The Event Schedule has been updated, but we're still working on a bunch of bonuses for the first quarter and beyond, so expect more to be added in the coming weeks.
Woot! Encore!
Normally (the last 2 or 3) Encores are 2 or 3 weeks after the main event, this one is one month and a half... Im asking, with respect, why?
I play festivals with 26 characters, all parked, during the event time, near the festival questgivers. When festival end i maintain the characters in the same place (and not the "normal" one for each character) because the encore is near, but now encore is a very long time after the event...
Of course i can to live with it, im only asking if there is a motivation.
Sergio :-)
Moved from Riddermark to Landroval on 2/10/1015!
I was specifically looking for the Yule Festival Encore. I don't care when it is, though waiting will probably be torture. It's my favorite festival of the whole year, and I look forward to it. All of my characters are still parked in Winterhome and probably will stay there until late Feb. I can't wait!
I have updated the Events Schedule for weekly events through the end of March, and put in the seasonal festivals and Hobnanigans through the rest of 2018. We will populate the schedule further to include more events later.
I just cannot believe that this April, LOTRO is 11 years old. I cannot believe that I've also been playing this game for 11 years. Never took a break and never played any other online game. I feel old.
Can we get the Fashion Maven event back?? I need the Hat of Shame and the Eye-Sore title!!!
I know this isn't exactly the best place to post this query, but LOTRO events seem to be a lot better organised/viewed than DDO (probably because they are so much better) so I figured it had more chance of being seen here.
Is there any chance of getting (or being pointed towards) a similar easily read list of events planned for DDO? The DDO "Master Event Calendar" seems defunct containing only livestreams and I cannot find anything similar to this listing anywhere on the DDO Forum. Just a nice easy list of event names and start/end dates/times so we can plan ahead. Hopefully this will also clearly allow us to see that the bigger LOTRO events will NOT cross paths with the DDO ones (particularly the Anniversaries) so that those of us that play both games can get involved in all events without having to give up sleep.
If this is on the cards, any chance of bringing back the Best House in the Neighbourhood too?
Perhaps you could run these occasionally on your +Cord of the Rings stream?
Thank you for updating - especially the time conversion tool is greatly appreciated since there tends to be confusion about the correct Austrian time with/without daylight saving time^^ Can you add this to downtime notices, too? That would be awesome!
Player-run events are not really relevant to me, personally, but I'm sure it's nice for people who do those. Probably quite confusing without a calendar.
Rimeya (LM) Daefareth (HNT) Synne (RK) | Avorthalier Gwaihir
Hey show some more love for game supporters no more VIP Event Boost weekends after 3/12 ? that needs to be every other month.
Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.-- Yoda
R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
R8 115 MNS Fayah/115 LM Siennah/115 HNT Dinenol/115 RK Dhurik
115 CHN Alachas/85 CPT Dinfaerien/61 BUR Dhax/115 WDN Godoric
R9 115 MNS Fayeh (alt Wilya) - Lonely Mountain Band @ Landroval
Thanks for posting the dates up.
Are there any plans for doing meta-quests for the other festivals like the Spirit of Yule one up in Frostbluff?
=== All spellng mistakes in the above are intentional, and are provided for your amusement. ===