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I would be more interested to know how many hours of play per key drop (outside of any re-playable content such as raids).
I havent had a single key, other than as a quest reward, in many months.
I think You're confusing the different "Keys" and "Lootboxes". Black Steel keys for the new Gorgoroth Lootboxes does NOT "drop" in-game at all from mobs and such (to my knowledge). They are only from a few limited deeds (or was it quests), that You can do once on a character (if I remember correctly). Then there are slivers that You get as rewards for allegiance daily quests (that You basically have to play through almost all quests in mordor as well as alot of deeds to unlock) and now also rarely and randomly from FI at LvL 115 (which can be ran once/day). 3 of those slivers together can be bartered for 1 account bound Black Steel Key. Other than they are only available in store. The Gorgoroth Lootboxes drops like crazy though when playing 106+ content but never the keys. Those are the new Lootboxes all controversy surrounds.
The older lootboxes known as Steel-bound Lootbox like Bronze-bound Lootbox, Barrow-ironbound Lootbox, Gold-bound Lootbox ranging up to Anórien Iron-bound Lootbox, are the old style of lootboxes and uses Sturdy Steel Key to be opened. Those are the keys that can randomly drop anywhere in the game, even from mobs in some instances that normally have no loot table and normally drop no other items. The chance is small but they do drop. I got one the other day if I remember correctly. Those lootboxes also drops randomly from mobs depending in the level content You play. Some deeds as well. Those keys can also be bought in store but also bartered from for example the Treassure Hunt event. Those are NOT the boxes all the controversy surrounds. They drop mostly convenience items like boosters, pick a mount box, some stat tomes and crystals and stuff.
Mainly the controversy is that the new Gorgoroth Lootboxes both use gambling mechanics (similar to slot machines, like all lootboxes in games do basically, even the old lootboxes acctually used that mechanic) but also that these new lootboxes contains very necessary items like ash (that is used to barter for end-game gear). Making the keys more sought after. Even gear pieces and end-game essences etc which are needed for end-game content. Items that have been made harder, gated and rarer to achieve from acctual game-play. The latest update removed one type of Black Steel Keys, which were unbound, that You could get from dailes now to only be from the sliver rewards and thus all of those are now account bound. Also gear that can be turned into ash was removed from all landscape mob drops as well as all instance mobs except a very few instances in Mordor (before they could drop from landscape mobs as well as in instance mobs on LvL 106+ instances, classic instances too). On top of that those few Mordor instances also changed to have a 1-day lock on the chests, so even harder and more gated now to get that gear that can be turned into ash. Encouraging people to buy Black Steel Keys for these Lootboxes in store. It's alot easier and faster to gain ash and gear by opening those Gorgoroth Lootboxes than acctually playing in-game content. This is why some even call it pay to win. Buy alot of keys and get almost the best items in game.
The store versions of the Black Steel Keys can still be traded by mailing using Mithril Coins, which also seem to have fuelled gold spammers to buy those keys for LoTRO Points they grind and then sell the keys for gold that they then can sell for real money, just like they've been doing with Universal Solvents. In fact lately gold sellers advertise that they even sell those keys and valars directly for real money in world chat.
The content in these new Gorgoroth Lootboxes are much more sought after and much more needed, than items from the old Steel-Bound Lootboxes, and the new keys rarer to find in game than the old keys and thus encouraging store purchases.
I hope that clears up any confusion.
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