.

    I hope if we ever get another multi-boss raid it doesn't get released during holiday season and with less than a day's notice as to the release date...

    Quote Originally Posted by Funari
    Yes I have indeed done it. You have to kite boss away from spirits to minimise healing. I still think it should remain how it was but oh well.
    It was a terrible build, though, the sheer randomness of the spirits (with heals), how they interacted with side-bosses, the advantage of kiting, etc. Just because it was doable by stacking people on one boss, and kiting/moving away from spirits with the other doesn't mean it was a good idea to release it like that. It was incredibly biased towards Ranged, and had annoying random aspects to it. It's a better fight now. A little undertuned and too easily exploitable as well as too many frustrating bugs. Better fight tho. =/

  26. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    How can one join in the testing?

    I have spoke in the world chat and got no response. I was wondering how to join in?



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