Kalevala Syndicate LotRO kinship is a Finnish-speaking kinship on Anor server (also Evernight).
Founder and kinship leader is Oxa. As of today, Kalevala Syndicate has around 20 semiactive players and 150+ chars.
The kinship is recruiting new members and welcomes friendly and well-mannered Finnish speaking players willing to follow our few kinship rules to join the kinship.
Kalevala Syndicate Is a community for Finnish-speaking MMORPG players.
We have a long history since 2007 of playing MMORP games and currently, there are four guilds in various MMORP games bearing our name.
We have a website, an active discussion forum and for online communication, we use Discord .
We have also established a non-profit association to support our work and communication.
Our principles, we are a casual community that aims to create a relaxed and friendly team spirit within its guilds.
We organize raids and other events on regular basis for those that enjoy playing as a team and like to face the enemy together.
Good reputation and respect for other players is important to us - thus our members are expected to be polite and helpful and behave in a mature way towards all players in all situations.
We wish to maintain the relaxed playing style in our guilds.
That is, we have no mandatory participation in raids or other expectations and tight rules making playing less fun for casual gamers and people with families.
We accept new only Finnish-speaking members.
Guilds age requirement is 18 + years.
How to apply
If you are into relaxed, casual gaming and enjoy the social aspect of MMORP games, you are welcome to apply!
Officer positions will be open to those willing to organize in-game activities and participate in developing and managing the community.
If you are into writing and would like to create Finnish game guides or become a news editor a blogger - just let us know!
Apologies, we are looking for Finnish-speaking members, so the same also ours native language.
Kalevala Syndicate on rento kasuaali henkinen aikuisille suunnattu 11.5.2007 perustettu Suomalainen MMO- pelaajayhteisö,
jonka tarkoituksena on mahdollistaa samanhenkisen peliseuran löytäminen, sekä tarjota jäsenille monipuoliset työkalut pelikokemusten jakamiseen ja yhteydenpitoon.
Yhteisö ja pelikillat toimivat herramiesperiaatteella pelaajat ennen peliä ja hyvä maine on meille kunnia-asia.
Tutustu foorumilla yhteisömme toimintaperiaatteisiin, sääntöihin ja eri pelikiltojen toimintaan, ennen kuin anot jäsenyyttä yhteisöön ja yksittäiseen pelikiltaan.
Jokaiselta jäseneltä vaaditaan hyväksytty jäsenhakemus, vaatimuksina Suomenkielentaito, täysi-ikäisyys ja toiset pelaajat huomioiva moitteeton hyvä käytös.
Tervetuloa pelikillan ja yhteisömme jäseneksi!