I was on bullroarer earlier and I found really annoying bug.
Right now, even if you are annonymous in social panel, people can still see you in the 'who' list. That should be fixed, if you are annonymous, you should be removed from the 'who' list.
I was on bullroarer earlier and I found really annoying bug.
Right now, even if you are annonymous in social panel, people can still see you in the 'who' list. That should be fixed, if you are annonymous, you should be removed from the 'who' list.
Yeah, this is a pretty annoying bug since I use anonymous in PvMP so that people cannot see which part of the map I am in. Freeps who multibox would now be able to see where my entire group is in the Ettenmoors and use that to gain a tactical advantage. There are many people on Arkenstone who multibox characters in PvMP just to spy on OOC, extending that to Social Panel is just too much. PLEASE FIX!
/signed, Yeah this be annoying for a lot of people. though i myself never go anonymous.
Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.
Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server
signed too.. thats a bs for people that moorsing...
#signed it's kinda annoying tbh
Deathlyheals - R14 defiler | Deadlyline - R10 Warg
Freeps - FullyWrecked
yes pls fix this
Has this been fixed yet? I really wanna be able to club in peace at wolf den without fc police running after me