Hello fellow Beornings,

I understand that, at the moment, the Beorning is mediocre when compared to other classes. Such is the downside of being labeled "jack of all trades."

From my playing experience, I believe the Beorning's greatest flaw to be its skin-changing skill. It is too slow and feels clunky.

So, instead of tweaking the skin-changing skill's activation speed, I would like to propose a new skill:

Force of Nature
Skill Type: Man Form

The basic idea behind this skill is to streamline the Beorning's skill rotation with skin-changing. Upon its activation, the Beorning character (in Man Form) automatically skin-changes into Bear Form.

The skill will work differently depending on the trait line.

The Hide

In blue line, the skill will act as an AoE taunt. Upon its activation, the Beorning gains +20 Wrath and +10% phys/tact mit for 5 seconds. During the 5 seconds, the Beorning gains +5 Wrath for every hit it receives from a mob/s.

The Claw

In red line, the skill will act as AoE cry damage (max targets: 5). Upon hitting a target/s, the Beorning gains +25 Wrath and -5% attack duration for 5 seconds. If the skill crits/devs, the Beorning gains +50 Wrath. If the skill is resisted, the Beorning does not skin-change.

The Roar

In yellow line, the skill will act as an AoE fellowship HoT. Upon its activation, the Beorning gains +25 Wrath and +5% outgoing healing for 5 seconds. If the heal skill crits, the Beorning gains +50 Wrath.

I understand that there are other mechanics/skills the Beorning needs improvement in, but hopefully this skill can be a step in the right direction.

Any constructive feedback is welcome.