^^^^^^^ Also what Pak said. I get murdered by Bagazage (or "Bags" as we like to call him) all the time. I also get him back every now and then. That's the fun of it.
^^^^^^^ Also what Pak said. I get murdered by Bagazage (or "Bags" as we like to call him) all the time. I also get him back every now and then. That's the fun of it.
A corpse lying in front of the coroner, within 72 hours can show life given by electric shock. Some might call that life but I wouldn't want to take her out on a date.
6k renown provided by a store bought 100% renown booster divide by 2 in 2 1/2 hours. 600 points per every 30 minutes.
There never was 22 on either side at anytime last night.
You know a servers pvp is dead or on life support when a player goes out and finds OPs are neutral. Being neutral cannot be disputed and they are often neutral.
I agree wholeheartedly with Kate. (also its misinformation)
Landy has been dead for quite some time and the people on that server who still claim that it is still "alive", have never seen what active pvp server looks like or they are just lying to themselves by saying that their small birdbath puddle is as big as a lake.
Skoch has always exaggerated what is real in-game and on the forums, so I'm going to believe the dozens of players from Landroval who have transferred to Arkenstone who say that its dead over the 1 person on Landroval who still says its active. PvP night 2x a week is not active by any means.
Last edited by Hejazia.Arkenstone; May 16 2018 at 04:51 PM.
I agree Skoch, if 24 on 24 on Tueadays with several solos is dead, then Landy is indeed dead. Sure, it may be half that on other days, but that must be dead too...
I encourage all to go to Ark where the real PvMP is. Then those of us fictional players will have more fun. See you in the Moors... on Landy.
Great pvp 1 hour 49 minutes of 14 vs 14 awesome raid spectacular tactics. The best pvp anywhere.
/sarcasm off
As of Tues 05/22 the numbers were 25 freeps vs 22 creeps. Course freeps had to keep calling in more, and healstack which made for terrible fights and action. I almost forgot to mention creeps had the ON buff lol. Poor creeps they tried hard freeps just ruined it. Now we just have to wait till thursday to see any freeps in the moors.
Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler
Interesting thing, perspective. Our 22 person CRAID had a great time and many lingered to chat how we thought it was some of the toughest but best fights in while. We even managed to grab the Tree after destroying them a few times, but they kept hanging in there and grabbing numbers and won a few of the later fights.
Heal stacking is a sign of intelligence... we do it too... keeps the fights longer and more intense. I think the freep raid leaders managed their troops well... and it was fun to see some fresh (newbish) faces roving around the map.
I suspect from a solo point of view, it may not have been as much fun... but I dare say that our Tribe enjoyed the competition and several thousand infamy.
We had a dozen on last night too and Sunday as well. I agree that it would be great if more folks were on more often, but I suspect the typical Landy player is older, works during the day and has a family. So, we group when we can and appreciate those that rise to the challenge. Cheers.
Last edited by Corwelleon; May 22 2018 at 11:36 PM.
Had a blast tonight! Thank you to everyone, both Creepside and Freepside (grouped or solo's), friends and haters - It's really fun to throw down some slug out fights win or lose.
In terms of the DoF Buffs, perhaps we can just leave the tree up to y'all and we'll deal with that nasty frontal-aoe beast of a Drake (Excited about Withered Heath and Iron-Hills soon!) - this way we can avoid the lag and link-losses and "getting lost's", make the action a bit more fluid. Anyhoo, see ya next time!
I like what we did two weeks ago by taking all three DoF buffs! Freeps tried to stop us at the Center, but we prevailed. 100% infamy gain was a gas!! But, certainly a lot more balanced last night.
I was so happy to see another group of newbs out- not with you. First, they were tasty, but second, we need to build a larger player base. Going negative in OOC and the Forums is not very helpful in that regard, so those of us who truly love to PvMP appreciate the good humor, generosity of spirit and kick-### fights between the freeps and creeps. Keep spreading the word!
It really is a matter of perspective. I fully agree.
When I was 14 I bought my 1st car. It was awesome piece of machinery. I had loads of fun and went anywhere I wanted. Oh wait... by the time I bought my third car, I recalled what a piece of junk the first one was and it often left me broke down on a back road.
Perspective changes with experience and time. It can be true last nights pvp were fun. To a degree, I do agree but from my perspective its barely a shell of what I know it can be.
Let's examine this. Who ever said heal stacking is a sign of intelligence is a full on dimwit. Heal stacking may prolong a fight but it in no means offers a better quality fight. It offers more points on a single engagement and that is all. Does more points equal more fun? Yes, perhaps for those who value rank. How ever if rank is all that is wanted why bother and just stay on after prime time and farm rank like many in those very raids do each night.
Further Heal stacking doesn't make pvp better it merely allows noobs to remain noobs longer. Bludgeoning WL's who repeatedly run back individually again and again is foolish. Especially if they are leading the raid. I can't count how many times I see this night after night. Consider this, Had all those heal stacked players been on Reavers and BA's those fights would have had better results for the Creep faction. This is a long proven fact. DPS Wins fights.
Moving along on the pvp front. Exploiting the map. It is bad to teach new players to do this. I watched Freeps and Creeps alike both employing the same exploit again and again last night. They know who they are and what they are doing so no need for me to explain and further degrade the quality of Landy pvp.
After the raid fact. Freep players flipping to creep offering thanks in a hidden guise of passive aggressive trolling, openly admitted by a known Freep raid/target caller. You know Bro, that's sad. Just for record bait trolling is equally a violation of the rules. Also gloating about point gains is all unfounded ego mongering. Those meager gains are nothing to brag about. They are in fact the lower end of many pvpers gains while not caring about points in the pursuit of fun.
The pvp is slightly fun but for the most part it is predictable and boring. The same tactics day after day. (I'm not seeing the basic functions being performed by the Creep classes.) Doing the same things and never even consider there are loads of alternatives for the mildly creative person to follow through with. I'm not seeing creativity here. Creativity and producing the unknown. That is what makes pvp fun. Executing the unexpected and winning through is far better for raid morale and than zerging solos and telling the raid they did great afterward.
Step it up a few notches if you plan to make Landy pvp worth more than a footnote in LotRo.
All hail the Almighty Kate! Her intelligence matches her skill level, might I add. Close to nothing.
Anyways, incredibly fun fights last night, to any of you who are cruising by to see what Landy PvP is like, don't listen to Kate. We have fantastic PvP almost every night. Sure it's not zerg vs zerg like it is on Ark but we still have a lot of fun. That is what this game is about, after all. Freeps are out every night, that is a FACT, not an opinion, as are creeps.
./Pat to all the haters out there, they mean nothing in a video game.
Fun fights, everyone! Keep it up!
Your ferocious Momma Bear <3
*Queen of the Moors*
-Freyvora the Cannibalistic bear-
-Looma the Flayertastic warg-
Perspective is one thing, but so are expectations... among updates, server flight, and the pervasiveness of casuals as a result, might want to 'curb that enthusiasm' in regards to greatest tactics and pvp of all time (fostering newbs, turn over, etc)... that and lotro pvp is ####, let's face it, the only thing giving it life right now are people getting together to have 'fun'... it's an unbalanced mess, and that's pve too. That being said, there's no reason to dump on it, with time, patience, community help, etc players can make Landy pvp as fun as it can be for both sides... to wit, I'd like to thank Cor and Skoch for attempting it. It's obviously a thankless job, and when I flip to give my thanks (irony), it's sincere, because I know it can be frustrating, especially on creep given the current state of the game.
Last edited by Turin_Turambar_The_F; May 23 2018 at 03:27 PM.
Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
TEAM F ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags
I think you hit on a key issue here, Turine. The game has its huge issues and has for some time. Yet, we strive to make it as fun as we can- if your, Skoch, Idyllwyns and Looma’s observations are broadly shared, we have succeeded to some small measure.
I’m confident we can continue to improve tactics etc- but with server lag and basic class imbalances, sometimes simplicity = survival. I understand the perspective of those outside the raid, but I also suspect they see less than 1/2 of what we do as Our Raid moves across the Map often. No, we did not camp Lugz Rez all night... best fights were at TR back door- where we surprised more than a few by having half the raid upstairs and half outside, TR front door we we had some terrific fights, Isen Bridge and OP, DG and DG some more... so, no, I disagree that tactics were mindless and predictable. They were purposeful to include not camping Grams or GV.
I ask the more experienced gamers to remember that many playershere tend to the casual side and are out to have fun and gather with others as a first priority. We welcome when Skoch, Turine and Looma log over to Creeps to chat and share their enthusiasm and observations. We are building a strong community- and that is what I believe attacted most of us to Landy.
Sure, if you want nonstop, top quality play, move to Ark. I here it’s all the rage... and you may be far happier. But if you want to help rebuild a PvMP community and have something positive to add, please share it. See you in the game.
Is GS still active on Landy pvp?
no we arent, most of us quit around 2015. We are still active in ts3 though. We play alot of smite and pubg. I have logged in on both sides and dont recognize any of the new community. the game is dead, well the pvp is and it will never be what it was. When i can roam the map on Rabid out of stealth for 2-3 hours questing you know the pvp is gone. A few hours on a few select nights does not make for an active PvP scene on landy. I tried Ark as well, Its just as dead, well ,except they have nightly zergs.
Last edited by WILANDRIIA; May 28 2018 at 05:53 AM.
Who are you?
The message clearly wasn't for you, my dearest over-eager-beaver. Anyone from that time (that the message was for - note: again not you). Would know that I was an epic forum troll during my entire time here on Landroval and that posts of such a nature were not uncommon, but expected, and part of my overall charmFoy of all people would have understood the condescension as he was apart of many of my raids.
Such a waste to have to explain to the younglins. /le sigh
Ryan. Rank 8 Captain(Pre-Book12) Retired 1/29/08. RIP Fun PvMP
I have given these matters long study. One by one, we have considered each possible theory. One by one, we have eliminated them all. We were left with what can only be the truth.
Ryan is a half-orc. - The Spider Queen Gobblemoss
When there are only raids during prime-time and no other time of the day, I would consider that a dead server. Landy's first mass exodus of pvp'ers occured when it could still be said that there was consistent action at prime-time.
There are not and have not been full or even half raids at prime-time on a nightly basis for years. Its d-e-d.
Come play bless online...I'm also waiting on A.I.R to come out.