Hey @Cordovan. This was not my question on stream but still I feel the need to clarify what I believe this person meant with his question regarding 'making T3 less annoying'
This was not aimed at the difficulty of T3, on which u responded on stream. the difficulty is fine. the question is aimed at the mechanics and morale pools of the trash mobs. The biggest examples for me being the dwarf wight trash mobs of Thikil Gundu T3. The endless amount of knockbacks of Trolls in Glimmerdeep. The amazing amount of stuns and dazes in Caverns... It is not that they add to the diffculty of dealing with these mobs but it just makes them VERY annoying to fight. Not difficult but annoying. Which does not add to the overall enjoyabilty of the instance.
Let me clarify:
on T3 Thikil Gundu the dwarf wights each spawn a fell spirit (being an elite master type mob, no CC), that with RNG can keep 1 of your team mates CC'd. The amount of Morale of the trash we have to go through, to get to Boss 2 is staggering. same principle again... big morale pools? not difficult but annoyingly long to go through for trash mobs. + If your group is unlucky you have a lot of these fell spirits to kill with team mates being out of the fight due to CC... again not difficult, just annoying because this slows things and it is RNG so there is nothing we as a team can do, tactic wise, to ensure a clean run through these mobs. the most annoying pull is the one just before boss 2 with 2 decaying and 1 armoured. You can CC the 2 decaying and kill the armoured. If that spirits that spawns keeps your healer or CC class (LM or Burg) dazed. This fight can go sour quick. Thats not something to be reckoned as a added difficulty level because we have the right tactics and killed the armoured... Just annoying because it is RNG and nothing we can do about that. Annoying...
Just an example of the amount of morale a trash pull is on T3 TG. lets just say 4 dwarf wights , 1 armoured and 1 decaying. I dont have the game open so i'm a not 100% accurate on the numbers so I'll play it safe.
Each normal dwarf = 2.5 million so x 4 = 10 million
All 4 of them spawn a fell spirit which is 6million +. Lets say 1 of them despawns directly so 6x3= 18 million
armoured is 6 million + his spirit of 6 million = 12 million
decaying is...not 100%sure but def above 5 million + his spirit 6million is another 11 million morale.
adding it all up we go through 51 million morale in 1 trash pull... again going on with my theme this is not difficult but annoying and long
IF lucky more fell spirits despawns but I've had many many runs where very little of these ghosts actually despawn.
This is definitly not meant as a rant just to clarify what I believe was meant with the question and to make sure this is properly communicated with the dev team.
It would do the instances more justice and good if you guys take a good look at the trash mobs of the 3 new instances and make them less annoying... dont make them less difficult because I like the boss fights!