Quote Originally Posted by siipperi View Post
Burg needs no extra survivability. I killed last night 3 ok wargs on mine with ease (they werent even key turners). And of course its impossible to lose to BAs. Properly geared burg can one shot any class and any rank as long as they dont trait 6x phys mit. 3x ones you can still one shot no problem. My cdg hits constantly 50k per tick + follow up skill doing 50-60k damage. But it dont matter since for proper fights you dont start with cdg but CA, making good 7k dps bleed.
What else are you going to use to keep your DPS up w/ other than CA? CC is gone if you don't go blue or yellow, and if you lose CDG, you're going to tag bleed everything when you get into group fights? The meta now is burst damage, not sustainability. And 3 wargs are nothing for a burg since we can do crazy burst. But are you consistently solo'ing 3+ BA's at a time? I'd love to have a chance against them, but you really don't since they'll trap and kite. + you can't sustain that much over time honestly.

I'd rather hit less, but be a lot more tankier, especially since crazy DPS has never been the main goal of a burglar. T2 raids as yellow, I'll keep 20-23k DPS, in Redline w/o the T2 gear set, go to about 34-35k. That's nowhere near hunters and RK's getting 50K +. Give us some sort of trade off.