
I'm sick to death of being alone in this kinship! LOL Well, the solo party is about over. Boring doesn't even cover it.

Now about the stats. Rank 10, kin house, and well decorated although not as pretty as I'd like it, the walls need maps etc.. but most all slots are full otherwise. The house is in Falathlorn Homesteads. Eryn Gelam neighborhood. Not much more to tell. I intend to keep this a fairly casual and drama free zone, no huge rules, no website, no ventrilo or discord to worry about. Just use the dang game chatter please! It does work BTW, no need for fancy stuff as I don't have a newer computer so can't go that route with chats.

If you have questions, need information, etc.. PM Redlara in game or here on forums!!!! Thank you for considering the Silver Charm Riders.