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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    two beorning cosmetic questions

    Hi all,

    Longtime on again, off again LOTRO player. Just recently back after about ~ 3 years away. Rather than working on any of my old chars, decided to work on my beorning who was only level 5. Have him up to 25 now, still feeling out the class but enjoying it for now. But at a purely cosmetic level, I have a couple of questions.

    1. None of the mounts seem... "right" for a beorning. Does anyone have any mounts that they think really fits the "feel" of beornings?

    2. Are there any really good-looking 2h clubs you would recommend for my cosmetic weapon slot. As of right now, all the 2h clubs I've run across are pretty meh. It seems to me there are lots of options for cosmetic 2h axes, but much less for clubs.

    Neither of these are of earth-shattering importance, but after 10 years of playing, I find it is as much these sorts of cosmetic details that I enjoy spending time on as anything else. Thanks!
    Á auta mornië! i cala tula lennar! ("Flee, darkness! The light comes upon you!")

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Haven't used cosmetic clubs for a long time, but I think the lvl 38 and lvl 50 craft looked ok for a Beorning(wooden and heavy with some metalparts)

    I mainly use halberds(if axe is equipped) or swords(if club is equipped). My Beorning is a bit childish und likes to pretend to be a soldier/captain, although he wields the weapons in a clumsy way. ^^

    You can take a look at the skirmish camp, too. Some of the weapons may look ok to you. The weapon vendors in starting areas offer some nice axes, that look like simple lumber axes, if you might try an axe.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
    Trapper of Foes needs better tools to fulfill it's supporting(CC and offensive debuffs) and DoT role.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Tatharil View Post

    I mainly use halberds(if axe is equipped) or swords(if club is equipped).
    Is that possible?!? I was under the impression that the cosmetic weapon had to be the exact same type (club/axe/sword/etc.) as the actually equipped weapon!

    Oh and thanks for the rest of the tips, I do have both woodworker and weaponsmith alts at least up to Tier 6 so I'll do a review of those, as well as checking out the weapons from the skirmish camps.
    Á auta mornië! i cala tula lennar! ("Flee, darkness! The light comes upon you!")

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Weapons need to have the same animationtype.

    Every 1h weapon can be switched with eachother (exception spears) and even flowers/love notes/ frying pans

    2H weapons:
    Halberd and 2H axe are exchangable with each other.
    2H clubs and 2H swords are exchangeable with each other, maybe 2h hammers are, too. Haven't tried yet.
    Staves can't be switched with any other weapan afaik.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
    Trapper of Foes needs better tools to fulfill it's supporting(CC and offensive debuffs) and DoT role.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Okay thanks for the clarification. I think I tried using an axe cosmetic with a club actual weapon and was getting an error, so I presumed there could be no cross-weapon cosmetics at all.
    Á auta mornië! i cala tula lennar! ("Flee, darkness! The light comes upon you!")

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Worth noting that 2h clubs sit a lot lower on your back compared to 2h swords, can get annoying if you're the kind of person who notices that sort of thing.
    ~ Take the player, not the class ~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hiding weapons(eye symbol) while out of combat helps with that.
    But I know what you mean. Sword sits lower, but it doesn't bother me that much.
    I'm not sure yet which weapon to use in the end. (lvl 60 currently)
    Prefering axes, cause I can use halberds with them, and i think the armour rending bonus is more useful than the attackspeed debuff of clubs (not reliable and the major attacks are unaffected by it)
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
    Trapper of Foes needs better tools to fulfill it's supporting(CC and offensive debuffs) and DoT role.

  8. #8
    I can't really help you with the club question, but I can offer some advice on the horse question. Beorn always kept his horses unsaddled and unbridled, basically no tack of any kind. He could command them and talk to them without tools. So, the most appropriate Beorning mount is a war-steed with no tack or saddle of any kind, just bare-back.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Pre lvl 71 and warsteed I prefer the lossoth reputation steed ( https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Ite...d_Tundra_Steed ).
    If you are lucky and get a "pick a mount box" out of a lootbox or envelope during anniversary https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Item:Lossoth_Steed , it's a good catch too.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
    Trapper of Foes needs better tools to fulfill it's supporting(CC and offensive debuffs) and DoT role.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MithrilSoul View Post
    Hi all,

    Longtime on again, off again LOTRO player. Just recently back after about ~ 3 years away. Rather than working on any of my old chars, decided to work on my beorning who was only level 5. Have him up to 25 now, still feeling out the class but enjoying it for now. But at a purely cosmetic level, I have a couple of questions.

    1. None of the mounts seem... "right" for a beorning. Does anyone have any mounts that they think really fits the "feel" of beornings?

    2. Are there any really good-looking 2h clubs you would recommend for my cosmetic weapon slot. As of right now, all the 2h clubs I've run across are pretty meh. It seems to me there are lots of options for cosmetic 2h axes, but much less for clubs.

    Neither of these are of earth-shattering importance, but after 10 years of playing, I find it is as much these sorts of cosmetic details that I enjoy spending time on as anything else. Thanks!
    1. There are a few that i like on the beorning. I still will love to see a proper Beorning Steed, that looks like a combination of this 4:

    Prized Tundra Horse

    Lossoth Steed

    Prized Algraig Horse



    2. Level 60 2nd age guardian great club have pretty fancy carvings. I use it on my beorning.



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