What am I looking forward to most, in update 22?
Probably just seeing more of the direction our adventures are going to take us, now that the ring has been destroyed.
CAANWICK - Wardenist - Make Wardens Great Again!!! / CAANJOB - The Ettenmoors' worst Burglar / CAANJAAL - Hunter
"If you find yourself in a fair fight, you've already lost!"
Forged in Flames-Crickhollow
I'm looking forward to exploring the new area!
Looking forward to less lag. Lag in lotro has become like the Force in Star Wars, it seems like it is here to stay. But will not give in just yet, I still have faith Standing Stones will fix it some how. I hope.
What are you looking forward to most in Update 22?
What are you looking forward to most in Update 22?
Being able to see Dale in more detail than we did with the Erebor cluster and (finally!) being able to go to Northern Mirkwood!
the new housing items and seeing what the ceiling ones are like in high roofed kin houses.
A three octave fiddle...
Fincin of Landroval
Level 105 Minstrel
*Les Beaux Chapeaux Bandleader * Transciber, Kin Leader
Founder of the Hobbit Coalition for Giving us Bunny Cosmetic Pets
Hugger of Bunnys
The LI changes
What are you looking forward to most in Update 22?
The new housing items. I don't have any characters high enough level to do the new content but everyone can enjoy new furniture.
Um...patch 1?
"...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"
massive stat inflation
Beautiful landscape.
The new area. New quests. And anything new.
Wose, Huorn, and Earth Kin are playable races; when will that day come true?
I'm most looking forward to exploring North Mirkwood and seeing the unfolding quest story lines. And the new chapters of the Black Book! Very interested to see how that is going to play out!
Seeing places I have written songs about, hoping they evoke what I saw in Tolkien's writings.
What am I looking forward to most in Update 22? Getting out of Mordor.
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.
There's female dwarves coming? I'd consider trying that... though leveling alts feels tedious. At level 75 I'm far from new content...
I'm looking forward too Lake-town, saw it on Bull and it was pretty awesome. Seems like it got Vikings influence for those dragon heads at the entrance. I really want to hear the music! Also, the new map of Rhovanion looks good, it made me hope that we'll get to see the other areas nearby like Iron Hills or Gundabad in the future updates.
As a committed soloist, I don't see anything left in update 22 for me, personally.
I WAS looking forward to the high elf, but that got pre-released before Christmas so am currently getting on with that, now.
All the noise suggests Mordor is the new Angmar, so I am leaving it to the groupies and raiders.
I expect to content myself with festivals and reruns until the level cap has been raised to a point when I can solo across Mordor sensibly.
1. Introduction of the new Silvan Key (to be used on the new Ungoliant Web-bound Lootbox, which will need to have the webbing removed via the new Universal Web Solvent prior to key-usage).
2. Introduction of the Gloomfold crafting tier (the next logical progression of crafting tier following Doomfold that also thematically matches Northern Mirkwood)... then this game will be just so much doom & gloom.
I'm looking forward most to exploring the new areas, walking through Dale and Esgaroth, seeing Thranduil's Hall etc.
There's some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for.